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The Challenge Board

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Alright, then I'll take your battle vs. Kam, because my schedule is hectic enough without a triple-battle turning everything upside down.

Thread will be up in a few.
New challenge! :3

2 vs 2 Single
4 Days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing
Arena: The Battledome

The Battledome is the place to go for combat in Neopia, a gigantic arena of metal and concrete, the most high-tech building this side of Virtupets. It's relatively simple in it's normal state; a 100-foot in diameter steel arena of circular shape, with a large pond in the centre for those bound to water.

But the Battledome will change it's appearance and location every round, and is completely random what it becomes. The choices and changes are these:

Stone Dome: Located in the Haunted Woods, the Stone Dome is open to the sky, and surrounded by ancient trees and a starry sky, the moon covered by clouds. The pond has become a murky black and filled with weeds. This arena grants a 3% boost to all Dark- and Ghost-type attacks, and a 2% Energy decrease for the same.

Ice Arena: Located on Terror Mountain, the Ice Arena is completely enclosed in a glittering layer of ice so cold that is cannot be melted. The pond has frozen over, and the air is chilled to the negatives. This arena grants a 3% boost to Ice attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Island Arena: Located on Mystery Island, the Island Arena isn't much more than a cleared-out section of jungle, the floor made of dirt and grass rather than metal. The pond is a pure sparkling blue here. This arena grants a 3% boost to Grass- and Bug-type attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Space Arena: Located in the Virtupets Space Station, the Space Arena is completely clear, allowing the battlers to see the stars around them, the moon, and Neopia below. Gazing out at the world below them will cause the Pokemon to become Intimidated as per the Ability.

Water Arena: Located in Maraqua under the sea, the Water Arena is, as it's name would suggest, completely filled with water. All non water-breathers will find their heads (or whatever they use to breath) surrounded by a magical bubble that allows them to breath. This arena makes all Fire Attacks completely useless and cuts all non-swimmer's speed by 2.

Tyrannian Arena: Located in the prehistoric Tyrannia, the Tyrannian Arena is a primitively-cut stone on a large plateau. This arena has a hazard; a massive Pterodactyl has a 25% chance of appearing on the second action of the round and attacking both battlers for 5% untyped damage. This Arena also grants a 3% increase to Rock attacks, and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Battledome: The arena described at the top; has no special benefits.

Zee Profie

Yeah Neopets arena so sue me D:
New challenge! :3

2 vs 2 Single
4 Days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing
Arena: The Battledome

The Battledome is the place to go for combat in Neopia, a gigantic arena of metal and concrete, the most high-tech building this side of Virtupets. It's relatively simple in it's normal state; a 100-foot in diameter steel arena of circular shape, with a large pond in the centre for those bound to water.

But the Battledome will change it's appearance and location every round, and is completely random what it becomes. The choices and changes are these:

Stone Dome: Located in the Haunted Woods, the Stone Dome is open to the sky, and surrounded by ancient trees and a starry sky, the moon covered by clouds. The pond has become a murky black and filled with weeds. This arena grants a 3% boost to all Dark- and Ghost-type attacks, and a 2% Energy decrease for the same.

Ice Arena: Located on Terror Mountain, the Ice Arena is completely enclosed in a glittering layer of ice so cold that is cannot be melted. The pond has frozen over, and the air is chilled to the negatives. This arena grants a 3% boost to Ice attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Island Arena: Located on Mystery Island, the Island Arena isn't much more than a cleared-out section of jungle, the floor made of dirt and grass rather than metal. The pond is a pure sparkling blue here. This arena grants a 3% boost to Grass- and Bug-type attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Space Arena: Located in the Virtupets Space Station, the Space Arena is completely clear, allowing the battlers to see the stars around them, the moon, and Neopia below. Gazing out at the world below them will cause the Pokemon to become Intimidated as per the Ability.

