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Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

Andrews glanced at Edward, then he finally shifted, confirming he wasn't just a very convincing statue. He looked over all of the chimera, then stared Edward in the eye. "Do you know why we lock up fellow human beings? Kill them? Why the public allows it? It's because some human beings are capable of being the worst of monsters. Capable of performing the greatest evils."

He walked forward, still addressing Edward more than any of the other chimeras. "These monsters?" he asked, softly. "Barely human, but physically, they're exactly like other humans. They are the perfect test subjects. They don't have any rights." He narrowed his eyes. "They don't deserve them." Then he smirked, and broke his gaze to look over the others again. "Sometimes, we need sacrifices to achieve a greater good. Sacrifices that are willing--or deserving. I don't know what most of you did to deserve your initial sentence,"--here his face twisted into something hateful--"but you certainly do now.

He walked up to the bars, grabbing one with his automail hand. "Even as monsters, you have done something unforgivable. You killed my men. My friends." He let go of the bar. "Fellow human beings, with family... children... a claim to life. If there's any human left in you, hybrid or not, then let them cry out."

Then he turned around, walking back to the table and looking at the four pictures before turning back to the chimeras. "If not? Then you have no claim to any rights."
Edward paled at the man's words, drawing his knees to his chest and resting his forehead on them. His shoulders trembled, and he let his tail coil around his ankle as he whimpered. He tugged futilely at the cuff around his wrist, the metal clanking against the bar.

"I'm a human, I'm a person, not a monster..." He whimpered out, his entire body jerking as he pulled. "I have a family too, my brother, Al...I want to go find him... Let me go!"

Killer. I'm a killer, I'm a murderer. he's right, I'm a monster... I killed that woman, she had a family and a life and oh god what have I done...

"Please..." He whimpered.
((Yay, Halan. =D))

Karae woke up slowly. The drugs, the pain, the exhaustion and her weakened condition from being on the streets had all combined to send her into such a deep sleep that the grogginess did not fade, even as she awakened. In fact, the room was blurry and the voices distorted. She could feel the confining handcuffs, but it didn't really hit her until she turned her head and saw the others. They were back in a cell... There was a sour taste in her mouth, possibly from sleeping, or maybe because she was so bitterly disappointed. They had failed. They would be trapped here forever, just experiments to be kept until their captors lost interest or died...

"Lighten up. You're not dead. See? That's a success. You're not out on the street, and it's not raining, and you're not being dumped in a puddle of your own blood." That's odd... she had thought that the voice was a dream, or some sort of delusion from the pain.

You're real?

"No, I'm in your head. You can't see me, or hear me, and you won't feel my pain the way I do yours."

I'm crazy, then...

"What a cheerful thought. Just because you didn't get out this time doesn't mean you won't get out the next. Just... distance yourself for a while. Keep watch, follow the others... You'll hurt yourself less."

Distance myself? The voice was silent, and she assumed that it had said what it had needed to, and was now going to shut up so that she could focus on what was in front of her. ...Her head hurt. The soldier standing there wasn't something she noticed for a while, and once she did... "...Water." she murmured, trying to look more frail and sickly than she already was.
The second jolt of electricity was enough. The world turned black before Zachary's body could react to the pain.


Another jail, Zachary noted sourly as he woke up. There was a neat circular scar on his abdomen, and another one on his shoulder. Well, whatever the soldiers want, they have healed him and left him alive. And being alive was always good.

Hm, in what way is being alive good? This is something I have always wondered about.

And, of course, the friendly voice in his head. "Well, being alive is good because I won't be dead." Zachary answered out loud, bringing his wrist up to his face. The handcuffs looked wooden and frail -- he might be able to break them, but how...?

I really do not understand how being alive is good. Can you go into more detail?

Zachary sat up in his bed and looked around. He could see a soldier outside the bars, and a large rifle. Seems like escaping is out of the question. For now. "Why exactly do you want to know anyway?" Zachary asked, lying back onto his bed. "Can't you save the questions until we've got out of this damn place?

I am merely curious. After all, I have always been dead for as long as I could remember, and it is not often that I come in such close contact with a living being who would actually answer my questions. I suppose I can always ask later, if that's what you wish.

