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Caidoz is a world split up into thirteen "countries", one for each sign of the Zodiac plus a neutral area. At birth, birthdates are written down and recorded and the babies are shipped off to the nuetral country of Neutralis where they are taken care of until they are thirteen and than they go off to the country they were "born" into.
Two years ago after the ceremony, the list for the next year was stolen. In order to keep this hidden, the rulers of each country came together to constrcut another list. The ceremony went well. However recently the real list has been found and there have been mix-ups. This is a problem, as there's no way to fix the problem.
The problem? They don't know what the people who were mixed up look like. This is because at the ceremony when the children are sent to their country of birth, their bodies are changed dramatically to reflect this. They can't visit the childrens' old homes for clues either, as the homes are destroyed as well.
Whilst the leaders live their lifes in a panic, twelve klids live their lives in peace. There have been rumors. However these twelve have felt different from the people within their country, but decided to dismiss it as unimportant. However after a seemingly random event confirms them to be fit for a different country, their suspisions have been confirmed. They have all decided to keep this a secret, although each has their own view. Some just want life to go on, some want to be sent to their right country, and some don't really care, they just don't want the secret to come out.
Meanwhile a prophecy has appeared, one that could spell for either the destruction of their world or one with which all the countries will band together and the walls of separation will be burned down. The leaders have began narrowing down possible mix ups in order to find them out and either help influence the prophecy. What will you do...?
It was quiet that day as the thirteen year olds filed into the circle. Each could be seen wearing the ceremonial robe. One figure had his hands clasped together, eying the others his age. Shuffling in excitement, he looked at the twelve leaders of six men and six women before them. Today was the day he would be initiated into his country. A hush went over the students as the leader of the Council moved into the center of the circle. She was tall and dressed in the formal ceremony tunic, which was painted with the symbols for each of the countries. Her gray hair was pulled back into a ponytail, although she gave off an air of youth. Raising pale hands, she began to speak.