Water Arena: Located in Maraqua under the sea, the Water Arena is, as it's name would suggest, completely filled with water. All non water-breathers will find their heads (or whatever they use to breath) surrounded by a magical bubble that allows them to breath. This arena makes all Fire Attacks completely useless and cuts all non-swimmer's speed by 2.

Tyrannian Arena: Located in the prehistoric Tyrannia, the Tyrannian Arena is a primitively-cut stone on a large plateau. This arena has a hazard; a massive Pterodactyl has a 25% chance of appearing on the second action of the round and attacking both battlers for 5% untyped damage. This Arena also grants a 3% increase to Rock attacks, and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Battledome: The arena described at the top; has no special benefits.

Zee Profie

Yeah Neopets arena so sue me D:

FMC? FMC holy shit get over here
Well, Minkow got disqualified :/ Guess this means I can challenge again. This one is for Blazhy~

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, moves requiring a source of water
Arena: Shibuya

This battle takes place in the centre of Scramble Crossing in Shibuya, Tokyo, the setting for the game The World Ends With You. Somehow clothes and pins have entirely fallen out of fashion recently, and been replaced in popularity by Pokémon moves. At any one time, there are three majorly popular Pokémon types, which are awarded a damage bonus of x1.5 for the most popular, x1.25 for the second most popular and x1.1 for the third most popular. These start off randomly, but fluctuate as the battle progresses, and changes must be noted by the referee on completion of a round. It is up to the referee to decide what makes one type more popular than another; they may decide it's simply the type that is used most, or that there's a point where repetition gets boring and a new type would be all the rage. Frequency may not even factor into it- a particularly successful move's type might gain major popularity. Again, it's entirely the referee's decision how to work this out.

Additionally each round Noise will appear and attack a random Pokémon. They will also drop a pin, which a Pokémon can sacrifice an action and retrieve, adding a new move to its repertoire until the end of the battle or such time that it discards the pin to pick up a new one. Unclaimed pins vanish when new ones are dropped. There is a 50% chance of each of their two pins being dropped. The Noise that may appear and the pins they drop are as follows:

> Tradishfrog (20% chance of appearing); deals 1% Water damage and drops Frog (Bubblebeam) or Lightning Pawn (Charge Beam)

> Alterna Wolf (15% chance of appearing); deals 2% Normal damage and drops Wolf (Extremespeed) or Cure Drink (Milk Drink) (the Cure Drink pin is discarded after one use)

> Wall of Grizzly (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% Fighting damageand drops Grizzly (Screech) or Wonder Magnum (Fury Attack)

> Death Thrash Mink (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Flying damage and drops Mink (Razor Wind) or 1000 Yen (adds $1 to the prize money of the trainer whose Pokémon picks it up- can be picked up if the Pokémon has other pins, but no more than 3 can be picked up per Pokémon)

> Shrew Wave (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Ground damage and drops Shrew (Mud Bomb) or Flower of Flame (Overheat)

> Metal Corehog (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% Steel damage to all Pokémon and drops Corehog (Spike Cannon) or Love Me Tether (Bind)

>Progfox (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% typeless damage to all Pokémon and drops Whirlygig Jiggle (Teleport) or First Gear (Agility)

>Dub Rhino (3% chance of appearing); deals 6% Fighting damage and drops Rhino (Bide) or Rakuyo (Sky Uppercut)

> Carcinosamps (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Normal damage and drops Strong 'n Proud (Scary Face) or Crackle Pop Barrier (Barrier)

> 2-step Boomer (4% chance of appearing); deals 4% Flying damage with a 30% chance of paralysis, and drops Boomer (Aerial Ace) or Pop Pendulum (Bonemerang)

> Woolly AOR (3% chance of appearing); deals 7% Ground damage to all Pokémon and drops Woolly (Earth Power) or Cosmic Pull (Rock Slide)

> Ragtime Drake (2% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dragon damage and drops Flames Afar, Foes Aflame (Fire Spin) or Drake (Dragon Pulse)

> Pig Mazurka (5% chance of appearing); does not attack. Drops Pig (multiplies prize money by 1.25 if still held at the end of the battle) or a random pin dropped by any of the other Noise.

