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Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

Fang lets out a strained sigh, ending in a low canine growl. He grips the knives in his hands tighter, taking another step toward the opposing humans.

"You don't seem to comprehend that these people are the treats. They will do what they must to stop us. That one there looks like he's likely to blow your head off if you move a funny way."

His ears then fold out from under his hair, one flicking as the nervous human told them that they were now freaks.

Freaks, huh. Well then...

Fang looks over his shoulder at the others.

"Hide or fight. It's up to you what you do. Just try not to get shot. We don't need to die here. Not while the exit is behind these assholes."

He then twirls one of the blades and studies the humans before him, selecting who will be the first to fall at his blade's edge.

"It's kill or be killed. Choose what you will do Edward. If you can talk our way out of here, then do so. But if they shot at us one more time, I will see to it that they don't stand for long. Start talking"
"Private Tupman, shut up," the leader said. "I wouldn't be surprised if your memory was damaged with the chimerisation... they found out about your plot with the Flame. Death sentence, of course. If you surrender, you can get all the appropriate newspaper articles and radio transcripts. There are enough chimera corpses, so the scientists won't dissect you until you die naturally."

The woman aiming at Nia glanced at him. "Colonel Andrews?"

His tone was slightly mocking. "Lieutenant Hyland? If you're going to ask why, I can only tell you to look up what 'peaceful resolution' means. The minimum amount of death is always zero." He looked back at Edward. "You're here because you'd be dead, otherwise. I'm not in charge of the experiments. I don't have the answers. You'll have plenty of time to talk to the scientists that do, but they'll be more willing to cooperate if you are."
"Plot? What plot? I wasn't plotting anything, let alone with the Colonel!" Edward snapped, thoroughly annoyed. He had no idea what was going on and was apparently accused of doing something, most likely something extremely bad, from the way he was being treated now. And it involved Mustang...


Death sentence...?

"What happened to Mustang?!" He yelped rather suddenly, startling poor Tupman again. He may have hated the Colonel, but he really didn't want to see him dead.

"Let's...uh, let's just take them back to the cell now?" Tupman asked, his gun pointed squarely at Edward's forehead.
"So by freaks, you mean beings that are superior to yourself Tupman? I'll take that as a compliment."

Elaina giggled at the man's supposed authority. The girl knew of course that Tupman didn't really have control of the situation, he was just waving that gun out of fear. Looking to her right she could see Edward violently question the guard about Mustang, and she smiled.

... He isn't perfect after all.
"This is just getting stupid."

Fang walk to Ed's side, careful to keep in front of the single girl that hid behind him and the Bee-boy. He lifts the knife in his hand, a soft growl in his voice.

"This isn't working for you, Edward. You are losing time. Either you talk your way out of this, I kill them, or we are thrown back into the cages when their bloody back up arrive."
The leader raised an eyebrow. "Yes, we're going to believe you're innocent. It's too late for that, Elric. As for Mustang, he's probably dead. Most soldiers would be unable to execute a child, but not so for a war veteran."

"No," Tupman said to Elaina, "by freak I mean... inferiors to ourselves. Trying to... to twist my words to fit your meaning isn't nearly as smart as you think it is."

The woman beside Tupman finally noted where he was aiming. She elbowed him lightly. "Watch that. If you're going to aim somewhere immediately lethal, at least don't do it at the might-be-reasonable one."

Tupman muttered an apology, and lowered his gun... a little bit too far.

"Nia, was it?" Hyland said. "Yes, that shot... wasn't supposed to happen. We don't want anyone to get hurt, either. We'll have to shoot if you attack us first, but we'd rather you just cooperated."

Nia looked up at her. So, they weren't enemies? Hyland sounded perfectly reasonable - why not just cooperate with the soldiers? Especially since that guy was saying he'd kill the soldiers, which was bad.

Nia looked at Fang, seeing that he had knives in his hands. "Don't kill them," she said. It was bad to kill the soldiers, and it would mean the chimera might have to die.
"If we were inferior, then why waste so much time and money on this project? Why hire armed professionals? Why do these men's fingers tremble on the trigger with every step we take if we are so much inferior?"

Inwardly his words stung though, even though she presented a cocky response. Inferior was a word she had even heard her own father call her once, something she hated. It was the one thing she could never accept was being inferior. Even if Edward would be included in that definition, she couldn't allow herself to be trapped in it as well.

"If you think I am so inferior, then shoot me!"

Eliana let her anexiety take place of logic and strode forward.
As for Mustang, he's probably dead.

he's probably dead.


