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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
That Zapdos-person waltzing around in my--no, screw everything, for my birthday, you are playing Ghost Trick. Give me your address I will mail it to you right away along with Kratos' game that I oh god keep forgetting to send.
(Whichever you think would be more fun.)
(But I'm serious about Ghost Trick.)
Well, that's really not my only nickname, but. That hilarious description would be gift enough, but if you're offering berries, sure, I'll not turn you down.Well, the phrase 'nuttlebug' has irrevocably changed my perception of Negrek (I am here making the assumption that that is a nickname used to refer to a negrek and not some terrifying netherbeast), but here goes:
Negrek is a totes-intimidating slightly-short woman in a flowy brown trenchcoat. Negrek is rarely not accompanied by a troupe of guard alakazam or other such accompaniments. Someone always seems to carry a giant invisible 'dramatic breeze' fan right behind Negrek, so that's amazing. Brown is her main color palette.
I'm probably completely off so hows about you get a freein exchange for slogging through that/turning old?![]()
How about a double battle? As many pokémon as you'd like for that. I didn't have anything in particular in mind for a theme, really.In that case, I can't back down from a direct challenge! Sounds great. What type of specifics do you want?
Hmm. How about some blackglasses?herp derp late presents
Negrek, have an anything
'xcept rare candies, i don't have em I'M SORRY OKAY
Awesome. Thanks!Sure, here she is. She has Insomnia.
Aww heck no. Like I have that kind of attention span. I think it would run you between ten and fifteen hours, depending on how much trouble you had with the puzzles.Uhm...! I usually don't have time to play games, but if it's a relatively short game (less than 50 hours) then I could give it a try :D
Aww heck no. Like I have that kind of attention span. I think it would run you between ten and fifteen hours, depending on how much trouble you had with the puzzles.
Sure, if you'd like. If you're going to go that route you'll probably want to wait to play Ghost Trick first, so you know who Cabanela is when you do so.So should I draw Zapanela on the Aerodactyl or...?