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The 0_o thread

I swear I heard another person breathing in my room last night while I was trying to sleep o.O
when I checked my email after several months one of five messages had a link to some drugs thing and viagra pills O_O

I deleted it on sight, so don't ask
Okay this is remotely strange

I just remembered

Last year when my grandma took a trip down to Flordia, on the plane, there was a little girl who apparently reminded her of me, and later she started having a conversation with the parents of the girl. The girl asked her what she was talking about, and she mentioned my name, and the girl said she knew me. She was a kindergartener at my school I guess.

Also wtf she doesn't or act a thing like me she's the most annoying kindergartner ever if my grandma thinks I used to act like that, there's something wrong.
One of the ads on Facebook is "Create a taste: Share your ideas for flavouring a new contraceptive". No, thanks.
speaking of weird, there is a strange van outside my house right now. Oh, some emn are getting out...oh god. oh, god, they have guns. oh my god, theyre coming toward my house! theyre ounding on the door! oh god! help-th-they- SOS!SOS! SOSnsfhnkjdfghidfghbiixchnfbrfnreogfr;ghrfhf

"Your Job List is Full. Would you like to delete a job?"

My job list only had seven options. o.o (well I was on a mission at the time so maybe that had something to do with it)
Yesterday I caught a shiny bidoof. Randomly. I wasn't even looking. I was walking to Jubilife then suddenly I encountered a bidoof. And it had the shiny sprakles thing. I was just like 'that's not shiny. It looks exactly like a normal bidoof' until i compared it with a normal bidoof in the pc.

Seriously, I wasn't even looking.
I was watching Live At The Apollo today, and Alan Carr was in it. At some point in the middle of his stand-up I noticed that when the camera zoomed out, I swear to god he looked exactly like me. o.o
(Also my dad, who was watching it with me, made it through the whole thing without being homophobic, but that's not quite as o.o-worthy.)
Last Saturday, my brother and I were watching South Park, cause we had nothing better to do. (I don't know if it was new or a rerun) It was about Cartmen (I don't know how to spell anyone's name so shut up) was talking to that Jewish kid (No offence to any Jews) about Christ the Passion, or whatever that movie is called. Well, the next day at Church, we watched near the end of it, where Jesus gets crucified. That's not the end to the o.o ness. Right before it started, my dad was talking to someone else, and then I got this sudden sense of deja vu. My dad said something that he had said in a dream, and everything was exactly like the dream. It was weird. o.o
Speaking of Jesus and dreams, I had this dream last night that I was spreading the good word of Raptor Jesus, and there was this Liopleurodon that sank the cruise ship I was on and ate me. I woke up like "WTF?!"
I drank too much while playing PBR, did scream vocals & head-banging infront of the mirror in my room to about 5 songs on my very loud stereo; decided to take a shower (because I was feelings dizzy), got naked, hopped into the shower, then figured i'd lay on my right side and take a nap on the shower floor, then got up and randomly licked the hair on my left knee about 10 times... then wrote this. <3
Felidire, you are odd 0.o

Also, I had this odd feeling today that at some point, I was going to see someone run into the road shouting about me. Guess what happened at about 3 this afternoon? (they were trying to return something I dropped, in their defense. Just so that you don't think they were crazy or something. And the road was empty)
I know, I'm psychic, too o.O

Like during Science class, we give oral answers to the worksheets we do, and in one question, there was multiple answers. I guessed the order the people were saying them in. They said the answers. IN THE EXCACT ORDER I THOUGHT THEM IN.

And yesterday, during volleyball, I thought *person's name* is going to serve the ball in my direction. Guess what direction the ball went in? o.O

And other times I guessed things correctly, but I can't remember them ATM. I swear I'm psychic or something o.O
One of my best friends introduced me to their girlfriend that they've been seeing for a few weeks. Its my cousin. Its a bloody strange small world.
^Something similar, my cousin is dating my best friend's friend. Which made for a fun Easter. XP
uh...gotta think...ok, well, my friend mike is ver O_o. pretty much everything he says makes you go WTF. he can say, "i have a watermelon in my pants."

i was sitting on the bus today with my friend maddi, and we were just talking and looking out the window, when these two 8th graders come up the side of our bus, and look around for people. then, they just french each other real fast and stuff. Me and maddi look at each other like, WTF? then we didn't see them, and maddi said, "Hoyl shit, did they fall or something? I'm scared!" we started cracking up. O_o
Just remembered this today; a waitress from work (who left for a year as of today (well, yesterday now- I am up WAY too late) to go travelling various places) is called Jaime- pronounced "Jamie"- and her boyfriend is also called Jaime- pronounced "Hymee".
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