"Yes, thank you," Zachary said, knowing full well that the soldier outside probably thinks that he's nuts and completely not caring. It's not often you get to have a nice, enlightening conversation with a voice in your head. "One question. You know anyway I can get rid of these stupid cuffs and maybe the bars?" Zachary asked, dangling the wooden handcuffs over his face. He wasn't used to being locked up; it just wasn't very nice to be so far away from something he can kill.

"Hm, you never answer my questions yet you wish me to answer yours. Well, the answer's simple. You eat it. Wood is not that delicious, but the metal bars are better. Who knows, you might find them to your liking. [color]

"Uh-huh. Right," Zachary muttered and closed his eyes, sinking back into the bed. "Thanks for the help. I'll consider it. Some day."
It had been so sudden. One moment Rukh had been feeling better than fine (minus the dull throb in his shoulder), exhilarated and full of energy, stronger than he had ever been before, and then everything exploded. It started at his feet, but had been so fast that his entire body was enveloped almost instantaneously. One by one, his nerves fried in the wake of the electrical surge, and from all over his body his brain received mental messages of agony beyond comprehension. Then the river of lightning reached his brain, and everything shut down.

He crumpled beneath his own weight as his muscles slackened, falling to the hard floor in a heap - it hurt just to feel how cold the metal surface was - smoke rising from his prone form and sizzling robes. His creamy skin, once smooth and without blemishes of any kind, was now riddled with scorch marks, the scales flaking off as he twitched uncontrollably, like a chicken with its head chopped off. His face was contorted into silent scream, mouth open and eyes wide; though he had no control over himself anymore, his empty gaze fell upon the alchemist, the unknown assailant.

Damn that woman...she dare bring harm to me? She dares bring harm to MY beautiful skin?! Remember her face well, Rukh; you will be helping me take my revenge upon her soon enough.

But the once-Ishbalan said nothing, nor did he think anything; he was too far gone to notice anything around him or even in his mind by this point. Something came up over him, a large shadow of a man, bending over and holding a syringe. The needle went neatly into his neck, with him completely unable to object physically or verbally, and injected its contents.

You're not going to make it until the medics come; that's kinda my fault, I guess - if you had been fused with that Rhyperior you might have avoided this mess. Don't worry, I'll keep you alive, for both of us.

He was already unconscious by then.

It was pure agony: it felt like his entire body was burning, being pelted with red-hot cinders, even though most of his skin was covered by a heavy cloak, dripping with his sweat despite the arid environment. It didn't seem possible for a sandstorm to be this bad - the ones he had lived through back home were so mild in comparison - and he feared that he might be caught up in the dust, his flesh ripped apart and scattered on the wind across all the world. He dare not open his eyes while facing the maelstrom, lest the blazing grains become lodged beneath their lids and drive him further into this sand-swept hell, but even then he wouldn't have the slightest idea of where to go; everything was the same. And then, after an eternity of staving off his madness, the bombardment stopped, the howling winds merely a comfortable breeze on what little of his face was shown. He opened his eyes, slowly, carefully, and saw...

...A dull, gray surface, seeming to stretch off in all directions from this vantage point. Rukh bolted upwards from the comforting caress of the bed, almost immediately regretting doing so; he winced from the painful ache that spread over his body, still feeling sore from the earlier battle. Moreover, all attempts to move his hands were met with a constricted, tugging feeling around his wrists, and one glance downward revealed the culprit: a rectangular piece of wood shackled around his hands. ...Wood? Just wood? No way, I could break these easily; they wouldn't make it that simple for us to escape a second time.

And indeed, a glance around the room revealed that not only were the other chimeras - miraculously, all of them were still alive - similarly chained down, but Edward, Nia, and that blue canine fellow were in far worse predicaments. Additionally, there was actually a guard this time, a man standing outside, a very stern, grim look on his face; Rukh took note of the sleek rifle placed well within his reach, and decided that the escape would have to be put on hold for the moment. He also saw the cell across from theirs, along with its sole occupant - a human, it seemed, interestingly enough - and...some bizarre mannequin which he could only assume was built from the bed that had once been there.

It was then that he became aware of a dull buzzing in his ears, one that steadily became louder and more distinct as he focused on it and his senses returned to their full ability. Talking, a particularly gruff voice, that of the officer outside, seemingly directed at Edward, who was in the bed directly to Rukh's left - he grimaced as he saw the scars around the golden-haired teen's torso, no doubt a result of his now-missing automail. As he listened, realization began to dawn: they had killed people just now. He himself had not been responsible, no, but it horrified him nonetheless. And that they had had families to their name...he offered a silent prayer to Ishbala, begging for forgiveness.