The colonel's words echoed dully in Edward's head, and he stared right at the man. This wasn't possible. Mustang was one of the strongest people he had met, if not in body then in determination, fire, and life. There was no way he could have been cut down so easily...

The teen snarled, showing his now-sharp teeth. Tupman squeaked, but Edward ignored him in favour of lowering his body closer to the ground and striking forward. He stopped mere inches from the quivering Private, his bladed arm a hair's width from his throat.

"Colonel Mustang had dreams," Edward hissed. "Now let us out so I can avenge him, or I slit this guy's throat."

He had no intention of killing the man, but really, how could they know that?
Fang's eyes widen a bit when Edward lunged forward, seeing him go for the weakest of the human. As well as the most unstable.

He's going to get himself killed, the stupid cat.

Cat. Why are they always like that?

Fang strolls toward Edward, his knife gripped tight in his hand. He glances down at Nia and nods his head a bit, acknowledging the girl's innocent plea. He knew he had to do what had to be done to protect the others.

These are now my...my what..?

Fang shakes his head a bit and stands at Ed's shoulder, the dagger in his left hand returning to it's dormant state. He watched the weak human's hand carefully.

The trigger. That is what will start the mess.
Hyland barely managed to get out a, "Charles!" when Edward learned first-hand why it was a bad idea to hold a blade to the throat of a man with a gun from the front.


Nia, who had just leapt after Edward and barely missed grabbing his shirt with her teeth, froze at the sound of the gunshot. She saw the hole in his shirt and flesh, and the blood soaking into the cloth.

Tupman staggered backward as he watched Edward fall, the metal blade only scoring a light scratch on the soldier's stomach.

The leader's mouth was open for a few seconds. "Shit," he said. "If you're willing to surrender - out of the way. You wouldn't have to be caught in the crossfire. Otherwise..." He lifted his gun, as did the other soldiers.

Hyland narrowed her eyes at Nia, probably expecting the girl to stand down. But her rifle was still steady in her hands, and she was definitely prepared to shoot.

"You shot Edward," she said. "You shot Edward. You shot him..."

(( Yeah, the bullet went through cleanly.

Edit: And the shot happened while Fang was walking up to Edward - it happened almost instantaneously, so. ))
Gary had been trying his best to hold himself back, but seeing Edward just suddenly take a bullet to the chest... Something inside him just suddenly made him snap. He first began to beat his wings rapidly, not only creating an obnoxiously loud, thunderous roar, but also blowing tornado-force winds all around the room. He hoped the resulting aftermath of the gunshot and the force and sound of the wind would be enough of a distraction to break up their organization, or else he'd end up just like Ed... But right now, he didn't care. This charade needed to end now... and he needed his revenge.

The Beedrill chimera leapt forward, darting around instinctively in the air, as he looked for an opening to strike, from the side at the group of soldiers, claws slamming forward as he moved
Karae had shuffled into place behind the canine-looking chimera, since he seemed prepared to fight. There was nowhere else to hide, after all, and at least he seemed more than happy to shield her from view. The gunshot broke down her resolve to stay safe and alive, though. These guys... if they had shot Edward Elric, then they definitely didn't care what happened to the rest of them. The certainty of that was affirmed by the soldiers' command. Get out of the way and live, or be an idiot and die. It should have been a simple choice. It should have been.

So why was she dashing out from behind her living shield, pushing against the wind to stumble over to Ed? He was dying... he was dying. Or dead already. She couldn't seem to control herself - he had been the closest thing they had to a leader. She didn't like him. She didn't think she ever would, but all they had been trying to do was get out of here, and now he was dead. This wasn't fair at all... Why couldn't she do something? She couldn't heal, or fight, or anything... Useless baggage.

By the time Fang reached Edward, he heard the sound of the gun shot. His gaze levelled on the leader of the soldiers, a killer's glint in them as the smell of blood reached him. Something stirred in his gut as the dagger in his right hand melted and formed into a brass-knuckle claw hybrid. He remembers seeing this type of weapon before on the street.

Tiger Claws.

Claws. Yes...it is time for claws and blood and death...no..death is the last option. Just blood and pain...

And revenge.

Fang takes another step toward the soldiers, noticing the bee-man causing a gust of strong wind and the girl running from behind him to check on Edward. He looks down at the boy, his throat becoming dry and sore.

"You shall pay for your stupid actions. You will be the first one, Tupman"

Fang, quick as the street rat he is, dashes to the weak human's side and grabs his wrist, twisting it sharply to force the hand to drop the gun. Fang then slams his now Tiger Clawed fist into the soldier's gut and starts to slowly twist the claws.

