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Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

Edward, and seemingly the majority of those with whom she was with, seemed to believe they were all monsters. Living in a live of wealth however must have distorted Eliana's vision of the world then. Being normal human beings was boring, regardless of how close one became to perfection. No one paid attention to the best that humanity had to offer, it was the so called monsters and deviants who got all of the attention.

Like Edward

Eliana glared at the teen as she followed behind the bickering group, her hair drifting behind her.

Edward was never a normal 'human', he left the path of normalcy and humanity to become something worth the attention of the world. Which was why she had such a distaste of him, because she never could reach such a pinnacle like he did. Countless years she spent studying, practicing, becoming a savant in practically every known science and art. But she never moved on beyond normalacy, she never was able to compete with the 'monsters' like Edward or other beasts of alchemy.

Except for now, she was finally something different than human, and it fed her self-worth. She finally felt glad to be herself now that she had her humanity perverted and twisted into something that wasn't pure.

"I'm sure Alphonse is doing perfectly well. Looking at what condition we are in, he is probably in the best condition he has ever been."
Gary snarled, turning away. Part of him just wanted to deck the boy, but he managed to hold out, in part after finding Fang's hand resting on his shoulder. He shook his head, sighing, and watched the Persian continue to lead the way, using alchemy to help them through the building. "All right... I guess I'll let you help me get out of here. I don't believe it's your fault I'm like this. But I still don't trust you. I can't trust anyone anymore... and when I find out who's behind this..." He continued following, begrudgingly. "Help me get my revenge, and I'll help you find your brother."
Edward glanced over his shoulder at Eliana, his golden eye locked right on her. He seemed suspicious, his ears pressed flat and a slight growl in his throat.

"How do you know my brother's name?" He hissed softly, looking the girl up and down. Just as quickly as he spoke, however, he turned and started to march down the hallway, his boots clacking loudly on the cement floor, tail swishing behind him. "Let's get the hell out of here." He hissed.

The room that the hallway opened into was a large courtyard, large glass and metal tanks in varying degrees of fullness with a strange slightly orange tinted liquid sat around the walls, most empty but for the liquid, but a few contained strange animals of some sort, floating suspended in the liquid. A large table covered with straps that looked about right for holding down an average-sized human sat in the centre of the room in the middle of a large worn-down transmutation circle. Another metal door was on the far wall.

"This is just...way too easy." Edward hissed, examining the room. "This has to be a trap or something. Or a test. Be careful." He said, holding a hand back towards the rest of the group.
Fang slips into the room after Edward and freezes, seeing the tubes and table occupying the room. He takes a step back, his heart jumping to his throat. After a breathe or two he takes another step into the room and looks around, the bracelet on his right hand forming a silver knife in case of danger.

"Edward is right...you need to keep on your toes. I'm not sure about you guys, but I don't want to be jumped because I had my back to a open alley. Had that happen enough on the streets."

Fang then glances at the tubes and takes a breath, a flash of a faint memory in his mind. Before he could understand it, it faded into a haze.
(( pfft being careful? that's boring ))

Although she'd been a bit nervous when Edward started yelling, unsure about what she was supposed to do, but the situation was dissolved soon enough and Edward petted her and they just kept going. They passed through a hallway and then a large room with strange tanks containing strange creatures and a restraint-bed in a transmutation circle.

Something in her mind growled, her fur stood on end, and the claws sprang out of her right paw. It wasn't because everything was "too easy", as Edward seemed to be worried about - she didn't see how an easy escape was a bad thing. It was just that this room felt... bad. She knew for certain that something bad happened here, a lot. Whether it was just a strong instinct or because of a hidden memory deep within her mind, she didn't know.

While she might normally have been a little scared, there were all these people here that boosted her confidence. They'd know what to do if something bad happened, so Nia was more curious than anything. She walked up to a tank and peered through the glass. There was one of the strange animals in there. She couldn't really recognise it.