But all of his thoughts ended as he heard what the man had to say about humans, about monsters, about the chimera. They...they were inhuman, now? Ravenous beasts? No; though they had succumbed to primal fury, they had only been acting on human instincts, on human rage. But that the military would be lecturing them on this matter? "How can you accuse us of these crimes?" Rukh demanded of the guard, "You, who are yourself but a tool of the military?"

"You say we are now without human feelings, beyond remorse, mercy, and compassion. Answer me this, great human: when the military goes to war, ravages the land of its enemies, kills its people, soldier and civilian alike, do they come crawling back afterward and beg for forgiveness? When they came into the Ishbalan homelands and killed thousands, for no explained reason whatsoever, did they apologize to all the refugees who had managed to survive?!" He remembered the horror, the fear he had felt in that time, always fleeing from the men in blue coats. Whole branches of his family tree were cut off and chopped to pieces over the course of only a few years. And when it was all over, he continued to live in fear, dismayed and hopeless until Ishbala returned him to faith. Then he remembered again that horrible woman they had encountered earlier, the Lightning Alchemist. "I have seen the blood spilled by war, the methods of the alchemists who abused their godly strength for the military's cause, and I can tell you that you are no more human than any of us have become!"
"No," Andrews said, "Perhaps they didn't beg you for forgiveness, but they didn't think they could be forgiven. I know of very few soldiers who came back from the Ishbalan War unscarred. Most of the ones that might have were assassinated by their own subordinates." He smirked. "At least a quarter of all returning soldiers were unable to hold a stable family and the rate of alcoholism increased by thirty percent. They had plenty of ways to rationalise and justify their actions - we put on our uniforms because we were prepared to kill people to protect the populace, and when the orders came to attack the Ishbalans, we trusted there was a good reason. And when we heard the news that Ishbalans attacked innocent towns like Resembool because they were supplying wool for our uniforms, it wasn't hard to believe that the Ishbalans deserved everything they got. It doesn't stop the nightmares.

"But you won't get anywhere by telling me I'm not human," Andrews added, brown eyes meeting red. "I know I'm a monster." He pointed a metal finger at his temple. "But I'm a monster on a leash, reduced to a tool of the military, so that one less human has to see the evils of the world. You have no such thing."

(( Oh geez. ))
Fang couldn't help it. Both him and the voice reaction was the same to everything going on. They both started to laugh despite the hell they were in. Though it was muffled and it would may have sounded like he was talking, the man was laughing at the scene before him.

"Human...like hell I'm human now. I've never been seen like one, so I damn as well get used to not being human now kiddies~"

Fang closes his eyes as a tear of laughter runs down his face. Others would think that he was in pain and crying because of that, but he wasn't crying from pain.

The hell. Why am I laughing like a loon?

That...Danny, would be my fault. Seems you are more connected to me than I first thought. I'm sorry for that.

So. You find shit like this funny? Being chained, caged, and used by ass holes like these?

A maddening laugh rings out in Fang's head, Halan's laughing filling every gap in his skull.

You'd be surprised what I find funny. I'm not the sanest person when is comes to things I'm familiar with.
Why... why did I fail?

Gary looked around. Everywhere, a mist surrounded him, reaching out toward infinity. There were no actual sources of light nearby, but somehow, the area itself around him seemed to glow in some strange, supernormal way. Then he looked at himself. He was... human again?

What... where am I? Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?
No... You're not dead. Not yet anyway. But you should be.

Gary heard a strange, feminine voice, echoing all around him.

Huh? Who are you? Where are you?
I'm right here. I'm you... But, if you'd rather see me...

Two large, glowing red orbs began to appear in the fog, approaching. As they got closer, the area around them began to become visible as well. First, they were shown to be connected, by a large, yellow body, then the rest of the body became visible as well.

Before him.. was the largest Beedrill Gary had ever seen. It must have been 30 feet tall.

Woah... you're huge!
Only because you're so small. You lost. You lost... because you did not accept who you are. Who... we are.
I'm a monster now. I just want to be human... for this all to end.
You don't have a choice.

The Beedrill knelt down before Gary, lowering her head and arms. She slid one of her claws underneath him, lifting him up. with it. He began to rest on her claw, looking up at her.

