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The 750+ Posts Club

Feh, I'm not even a Butterfree yet... >:/

What exactly are we supposed to being talking about here, anyways?
Me neither. *shrugs* What could there be to discuss? Um...how about...where do you like to post the most?

To be honest I just post anywhere I can. XD
Same, unless it's like Scripting or something I know NOTHING about.

But mainly I post in Clubs, Artwork/Sprites and Pixel Art, Introductions(my famous cat plushies), Role Playing and if I'm bored Forum Games.
Dragon has 999 posts.

I post in forum games, RP, spriting and miscellaneous dicsussion. Sometimes the CC and the LC.
I'm bored, so I'm going to join. =P

How did I get here? RPing (need more!), and discussing random crap, basically. I expect to be out after the next club purge.

Also, what happened to What Are You Listening To?? That also contributed to my status. Not to mention I had yet to see anybody with close musical tastes. I miss it.

We do need something to talk about, though, seeing as how that will raise our post counts.
I post absolutely everywhere. Except scripting, Webmastering and Wifi league.
But I do post in HTML and CSS occasionally.
I'm bored, so I'm going to join. =P

How did I get here? RPing (need more!), and discussing random crap, basically. I expect to be out after the next club purge.

Also, what happened to What Are You Listening To?? That also contributed to my status. Not to mention I had yet to see anybody with close musical tastes. I miss it.

We do need something to talk about, though, seeing as how that will raise our post counts.

It got deleted for 'no point' ness.

Same with US vs World which took away about 1000 posts from my postcount.
I am proud to say that I never posted in US vs World! =D I'd be in the World catergory, anyways.
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