The liquid was in the way. It would be easier to see if she had a clear view. She raised her right claws and quickly smashed it into the glass, hoping that even if the thing didn't fall out, the liquid would spill so she could see.
The orange liquid rushed out the spot that Nia shattered the glass, pouring onto the floor and gathering in pools. The creature inside this particular tank now rested at the bottom of the shattered tank, curled into a foetal position. The creature was humanoid in appearance, but it's body covered in shiny blue, red, and white scales. A long fin extended from the creature's back, and more fins from the arms. It's head was flanked by strange oval-shaped structures, and it looked about the size of a child.

"Uggk." Edward said, covering his mouth and nose at the pungent smell, his ears lying flat. "That's gross."

He crossed the floor, boots splashing in the liquid as he made his way to Nia. He reached out his other hand and placed it on her head.

"Get away from there, it stinks... Let's go." He mumbled, voice semi-muffled by his hand.
Nia hissed as the nasty-smelling liquid spilled all over her, plastering her hair to her face and the rest of her body. The inside of her nose burned, as did her now-watering eyes. The area around the few small pieces of glass stuck in her paw burned, too, but in a different way, a sharper kind of pain.

She shook her head to rid herself of the liquid, splashing some on Edward, and peered into the glass. "He's like us," she noted. She looked up at Edward when he petted her. "Is he sleeping?"
Karae had let herself fade into the background, but she became uneasy as one of the group became suddenly interested in a glass tank. The sense of foreboding increased, and she had to bite her tongue at the impulse to say something, to protest... And she soon found out why - the thing on the floor was like them, another monster that shouldn't have been created. She shuddered and backed away. "Is this what we were in, before? The cell was bad, but..." Kept in a foul-smelling liquid, preserved until they were ready to be moved? The idea was so repelling that she felt sick.

She barely noticed a shift of weight on her head - two small wings had unfolded from the sides of her head, and were flapping erratically. The sight of the thing on the floor reawakened a thought she had earlier. "What if we're supposed to keep going, to get out?" she asked, voice loud enough that everyone could hear. "What if someone just wants to see how far we'll get, if we don't get sick and die or something like that?" She didn't want to stay here, but it seemed to be too easy, just getting out of this place.

Edward sputtered when the disgusting liquid spattered him, but luckily he didn't get any in his mouth or eyes... He clapped his hands and set them on Nia's fur, transmuting the strange and probably dangerous liquid off of her.

"There..." He muttered.

"He's like us, is he sleeping?" He heard Nia ask, and he frowned. He examined the creature - It was clearly dead. But...how could he tell her? He prodded the creature gently with his metal hand.

"I don't...I don't think it's asleep. We should go." He muttered, trying to lead the small chimera away from the shattered tank.

Four other tanks with creatures inside ringed the room, surrounded by numerous others without an inhabitant. The first contained what looked to be a female in her mid-20s, but she had smooth rubbery looking skin and a fish tail. The second's head appeared to have been replaced with a animal's skull, and a stubby tail protruded from his spine. The third seemed to be fused with a turtle, but had a long fluffy tail and long fluffy ears. The final failed chimera had flowers sprouting from her wrists.
"Kay," Nia said, ears flattening against her head as she followed Edward away from the tank. Did that mean they'd been awake the whole time? She glanced back toward the broken tank. That chimera looked so alone, just curled up like that, and he'd been in a tank in a stinky liquid. If he didn't stink so much she'd hug him.

"We should free them, and bring them with us," she said. She sniffed at her bleeding paw, which had once again splashed in the liquid as she walked through the puddle. It hurt, but it smelled bad and she didn't want to lick it even though she sort of did. The glass shards were still embedded in it, but her fingers couldn't get them out. When she tried to grab one, her fingers couldn't close around it and she only managed to push it further into her paw.

She held her paw up in front of Edward, inadvertently pointing her claws at his throat. "Edward, help."
Edward twitched slightly when those long claws were pointed right at him, but quickly recovered and took Nia's paw. He gently took hold of the glass shards one by one, carefully extracting each one in turn.

"Does that feel better?" He ventured, patting her head again.