What are you doing?
Just relax. It's my turn now.
... What do you mean?

The Beedrill pulled him up to her head, standing up. In the air, the 'ground' couldn't even be seen due to the fog. Gary felt a little uneasy at first, but it wasn't until he saw the giant bug open her mouthparts underneath him that he really was nervous. Then he felt himself sliding off... falling... toward a dark abyss... He did the only thing he could think of to do... he screamed

That's when he woke up.

Gary looked around. He was back in a cell, back in the mutated chimera body, but this cell looked a little different.

Where are we?
It appears this is our new home, for now.
You? I thought that was a dream...
Like I said, I'm you.
They caught us again, didn't they?

The Beedrill chimera stood up, looking at his inmates, but this was different. Because Gary didn't order himself to stand. Someone else did. His other half.
"Hello everyone. It seems we were captured again. Maybe we need a better plan than just run out randomly."
His voice sounded a little different... much calmer, more feminine.
Wow... this is new...
Now you know how I felt... when you were in control...

(because everyone needs internal struggle... I'm no exception ;) but mine has a slightly different ending...)
"Perhaps I was the only soldier in that room deserving of death," Andrews continued, breaking his stare. "If we were to speak of humans and monsters... Private Charles Tupman was not a monster. He was the newest soldier on the premises, still unused to guarding or fighting anything other than completely human. You were his first - and last - real opponents." Here Andrews gave a pointed stare at Fang and Nia. "Private Tupman introduced a tabletop role-playing game to the office, and within a month he had half the soldiers addicted."

Nia stopped growling to blink in confusion. She didn't see the point in being told all of this. It didn't really mean anything, although she was starting to feel a little bad, and Tupman wasn't here any more, so why keep talking about him? It only made her sad.

"Unlike the others here, he didn't have a significant other. He couldn't find one. But," Andrews said, fingers ghosting over Hyland's picture, "he did have a sister he wanted to protect at any cost. He came here specifically so that he could protect her - and she requested it, so she could do the same thing. The Tupmans value their familial bonds. Son, brother, and everyone's friend, lost - congratulations for affecting so many lives."

"But... he shot Edward," Nia said. She looked up at Edward, who was sitting on the bed beside her. "It's okay, right? He shot you... he hurt you. He wanted to kill you, and I didn't want you to die, and the soldier over there shot you so what he said doesn't matter and--" She stared at the ground. Doubt coloured her voice for the first time. "It's okay... right?"
Edward remained silent at Nia's questions, just stared at her like he desperately wanted to reach out and hug the girl, golden eyes wide. This man was trying to drive them over the edge, to break them, hurt them. He wasn't going to break! Edward hissed softly and steeled himself, furrowing his brow.

"Don't listen to him, just...just don't." He said, showing fangs and glancing at Andrews.

He could feel the feline within him stir, part of it overriding his own better judgment, filling him with a powerful urge to rip into Andrews for speaking to Nia that way. Protect the kit.

Protect the kit.

"You leave her alone!" He yowled, turning to face the man, fangs bared and claws digging into his palm. "She's perfectly innocent!"
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"Perfectly innocent?" Andrews glanced at Hyland's photo - or maybe at the picture nearby, which he picked up. Although it appeared he was just looking at it himself, Edward had a clear view of the smiling young girl in an oversized military jacket. "An innocent little girl, just like Lily Hyland, right?"

Andrews put the photo down, and looked at Edward. "Lieutenant Abigail Hyland, married for six years, and mother of a five year old girl. Generally stoic, but very protective of her family. She baked several pies for every holiday, so all of my subordinates would have something to look forward to in the year. It was used as a reason not to commit suicide, whenever anyone had to talk about it."

He lifted up the edge of a sheet of paper on the table, so Edward could see the contents. It was a simple transmutation circle, drawn in a thick marker. The lines and circle were a little shaky, but they were more even than most five year olds' drawings. "Lightning has been teaching Lily alchemy. Supposedly, she's very talented." Andrews let go of the transmutation circle sheet, eyes boring into Edward's own. "Hopefully, she's not too much of a genius, or she too might try to bring her mother back from the dead."
Edward flinched back at the man's words, each one a stab into his heart. He stared at Andrews, the tears at the edges of his eyes threatening to fall. His face burned; he could feel himself go red. He mouthed quietly for a moment, trying to form words, sentences.

