shy ♡
whispers in gay
So I have six pokémon capable of participating in a metronome battle...
... but I'm not insane.
Still, my previous one did finish, so may as well go for some more.
Reserved for Pathos and Kratos Aurion.
1 vs 1 vs 1
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 100%
Moves allowed: Metronome
Arena: ASB Central
ASB Central is a shining metropolis surrounded by wilderness, and absolutely filled with powerful trainers from around the world. Currently run by a seemingly-benevolent dictator, one so powerful she can veto any business, keep watch over every item, and allegedly, even warp reality itself, Asber manages to be relatively peaceful despite the myriad powerful creatures running around almost freely.
Every public building, set around the main street, is designed to subtly impress - even though some are no longer commonly used, discarded in favour of online systems accessible even from a personal computer. The Fourth United Bank of TCoD, though no longer as grand as its predecessor, is covered in mirrored glass and filled with expensive pieces of modern art and the massive servers that protect every trainer's money. The Pokémon Registration Office is carved from shining marble, designed to be far more robust, constructed from shining marble, where people go to showcase the unusual qualities of their pokémon. Another imposing building, the Referee Headquarters, towers over nearly every other building in ASB Central. The library, while rarely used by anyone but the ruler of Asber herself, contains the original texts of the most precious ASB documents, those that every referee learns to love, as well as prized rare tomes detailing less-known information about every pokémon, move, item, lore, and scientific concept in Asber. Even the smaller offices - whether it's the Business Approval Office, for example, or the dark alleyways that make up the Black Market - are impressive in their own ways, and of course, the business owners are interested in drawing attention to their own buildings.
The League-subsidised Kusari-Mart, Sunnenrain Berry Mart, and Grass King's Damage-Influencing Centre are clustered near the public buildings, though the rather more prosperous Kusari-Mart is the tallest and most impressive of them. Other private businesses are clustered nearby, too; Moony's Automail Shop is small, but its work is complex. The Aurion Home for the Belligerent Elderly may claim itself a public health service on its tax forms, but those who have offered "maintenance fees" before speaking with one of the better-known residents know better. The local Lacuna Labs outpost is filled with mysterious, unknown, but undoubtedly-expensive machines that should be either in or far away from hospitals, buying memories to go into a single person's pocket in addition to churning out sweet treats. Then there's the not-for-profit Hall of Fame, of course, and the slightly more distant Altoram Dept. Store, just outside the busiest streets, filled with ancient machines that and kept from the eyes of the government inspectors.
There is the most well-loved building in the region, a pokémon centre right across from the Pokémon Registration Office, with a pretty red roof and a front made of glass and lights.
But as soon as one leaves the outskirts of ASB Central? Dense forest, filled with wild pokémon, and beyond that, abandoned outposts that once held dreams of being cities. Perhaps they still can, when they're the only remnants of civilisation in all of Asber, but for now, they remain forgotten.
And so, three trainers and a referee, clad in black cloaks that hide their identities, decide to destroy it all...
... by posting their intentions on a public board any trainer can see?
Rules: Metronome only, no chill, standard health/energy, guys let's do this before Negrek sees anyth
Well if I have to I guess I don't mind doing a bit of destruction work. :D