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Team Fortress 2 Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Without revealin' her role against her wishes, she's the reason i'm alive ta talk to y'all right now. There are a number of methods that could be caused by, and i'll leave that ta you ta think about.

ETA: woaaah nelly let's not get inta the shippin' stuff, missy.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Without revealin' her role against her wishes, she's the reason i'm alive ta talk to y'all right now. There are a number of methods that could be caused by, and i'll leave that ta you ta think about.

AKA She kills you she kills herself.

Y'all got mafia protection.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

RE-EDIT: But still tell me why you think Sunflower is RED

How about you start by saying why you think I am mafia? Because seriously I don't get it. You are not seriously believing this stump, are you? The one that clearly came up mafia? She is spewing shit and trying to throw us off. Why would you trust a mafia that came back from the dead? Seriously, claiming we're lovers? How silly can you be?

Seriously think about it. The Pyro died. Who else would be so tight with the Engineer? No one. All the roles with respect to their classes have some rhyme or reason to them.

Ah, if only there was a way to shut her up...
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

This is the one of the most hilarious mafia games I've ever played.

/waiting for other players to get online or the end of the phase

EDIT to Sunflower: Nah, it was because of how you acted upon learning I sniped Phantom, not because of Phantom herself. Still I don't think you are mafia now so it's not really a problem o_o

Well yes I originally trust her a bit regarding voting Colours but... not anymore. (I've never played a game with a stump before, bear with me.)
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Seriously think about it. The Pyro died. Who else would be so tight with the Engineer? No one. All the roles with respect to their classes have some rhyme or reason to them.

Ah, if only there was a way to shut her up...


Why are you being so mean? I'm just an undead murderer trying to redeem myself by getting you/Colours killed.

EDIT: Actually I sort of failed as a murderer because BULLETS.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Why are you being so mean? I'm just an undead murderer trying to redeem myself by getting you/Colours killed.

*grin* Exactly. And you are just blowing hot air. It really is quite hilarious.

Mean is something I do very well, and you deserve every bit of it, Spy.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)


I know who people aaaare. Told you.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

*pulls off one side of his headset* Man this is just getting more and more stupid. Can bust a lung laughing at all this. Who the hell would believe a undead spy?

Guy would rather sleep with your mother before being truthful with info. *glare* As long as that mother isn't mine. But hey, I aint that pansy BLU scout that can't keep his ma out of the arms of our Spy so I got nothin' to worry about.

*pops some ball park gum* So we gunna do anything or what. This sitting around is getting boring.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

But hey, I aint that pansy BLU scout that can't keep his ma out of the arms of our Spy so I got nothin' to worry about.

Zat dis not vwhat your mother said last night.

I am having too much fun with this. I like being dead. It's more entertaining.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Zat dis not vwhat your mother said last night.

I am having too much fun with this. I like being dead. It's more entertaining.


oh the humanity. You guys this is now the best best mafia game. VM I love you ever more now.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Do I need to shout?

Peerhaps eef you took zat stoopeed headset out oft your ear I vouldn't haft to explain myself.

Pfft. Scouts. Zey haft no class.

Where is that Pyro's body. I'll axe this joker myself if he says one more thing about my Ma!

and with that I have to head to bed. Man I can't wait to see what silliness I find tomarrow when I wake
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Where is that Pyro's body. I'll axe this joker myself if he says one more thing about my Ma!

and with that I have to head to bed. Man I can't wait to see what silliness I find tomarrow when I wake

Good night, leetle Scout. Tell your mother I zaid "bonjour".

Oh and zat zey zing she forgot last teeme eez een my zootcase.

/butchering French accent.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)


No sooner had the BLU Spy made his dramatic re-appearance and started giving out threats had one fighter decided to take action. A shot rang out through the air and the Spy fell to the floor.

"Stupid bloody spies!"

Some of the team began to yell at the bold Sniper, others anxiously waited to see if the corpse in front of them would change colors or come back to life.

"See? RED! No wait, that's blood..."

Phantom is dead (Again). She was BLU (Mafia).

This spectacle before the REDs and some of the Spook's last words had caused fights to break out among them. Fingers were pointed, and accusations were made, but no official vote was cast. However, the fighters now would have to go to sleep knowing that they couldn't trust anyone.

No one was lynched. 24 hours for night actions.

I am loving every minute of this.
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Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Night 2)

The RED team found a surprise when they went to check what had happened this morning. Amid a pile of broken glass and vomit was the body of the RED Demoman. The fighters normally would have passed this off as him being drunk and unconscious, but this time they found a knife jabbed through his back, similar to the one used to kill the Pyro the previous night. The whole team remained silent for a few moments, not sure of what to say or do.

Zero Moment is dead. He was RED (Innocent). 24 hours to discuss.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

Asdf any leads?

(What would a Demoman be in a mafia game?)

hey engie I need the dispenser
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