> Ovis Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Ovis (Zap Cannon) or Stalwart as the Mount (Curse)

> Leo Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Leo (Faint Attack) or Fierce as the Flame (gives the holder the Soundproof ability for as long as it holds the pin)

> Tigris Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Tigris (Ice Fang) or Swift as the Wind (Flash); in any case, always drops Rhyme (Sky Attack) in addition to either of the above.

Other: -No solely water-based Pokémon because there's no water.
- Sprites of pins and Noise are provided to make them more convenient to describe in reffing.

long complicated challenge is long and complicated
Well, Minkow got disqualified :/ Guess this means I can challenge again. This one is for Blazhy~

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, moves requiring a source of water
Arena: Shibuya

This battle takes place in the centre of Scramble Crossing in Shibuya, Tokyo, the setting for the game The World Ends With You. Somehow clothes and pins have entirely fallen out of fashion recently, and been replaced in popularity by Pokémon moves. At any one time, there are three majorly popular Pokémon types, which are awarded a damage bonus of x1.5 for the most popular, x1.25 for the second most popular and x1.1 for the third most popular. These start off randomly, but fluctuate as the battle progresses, and changes must be noted by the referee on completion of a round. It is up to the referee to decide what makes one type more popular than another; they may decide it's simply the type that is used most, or that there's a point where repetition gets boring and a new type would be all the rage. Frequency may not even factor into it- a particularly successful move's type might gain major popularity. Again, it's entirely the referee's decision how to work this out.

Additionally each round Noise will appear and attack a random Pokémon. They will also drop a pin, which a Pokémon can sacrifice an action and retrieve, adding a new move to its repertoire until the end of the battle or such time that it discards the pin to pick up a new one. Unclaimed pins vanish when new ones are dropped. There is a 50% chance of each of their two pins being dropped. The Noise that may appear and the pins they drop are as follows:

> Tradishfrog (20% chance of appearing); deals 1% Water damage and drops Frog (Bubblebeam) or Lightning Pawn (Charge Beam)

> Alterna Wolf (15% chance of appearing); deals 2% Normal damage and drops Wolf (Extremespeed) or Cure Drink (Milk Drink) (the Cure Drink pin is discarded after one use)

> Wall of Grizzly (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% Fighting damageand drops Grizzly (Screech) or Wonder Magnum (Fury Attack)

> Death Thrash Mink (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Flying damage and drops Mink (Razor Wind) or 1000 Yen (adds $1 to the prize money of the trainer whose Pokémon picks it up- can be picked up if the Pokémon has other pins, but no more than 3 can be picked up per Pokémon)

> Shrew Wave (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Ground damage and drops Shrew (Mud Bomb) or Flower of Flame (Overheat)

> Metal Corehog (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% Steel damage to all Pokémon and drops Corehog (Spike Cannon) or Love Me Tether (Bind)

>Progfox (5% chance of appearing); deals 3% typeless damage to all Pokémon and drops Whirlygig Jiggle (Teleport) or First Gear (Agility)

>Dub Rhino (3% chance of appearing); deals 6% Fighting damage and drops Rhino (Bide) or Rakuyo (Sky Uppercut)

> Carcinosamps (10% chance of appearing); deals 2% Normal damage and drops Strong 'n Proud (Scary Face) or Crackle Pop Barrier (Barrier)

> 2-step Boomer (4% chance of appearing); deals 4% Flying damage with a 30% chance of paralysis, and drops Boomer (Aerial Ace) or Pop Pendulum (Bonemerang)

> Woolly AOR (3% chance of appearing); deals 7% Ground damage to all Pokémon and drops Woolly (Earth Power) or Cosmic Pull (Rock Slide)

> Ragtime Drake (2% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dragon damage and drops Flames Afar, Foes Aflame (Fire Spin) or Drake (Dragon Pulse)

> Pig Mazurka (5% chance of appearing); does not attack. Drops Pig (multiplies prize money by 1.25 if still held at the end of the battle) or a random pin dropped by any of the other Noise.