This is too easy...

Behind you. The other humans.

Fang's eat flicks as the warning rings in his head. He grabs the weak human's shoulder and swings them both around, forcing the human to stand between himself and the other gun wielding Humans.

"Drop your guns and you may be able to safe this one's life. Keep holding them and pointing them at us, this man will bleed out and die. It is your choice if you wish to keep this man alive, human leader. Choose."
Beneath the loud buzzing of Gary's wings and the howling of the wind, Nia could swear she heard a scream, the pounding of someone's heart, and a girl's pleading voice. What looked like black mist wafted up from the five tanks with chimeras inside, and they formed shapes vaguely reminiscent of humans... and, for each human, another strange creature Nia had never seen before. More clouds appeared, though their shapes were less defined. All rushed as one at the soldiers, who were already opening fire at Gary and Karae - and at the dog-like human holding onto one of the soldiers.

Stirred on by the dark feelings in the wind, Nia snarled and rushed at Tupman, completely disregarding any tactics the adults might have planned - he shot Edward. The soldiers were more panicked as the spirits of humans and strange, almost mythical creatures charged at them. Several bullets tore through the spirits, but the spirits weren't even slowed down. Of course, the mist simply passed through the humans as well; the dead couldn't hurt them, and the wind wasn't quite strong enough to turn their bullets back on them.

The only one in the way the spirits could injure was Fang, and not all the spirits were quick enough to get out of the way.

A rifle fired, and tore a small crater in the ground just behind Nia's feet, and she thought she could hear the woman yelling something ("Charles!"), but it didn't matter because Fang wasn't between Nia and Tupman any more, and now she had vaulted over Edward, and now her massive claws had torn through Tupman's back and were caught on his spine. Nia growled again and tore her claws out so she could stand up, towering over the poor man, and slam her other claws through his throat.

As the wind died down, and over the gunfire, Nia heard Hyland's scream.

"That was my brother, you bitch!"

A bullet grazed Nia's stomach, opening up a long but shallow cut, and another went through a leg. Two others completely missed as Nia toppled over, forward and onto her first victim, and if Fang wasn't quick enough, the second person she'd ever seen spill another's blood.

"--nant Hyland, focus!"


(( Ominous wind (as per Kali's suggestion) is fuuun, especially when we're not all coordinating our actions. ))
The 'spirits' themselves were not meant to harm the humans, but they probably didn't know that. What they were successful at though was what Gary intended... to serve as a distraction and mask his movements. Easily moving away from the spirits the humans began shooting, Gary began to furiously attack (as in "Fury Attack") the various humans, flanking their position. He began to stab the different humans with his large claws and his stinger, aiming for the chests and heads,

The Beedrill Chimera could only hope that the other Chimeras were smart and quick enough to realize the diversion and move out of the way themselves, but he didn't think to care. His mind was focused on only one thing, killing the humans that threatened them. He could feel a bullet penetrate into one of his shoulders, and another into his abdomen, but right now those impacts only served to infuriate him even more, releasing adrenaline into his system. He knew he'd feel them later, but right now he had to make sure there was a 'later.'
Edward was vaguely aware of a burning pain in his torso, a strange warmth covering his belly and chest, and the pain in the back as he lay on the floor. He remembered a flash, a loud sound, pain...then he was here, like this. Tupman must have shot him! He lifted his head and looked down, wincing at the hole in his body, near his navel.

He looked up when the wind started, eyes widening at the scene before him. The dog-man was fighting, and Nia was too, she pulled down the man who had shot him, blood everywhere... But then the woman screamed and started to shoot at the young chimera.

The pain continued to gnaw at his nerves, biting into his mind, dulling it... It was then a voice rose from the back of his mind, feminine but angered, urging him forward, to strike, to tear apart the one threatening the kits, riptearkill-

"Stay back!" He hissed to the blue-skinned girl approaching him, staggering to his feet.

Hyland was walking towards Nia, tears of anger spilling down her face, her gun pointed right towards the chimera, ready to send a bullet to her brain.

"You killed Charles! You killed him!" She said frantically, ready to pull the trigger.

It was then Edward lunged, the muscles in his legs driving him forward with an unnatural amount of speed, swinging the blade on his arm and letting out a primal cry.
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The blade, alchemically constructed to perfect sharpness and hardness, easily tore through the woman's skin, then her muscles, then her blood vessels and throat and again, out the other side. Blood gushed out of her neck, spraying all over Edward's face and into his mouth and eyes. Her last shot went wild, into the wall, and her rifle dropped a moment before the woman herself did.

