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The Birthday Center

August 28, if you please.

Which, funnily enough, is Satoshi Tajori's birthday.

Along with Zora of Termina, but who cares about him?
It's about a week until the 26th, which means my birthday's coming up, finally.

Happy belated birthdays to Flora and Ashes and Zora of Termina! You two can have $15 each on me, if you'd like.
Nyahaha~ It's a week until my birthday. Sucks that it's placed on the day after school starts, but hey. A birthday's a birthday.
Puhhh, double post again whut? Anyway, today is Wyvern's birthday, so in celebration of his big 18, I'll buy him any Pokemon that my budget allows (Which, well, is technically any Pokemon). Be sure to tell me the nickname, gender, etc. :D
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Post in the bank or registration thread with a link to the post where you were given the pokémon/whatever. In the case of a pokémon, you need to repost all of its information in the registration thread as well.
Happy birthday! And happy belated birthday to Wyvern, whom I meant to post about earlier but somehow managed not to. Since it's still technically within a week of his birthday I'm pretty sure I can still give him stuff as long as he claims it fast, so.

blazheirio and Wyvern, you can each have any one Pokémon on me. Pick anything, I don't care what. I'm sure you've seen the size of my bank account. >)
Thanks, Kratos! (And yes, I have seen it. I don't see how you manage to save up so much without splurging on all the Normal-types you can get your hands on)

And, uhh... I feel really greedy for asking for this, but can I have a Skarmory? If not, then, hmm. An Eevee (I want more Ice-types!) will do nicely :)

[Stratosa] Skarmory (F)
Ability: Keen Eye


[Niflheim] Eevee (M)
Ability: Run Away
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