> Ovis Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Ovis (Zap Cannon) or Stalwart as the Mount (Curse)

> Leo Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Leo (Faint Attack) or Fierce as the Flame (gives the holder the Soundproof ability for as long as it holds the pin)

> Tigris Cantus (1% chance of appearing); deals 10% Dark damage and drops Tigris (Ice Fang) or Swift as the Wind (Flash); in any case, always drops Rhyme (Sky Attack) in addition to either of the above.

Other: -No solely water-based Pokémon because there's no water.
- Sprites of pins and Noise are provided to make them more convenient to describe in reffing.

long complicated challenge is long and complicated

Reading this challenge made me cry tears of joy :'D (well not literally)
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon, earthquake and rest
Arena: Balacruf Mausoleum

Balacruf Mausoleum is a fairly large and dank tomb, created for Asgard's great King. Traps are littered around that have a 5% chance each action to cause 5% of damage. Also, monsters have taken up residence lately. Each have a 5% chance of appearing per round.

A Giant Spider will shoot a rather large web that will trap any Pokémon and will miss one action.

A Harpy will shoot feathers at a Pokémon, dealing 5% flying damage.

A Earth element will use stone blast, dealing and non-flying/Levitating Pokémon for 5% rock damage.

A gargoyle will use his trident to attack a Pokémon for 10% damage.
Other: Pokémon that need to be in water can't be used

And yes, I am a TOS fan... so what?
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon, earthquake and rest
Arena: Balacruf Mausoleum

Balacruf Mausoleum is a fairly large and dank tomb, created for Asgard's great King. Traps are littered around that have a 5% chance each action to cause 5% of damage. Also, monsters have taken up residence lately. Each have a 5% chance of appearing per round.

A Giant Spider will shoot a rather large web that will trap any Pokémon and will miss one action.

A Harpy will shoot feathers at a Pokémon, dealing 5% flying damage.

A Earth element will use stone blast, dealing and non-flying/Levitating Pokémon for 5% rock damage.

A gargoyle will use his trident to attack a Pokémon for 10% damage.
Other: Pokémon that need to be in water can't be used

And yes, I am a TOS fan... so what?

I like a challenge. I'll meet my limit of three battles and accept this one.

Profile :3
Dragon is maxed out on battles and cannot accept Full Metal Cookies' challenge at this time.
3v3 Single
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

The old chateau is a gigantic and old building that is practicaly falling apart that is located somewhere in northern Eterna Forest. There are cobwebs, cracks and a thick coating of dust everywhere that can be seen. If one where to explore it further, they would find a small door leading to a courtyard, and out of the chateau. Opon exiting the ancient buiding, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for pokemon that once at a time looked magnificant, but now the clean stone and gravel pavement is cracked all over and barely visible through the thick growth of grass and other weeds growing between it. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with a vibrant green, now sadly droop with no leaves left on the poor brittle branches against a backround of utter blackness of deep in the forest. A strange greenish haze looms around the area, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau lurks behind this setting, with a balcony that is ready to fall right on he ground it is so crumbly and weak.

-Sometimes, the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the pokemon, Accuracy reduced by 25%

-Pieces of the balcony may crumble and fall on the pokemon's head, damage 50

-The setting of this stadium is very spooky and creepy so, Ghost and Dark moves deal x1.5 more damage than they normaly would

Here is my profile

Do you dare to take on my challange?
3v3 Single
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

The old chateau is a gigantic and old building that is practicaly falling apart that is located somewhere in northern Eterna Forest. There are cobwebs, cracks and a thick coating of dust everywhere that can be seen. If one where to explore it further, they would find a small door leading to a courtyard, and out of the chateau. Opon exiting the ancient buiding, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for pokemon that once at a time looked magnificant, but now the clean stone and gravel pavement is cracked all over and barely visible through the thick growth of grass and other weeds growing between it. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with a vibrant green, now sadly droop with no leaves left on the poor brittle branches against a backround of utter blackness of deep in the forest. A strange greenish haze looms around the area, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau lurks behind this setting, with a balcony that is ready to fall right on he ground it is so crumbly and weak.

