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The Birthday Center

Chimchar for Moo. Mendatt, any preference for the gender or ability of the tirtouga? (And for the record, I didn't exactly remember what I'd entered as a joke into the interest field three+ years ago—considering I don't actually know you that well, I'd appreciate it if you'd be more direct when asking me for something rather than joking around, mk? Saves a lot of headscratching.)

Don't think anyone else got around to asking for anything and I'm too tired to go check, so if I offered you something recently you've got another day or so to remind me and ask.
I don't have much experience not joking around, but I shall definitely try my tryingnessfullest to minimize headscratching.
... It's not working, is it. Anyways,
Solid Rock/Male
please? :3
I just don't know what I want from "anything". What do I owe to you, moo and Whirlpool? :)

...pick something! :o

...How do I give this to Mendatt? D:
Here you go, then. Happy belated birthday.

I am largely unimpressed by your naming creativity It is adorably turtleful! Thank you!

I just don't know what I want from "anything". What do I owe to you, moo and Whirlpool? :)

...pick something! :o

...How do I give this to Mendatt? D:

Like that! It's... I'm not going to finish that sentance because you can probably guess what I would say from my other responses and I was going to save typing effort by not saying that it was adorable but it seems a bit late for that and oops I said it anyways and thank you!
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My birthday is June 21, but it passed already. Sadface!
Chimchar for Moo. Mendatt, any preference for the gender or ability of the tirtouga? (And for the record, I didn't exactly remember what I'd entered as a joke into the interest field three+ years ago—considering I don't actually know you that well, I'd appreciate it if you'd be more direct when asking me for something rather than joking around, mk? Saves a lot of headscratching.)

Don't think anyone else got around to asking for anything and I'm too tired to go check, so if I offered you something recently you've got another day or so to remind me and ask.

I offers you many sexing.

I just don't know what I want from "anything". What do I owe to you, moo and Whirlpool? :)

...pick something! :o

...How do I give this to Mendatt? D:

You can gives me a slowpoke with own tempo! <333
Kratos - Male Murkrow with Super Luck, please.

Espeon - I'm feeling uncreative, so have the $20!

Lord of the Fireflies - Male Skorupi with Sniper? :D
This is for you, Whirlpool; you can just take that link and claim it in the registration office.

And if you're really not sure, Espeon, then you can just have $20 and buy yourself something when you make up your mind. (You can just link to this post in the bank to claim the money.)
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