The other door, the one across from the, group swung open suddenly, and Edward jumped, ears pressing back and tail standing up. A small group of armed soldiers - about nine or ten of them - rushed into the room, and levelled their guns at the group. The man in the centre, who looked to be their leader, spoke.

"Found 'em! They must have triggered the silent alarm when they smashed the tank." He hissed, pointing at the smashed tank, liquid still spilling out in thin streams. "Do not aim to kill, they're still vital research to the boss."
"So what do we do now, Mister Elric?" Eliana spat as the guards rushed in. He hadn't been keeping his eye on the girl, and now she had alerted the guards. Which recourse, wasn't a very fun thing since it would no doubt involve her being put back into a cell again.

Ofcourse, we are no longer human. Maybe our bodies can survive live fire from a gun...

But then again, why would security be using weapons if it would be ineffective against them?
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Of course, with the glass shards taken out the blood flowed more quickly from Nia's wounds, but her conveniently red fur meant she couldn't really tell. The pain was not significantly different, she'd notice if she wasn't convinced taking it out would help, but she nodded. "Uh-huh. Thank you."

A faint sound and Edward's jolt of surprise brought Nia's attention to the door at the other end of the room. Nia licked her paw to soothe the stinging, then put it down on the floor as she observed the soldiers. According to the leader, it seemed like Nia had helped the soldiers find the chimeras, which was good. Obviously the soldiers had been looking for the chimeras, and since the soldiers had guns, perhaps Nia was in a slightly dangerous place.

And the soldier said that the chimeras were important! And that they shouldn't be killed! Well, Nia didn't know why he'd make that comment, but surely that meant they were there to help.

She wished they wouldn't point the guns at the chimeras, though. That was kinda dangerous, although they were probably just pointing behind the chimeras. It made her flinch, but she knew there was no reason to be scared.

Nia grinned and ran toward the leader, ignoring the slight soreness of her paw. "Mister soldier! It's me, Nia! Can you bring me to Mommy and Daddy?"

Three guns immediately trained on her, including the leader's, although the leader looked rather incredulous as he heard her words. The second soldier's eyes were wide and he was grimacing, obviously tense. The third was calmer, but her eyes narrowed as Nia got closer, and her hands tightened around her rifle.
Karae backed up at the sight of soldiers with guns. Guns aimed at them, which meant there were guns aimed at her. She couldn't fight, she didn't know how to fight, and she was too weak for it anyways. Some of the other chimeras looked like they could fight, or at least, had the right equipment for it. Including one of the alchemists who happened to have spikes sticking out of his hands. He was an alchemist, yes, but he looked capable of defending himself. She inched closer to him and the other monster with the giant stings on his arms - they both looked like they could fight. She had no claws, nothing more impressive than a tiny, sharp horn on her head and a tail. Hardly anything that would let her survive this. "I don't think we'll get out of this..." she muttered.

At least, she didn't think so until the least human-looking one - Nia, apparently - rushed at a soldier and began to ask about her mother and father. Karae couldn't help feeling a stab of pity - she had a family to miss, unlike herself. She stepped forward, which was a very stupid reaction, as the guns swung towards Nia. This action prompted another gun to be aimed at her, and she quickly backed up once more to lurk in the presence of the two, stronger-looking chimeras.
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Soldiers...not good, not good at all, damni-

Hey what the hell was Nia doing.

Edward hissed when he noticed Nia approaching the group of blue-uniformed soldiers and lunged forward to grab her. A young-looking man toting a handgun close to the door let out a surprised yelp and swing his arm toward Edward, firing off a shot; it missed Edward's ear by inches. The feline teen squealed and stopped, only a few feet behind Nia.

"What the hell?!" The leader yelled, glaring over his shoulder. "Private Tupman! Do not aim for the vitals, and that means the head you dolt!"

The small man squeaked an apology and Edward would have laughed if not for the fact that a bullet had narrowly missed slamming into his skull and most likely shattering it. Edward swore under his breath and clapped his hands, making Tupman jump again, and transmuted his arm into a blade.