-Sometimes, the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the pokemon, Accuracy reduced by 25%

-Pieces of the balcony may crumble and fall on the pokemon's head, damage 50

-The setting of this stadium is very spooky and creepy so, Ghost and Dark moves deal x1.5 more damage than they normaly would

Here is my profile

Do you dare to take on my challange?


Eterna is my hood, yo

3vs3 single.
Style: Switch
DQ: Six weeks
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves:OHKO moves, sound based moves, all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day.
Arena: Ship in a bottle

Ah, a ship in a bottle. One of those decorative things that breaks all logic whatsoever. Rather than the Pokemon being shrunken to fit inside that bottle, this is a case of an unusually large model ship. And bottle. The poor shmuck who built this is dedicated. There happens to be quite a bit of water inside this bottle as well, or at least enough for a Surf attack. Speaking of poor smucks, there is a 5% chance on every turn that the builder of this ship comes out of his house yelling. A lot. This distracts one of the battling Pokemon for one action, feeling a mixture of “Oh noes I’m sorry D:” and ‘SHADDUP old guy.”. Otherwise, the ship is like an old pirate ship, model pirates included. Five of them to be exact. Useful for either becoming a shield, reducing the damage done to the sheltering Pokemon by 1%, or a weapon, dealing 3% typeless damage. Sound based moves are banned, obviously (if we break it, that would be one angry old man..) and almost all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day, as the sunshine would still reach inside a glass bottle.


3vs3 single.
Style: Switch
DQ: Six weeks
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves:OHKO moves, sound based moves, all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day.
Arena: Ship in a bottle

Ah, a ship in a bottle. One of those decorative things that breaks all logic whatsoever. Rather than the Pokemon being shrunken to fit inside that bottle, this is a case of an unusually large model ship. And bottle. The poor shmuck who built this is dedicated. There happens to be quite a bit of water inside this bottle as well, or at least enough for a Surf attack. Speaking of poor smucks, there is a 5% chance on every turn that the builder of this ship comes out of his house yelling. A lot. This distracts one of the battling Pokemon for one action, feeling a mixture of “Oh noes I’m sorry D:” and ‘SHADDUP old guy.”. Otherwise, the ship is like an old pirate ship, model pirates included. Five of them to be exact. Useful for either becoming a shield, reducing the damage done to the sheltering Pokemon by 1%, or a weapon, dealing 3% typeless damage. Sound based moves are banned, obviously (if we break it, that would be one angry old man..) and almost all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day, as the sunshine would still reach inside a glass bottle.


For FMC.

It has already been decided that I'm using lombre and she's using prinplup, so we can skip the sending-out stage.

1 vs 1 single
DQ time: 14 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKOs, Direct Healing, Attract, Dig
Arena: Jesus Lake

The entire battlefield at first seems to be your regular, crystal-clear lake; though quite deep in the centre, one can see right to the bottom. The dirt seems, mostly, inclined to remain at the bottom unless someone intentionally stirs it up, and even then it will quickly settle when left to its own devices. As sunlight reaches to the bottom, plants have no problem growing in patches underneath the surface, although the environment might not be entirely appropriate for the seaweed that grows there. Indeed, the lake seems like a normal one, if perhaps purified by Suicune on a regular basis. That is, until you take a closer look and wonder - are those boulders... floating?