Edward couldn't quite stop in time, so he continued forward in his lunge, falling on top of the woman and pushing her back while her legs crumpled beneath her. She fell on her back, with Edward on top of her, and her heart pumped the blood into his face again, mainly at his mouth and neck this time. Although one of his eyes was forced closed by the blood, his other could clearly see her blue eyes staring at him, like she was still conscious - because she was. Her lips moved, like she was trying to say something, but no words came out.

Blood dripped from Edward's face and hair onto her tear-streaked cheeks, and another spurt of blood came from her neck. Hyland weakly reached for her rifle, which was just out of reach by her leg, and her fingers groped for it uselessly.

As blood continued to spurt out of her neck, her body relaxed in a strangely awful way, and her eyes (Blue - remember that, Edward. The first person you killed, her eyes were blue.) were finally diverted from his face when her head automatically tilted to the side.


(( Uh, since you aren't stating your success rate. Although your wings make a pretty big target, so... yeah. ))

Of course, the rapid stabs were only able to reach three of the soldiers, and even though they were using handguns, it was pretty hard to get in anything substantial when they were covering each other. Of course, the nature of the attack Gary was subconsciously using involved a high number of light blows in the first place. That was good, since he was aiming at rather bony targets with needles that were too wide to fit through the fleshier parts. One soldier, with a deep cut on his forehead, was obviously having trouble with his aim as blood gushed over one eye.

But then came that one horrible moment when they pulled the triggers, and the only response was a click.

They immediately tossed away their handguns and reached for the second handguns on their belts, but Gary had time for at least one fatal attack on one of the soldiers, if he was willing to risk it.

If he thought the other soldiers were too busy to come to his targets' aid.

Gretchen's thoughts were a haze, that was about the only thing running through her mind that was interpretable. They'd shot Edward. They'd shot Edward.

Now they would pay.

Without a second thought, and hardly even a first thought, she jumped into the fray, her jaws clamping down onto the shoulder of a soldier pointing his gun at her. She could taste the red liquid leaking from the bite wound. Deliciously metallic. She gripped the gun as the soldier flailed, then turned it back at him as best she could before bending his finger backward as she pulled the trigger and heard the blast. The wind didn't faze her. The rest of the chimera didn't faze her.

All she wanted to focus on, was eliminating the obstacle and getting out safely.
Drenched in blood and trembling all over, Edward wrenched himself away from his victim's body, sputtering and wiping at his face with his flesh hand, strangled whimpers issuing from the boy. He was drenched in blood, his golden hair stained crimson.

Pain throbbed in his torso and he stumbled backwards, nearly falling, but his training and new found feline balance kept him upright. He stared at the fallen Hyland, tears running down his face and cutting clean trails through the blood. He let out an anguished cry and stumbled forward, falling to his knees beside Hyland's body.

"Oh god what have I done..." He said, "No, no, I didn't mean... Please don't be dead, I'm not a killer, please no..." He rasped, nudging the body with his flesh hand, blood still coating him in a wet, sticky mess.

He nudged her cheek gently, but jumped when he noted that her blue eyes were still open, though lifeless, like two glass orbs. He'd seen that before...the spark of life gone from someone's eyes, if only briefly, when his mother had died... He whimpered, placing his hand over her eyes, so not as to look in them.

I killed her...

It wa sthen he noted something sticking out of her coat slightly, which had been rumpled when he moved off of her. The feline teen reached out and gently removed it, revealing a picture. It was Hyland, the woman he had killed, holding a child of about four or five years old...they looked so similar. Edward made a strained yelp and dropped the picture.

I'm a killer, I stole her life, and she had a family, a child to take care of...what have I become?

((ew this post is fail.))
Gary noticed an opportunity to get in more than just a quick jab. One human had run out of ammo, and others couldn't get to him unless they passed the human first. And it just wasn't in his mindset to pass up such a wonderful opportunity. He quickly landed in front of the reloading human and performed his signature move... The bug stabbed one of his foreclaws square into the human's chest, leaving it there long enough to secrete venom from it, then continued with the other, just below it and to the side, into the human's stomach. In the split second he had connected with his target, while the human reeled back from the attack, he used his lower pair of arms and grabbed the gun away, with the new ammo in it, but still in its unlocked position. Gary finally removed his claws and leapt away, pointing the gun toward the humans and cocking it, his claws dripping with blood and venom.
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