"He's got a weapon!" someone yelled from the back.

"Shut the hell up!" Their leader growled.
Soldiers. Of fucking course.

Gretchen snarled from the back of the group, her ears pressed flat against her head. These were the people that had done this to her. The ones that would kill them if they tried to escape. She had been following silently at the back for most of the walk, but now had the urge to speak up and attack. Not very like her at all.

No, save your energy for the man that sold you to them, she thought to herself. But a nagging voice that wasn't there before kept telling her different. The instincts of this animal she was now fused with, perhaps?

Ugh, now they were shooting at Edward. The stench of that liquid in the tank that the... thing, had broke, still hung in the air. It was one of those smells that burned your nostrils, and slightly more sensitive smell made it worse.

Gretchen slowly backed away. This wasn't going to end well, no matter what the voice in her head said.
Seeing Edward rush forward ever heroically to Nia made something in Elaina seethe with angry. The idiot cat was doing things of admirable courage, and it was not something she would stand for. But her survival instinct told her not to do anything but stand there, which would mean Edward would once again be the spectacle and she would be ignored.
The sudden bang! made Nia jump, and she forgot to put one paw in front of the other, so she instead tripped over her own feet. She lay there, still shocked.

"You... shot us." She whimpered. "That was an accident... right?"

The leader's eyes settled on Nia, cold but thoughtful, but then he glanced at Edward and the others. "Alright, then," he said, sneering. "Don't know why I even bother, but... it'll be a lot easier on everyone if you just surrender. I'm sure you know how the rest of the speech goes." He glanced at Nia again, then moved his hand slightly so his handgun was aiming at Edward. "Even if you thought you had a chance, the only way out is killing us. Now, there may be some psychos among you, but you don't look the type. Especially," he added, making a vague gesture with his free hand toward Nia, and let the sentence trail off.

Nia pushed herself up so she was sitting, and she looked at the soldiers mournfully. She felt something stirring inside her head, and spreading to her arms. She was getting the strong feeling that she knew exactly what was going on, but didn't like it. "You're here to help us, right?"

On the leader's part, she only received a glance. The woman still pointing a gun at Nia frowned, though she said nothing.

"The Fullmetal Alchemist?" a female soldier beside Tupman said. "What the hell was Parker doing? He could have at least removed that arm."
Well fuck.

Fang watches the soldiers point their guns at Edward and the small child Nia, sensing the tense atmosphere in the room. He then notes that one of the girl's shifted herself to stand behind him the the bee-dude. Shrugging his shoulders he starts to study the soldiers before them, standing in the way of their escape.

Well. This was a simple answer.

Fang spins the blade in his hand lazily, calling over to Edward with a bored tone.

"These guys are right. We'll have to kill them to get the hell out of here. Unless, of course, you perfer that cell back there."

He takes a step forward, careful to keep the girl that was hiding behind he covered. Her fingers curl around the handle of the blade, the bracelets on his other hand turning into another blade.

"I on the other hand want to leave this place. They took me out of the cages of the big house, I might as well escape from this house of cages before I turn into a experiment in a tube like those unlucky bastards."

You must be careful...the pack is in danger. Destroy the threat that wish to harm them...

Great...the voice again.
"What?! You can't kill them!" Edward hissed in response to Fang's comments. "Fight but don't kill! I have to get out of here and find Al, and I don't want blood on my hands while I do that." He growled, swinging his flesh arm in the canine's direction.

He then turned to the soldiers and stepped forward, this time more carefully and slowly, holding the blade at his side as a sign that he was (hopefully) not a threat. He locked eyes with the leader, frowning slightly.

"Can you tell us why we're here? And why me? Why am I here, I thought the State prized me." He asked, saying the last few words as if they left a bad taste in the teen's mouth. The man had opened his mouth to speak when-

"You don't need to k-know that!" Tupman interrupted, "You're just freaks..." He sounded scared.

Edward flinched. Freaks...? He glanced down at his hand. It looked like a paw...

((uwaaaaa this post is bad.))
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