As it turns out, the surface of the lake is very solid. Pokémon, no matter how heavy, can easily walk on its surface, and the surface (but only the surface) even shakes with the effect of an earthquake when the appropriate attacks are used. It is this surface that the boulders must be resting on. It would also seem to explain the smooth surface of the lake, although the surface you walk on isn't the lake's actual surface; instead, it appears to be about two inches underwater.

However, pokémon inclined to swimming may do so, and the lake will seem like normal, though insanely pure, water to them. Anyone can easily switch between "lake" and "ground", though how it works is unknown. A swimmer, for example, can put its hands on the surface of the water and push down, to help pull it onto the surface, and from then on it can walk or run. If it wants to swim again, it can leap or slip or dive into the water as it pleases. Pokémon will not automatically float to the surface and suddenly find something underneath them, however, nor will the invisible surface suddenly disappear should they wish to go underwater. It requires actual movement to do this, although it doesn't take a full action. Startled, flinching, sleeping, or fully confused pokemon can find themselves falling into the water if they move while in this state, so pokemon can be pulled into the water.

Any impurities above the two-inch-deep surface of the water will remain there, but any others will sink to the bottom very quickly, to be absorbed by the tall, purple, seaweed-like plants.

The lake appears to be surrounded by beautiful beaches of multicoloured sand, and beyond that, lush green grasses that eventually lead to a forest on one side, and a distant village on hills on the other.

For FMC.

It has already been decided that I'm using lombre and she's using prinplup, so we can skip the sending-out stage.

1 vs 1 single
DQ time: 14 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKOs, Direct Healing, Attract, Dig
Arena: Jesus Lake

The entire battlefield at first seems to be your regular, crystal-clear lake; though quite deep in the centre, one can see right to the bottom. The dirt seems, mostly, inclined to remain at the bottom unless someone intentionally stirs it up, and even then it will quickly settle when left to its own devices. As sunlight reaches to the bottom, plants have no problem growing in patches underneath the surface, although the environment might not be entirely appropriate for the seaweed that grows there. Indeed, the lake seems like a normal one, if perhaps purified by Suicune on a regular basis. That is, until you take a closer look and wonder - are those boulders... floating?

As it turns out, the surface of the lake is very solid. Pokémon, no matter how heavy, can easily walk on its surface, and the surface (but only the surface) even shakes with the effect of an earthquake when the appropriate attacks are used. It is this surface that the boulders must be resting on. It would also seem to explain the smooth surface of the lake, although the surface you walk on isn't the lake's actual surface; instead, it appears to be about two inches underwater.

However, pokémon inclined to swimming may do so, and the lake will seem like normal, though insanely pure, water to them. Anyone can easily switch between "lake" and "ground", though how it works is unknown. A swimmer, for example, can put its hands on the surface of the water and push down, to help pull it onto the surface, and from then on it can walk or run. If it wants to swim again, it can leap or slip or dive into the water as it pleases. Pokémon will not automatically float to the surface and suddenly find something underneath them, however, nor will the invisible surface suddenly disappear should they wish to go underwater. It requires actual movement to do this, although it doesn't take a full action. Startled, flinching, sleeping, or fully confused pokemon can find themselves falling into the water if they move while in this state, so pokemon can be pulled into the water.

Any impurities above the two-inch-deep surface of the water will remain there, but any others will sink to the bottom very quickly, to be absorbed by the tall, purple, seaweed-like plants.

The lake appears to be surrounded by beautiful beaches of multicoloured sand, and beyond that, lush green grasses that eventually lead to a forest on one side, and a distant village on hills on the other.


Retracting my previous challenge, in order to accept this one~

3vs3 single.
Style: Switch
DQ: Six weeks
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves:OHKO moves, sound based moves, all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day.
Arena: Ship in a bottle

Ah, a ship in a bottle. One of those decorative things that breaks all logic whatsoever. Rather than the Pokemon being shrunken to fit inside that bottle, this is a case of an unusually large model ship. And bottle. The poor shmuck who built this is dedicated. There happens to be quite a bit of water inside this bottle as well, or at least enough for a Surf attack. Speaking of poor smucks, there is a 5% chance on every turn that the builder of this ship comes out of his house yelling. A lot. This distracts one of the battling Pokemon for one action, feeling a mixture of “Oh noes I’m sorry D:” and ‘SHADDUP old guy.”. Otherwise, the ship is like an old pirate ship, model pirates included. Five of them to be exact. Useful for either becoming a shield, reducing the damage done to the sheltering Pokemon by 1%, or a weapon, dealing 3% typeless damage. Sound based moves are banned, obviously (if we break it, that would be one angry old man..) and almost all weather altering moves except for Sunny Day, as the sunshine would still reach inside a glass bottle.

Yo-ho, me hearties, Set sail for battl'!
Ah, I had forgotten about that one. I'm forgetful.

Anyway, since I'm able to, I'll post a challenge:

1vs1 Set
DQ: Standard Week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/Pokemon: Anything but Metronome, so anything that can't learn it isn't allowed; self-KO moves cannot be called
Other: Pokemon start with 150% energy
Arena: Willow Town

Times Square is a major intersection in New York, and an important artery of the city. Having existed for over a century, it has become an icon and is a symbol of New York. Many businesses and other landmarks exist here, and the New Year's ball drop also calls this place home. At the center of the square, traffic is heavy as always, and somehow even busier than most other streets. However, judicious string-pulling has allowed a Pokemon battle to take place there. A small circle has been cleared off for the purposes of the battle, and eager spectators ring the arena. Elsewhere, life moves on as usual, albeit with noticeably more traffic police present.


I take this when that cleffa I bought gets approved.


EDIT: yeah, it got approved.
Last edited:
Hm. Since two of my battles ended, might as well re-post this challenge

2 vs 2 Single
4 Days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing
Arena: The Battledome

The Battledome is the place to go for combat in Neopia, a gigantic arena of metal and concrete, the most high-tech building this side of Virtupets. It's relatively simple in it's normal state; a 100-foot in diameter steel arena of circular shape, with a large pond in the centre for those bound to water.

But the Battledome will change it's appearance and location every round, and is completely random what it becomes. The choices and changes are these:

Stone Dome: Located in the Haunted Woods, the Stone Dome is open to the sky, and surrounded by ancient trees and a starry sky, the moon covered by clouds. The pond has become a murky black and filled with weeds. This arena grants a 3% boost to all Dark- and Ghost-type attacks, and a 2% Energy decrease for the same.

Ice Arena: Located on Terror Mountain, the Ice Arena is completely enclosed in a glittering layer of ice so cold that is cannot be melted. The pond has frozen over, and the air is chilled to the negatives. This arena grants a 3% boost to Ice attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Island Arena: Located on Mystery Island, the Island Arena isn't much more than a cleared-out section of jungle, the floor made of dirt and grass rather than metal. The pond is a pure sparkling blue here. This arena grants a 3% boost to Grass- and Bug-type attacks and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Space Arena: Located in the Virtupets Space Station, the Space Arena is completely clear, allowing the battlers to see the stars around them, the moon, and Neopia below. Gazing out at the world below them will cause the Pokemon to become Intimidated as per the Ability.

Water Arena: Located in Maraqua under the sea, the Water Arena is, as it's name would suggest, completely filled with water. All non water-breathers will find their heads (or whatever they use to breath) surrounded by a magical bubble that allows them to breath. This arena makes all Fire Attacks completely useless and cuts all non-swimmer's speed by 2.

Tyrannian Arena: Located in the prehistoric Tyrannia, the Tyrannian Arena is a primitively-cut stone on a large plateau. This arena has a hazard; a massive Pterodactyl has a 25% chance of appearing on the second action of the round and attacking both battlers for 5% untyped damage. This Arena also grants a 3% increase to Rock attacks, and a 2% energy reduction to the same.

Battledome: The arena described at the top; has no special benefits.

Zee Profie
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