Killer. I'm a killer, murderer, I deserve this...

No. We only did our duty.


Kill the threat. Protect the kits.

Edward's tail twitched, and his pupils slitted.

Kill the threat. We killed the threat. Our kit is safe.

He glanced at Nia. Safe.

Kill the threat. We killed the threat. Our kit is safe. Our genes will go on.

But she's not-

We killed the threat. Our kit is safe. We killed the threat. Our kit is safe. We killed the threat. Our kit is safe. We killed the threat. Our kit is safe. We kill-

"We killed the threat. Our kit is safe." He muttered, voice low, emotionless, staring right ahead at Andrews. "We killed the threat. Our kit is safe..."
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Fang closes his eyes, his laugh becoming louder as Ed started to go slowly insane. This was just perfect! Fang tries to move his head to get a better view of the scene before him, finding all a great show of compassion and love for one's family. Frankly he didn't quite care for the whole family thing since he never had a family, causing him to be cold and rash with his actions on such things.

Halan had a different view.

Danny. The human does have a point...But we should be more concerned for Edn-...Edward. He seems to have taken the mentally of his...affliction.

And what do you want me to do about it. I'm kinda tied up here.

I am a strong being. These...things won't hold for long. But you'll have to listen to me.

"...whatever. Just get started"

This isn't a light matter! You must watch over Edward...if you don't, you may lose them..all of them.
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"Tch. Whatever. It's not like I had any rights before this either. You don't get rights when your father treats you as a slave then sells you to scientists to be made into a monster who can't control her own impulses." Gretchen snarled. "My want of revenge is the only reason I didn't beg you guards to kill me right there."

"Get the hell over yourself. You are not a monster, you are a chimera. There is a difference. Now stop wangsting or I will really give you a reason to want to die."

That voice again. Yeah, like you could. I ask again. Just who and what the hell are you?

"My name is Opal, and you will figure that out in ti-why is he talking like that?"

It wasn't until the... thing, had pointed it out that Gretchen had noticed Edward.
Yeah, Nia thought, even Edward thought Andrews' words were wrong, and he even yelled at Andrews. Except then Edward was starting to cry when Andrews spoke back at him, so did that mean that what Nia did was okay, but not what Edward did? Oh, wait, but now Edward was repeating some sort of mantra that sounded like it meant Edward did the right thing. Nia poked Edward's hand with her nose.

"Big brother?"

Andrews, meanwhile, didn't show any sympathy; he only gave Edward a calculating look. Then he drew his gun and pointed it at Nia. "Maybe I should consider that - killing the threat."
Edward's eyes snapped open fully when the gun pointed towards Nia, his pupils paper-thin slits. He hissed, ears pressed back against his skull and tail twitching.

Get him! He's going to hurt the kit!

The blood-red gem in the teen's forehead shone brightly, quickly forming a thin red beam that burst out from the gemstone and impacted one of the bars of the cage, splintering into a thousand harmless points of light that soon dissipated. Edward growled at the miss, but hoped that it would scare the man enough to leave the kit alone...

"Kill the threat." He growled, clearly not himself anymore.
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The impact sounded like a gunshot, and for a moment Nia thought Andrews had pulled the trigger, but he just flinched a little and narrowed his eyes. "Yeah," he said, holstering his gun. "So you understand, right?"

Nia heard a flurry of movement, and two soldiers came rushing in, both with handguns ready. Another soldier ran in behind them, drawing her sword - Lightning. Andrews looked up at them, expression unreadable.

"What happened?" one of the soldiers demanded, as the prisoner in the other cell jolted awake.

"Elric can use them too," Andrews said. "From the jewel. It hit the metal."

The soldiers pointed their guns at Edward, expressions rather uncertain.

"More importantly," Lightning said, "what the hell are you doing?"

Andrews glanced at her, then looked away, jaw clenching.

Lightning sighed. "This is a little pathetic, you know that? You're not really going to get anywhere with them, unless you're hoping to die. You're not, are you?" Andrews shook his head. "Right. Need me to knock them out so you can restrain them all properly? Wilson won't be happy, but it's better than another escape."

"It's fine."

"Right." Lightning sheathed her sword. "Good, then. Wilson was pretty ticked about the Ishvalan - something about electricity hitting him harder than everyone, which is bullshit - but anyway, he's got news about that chimera we found in the cell. The black-furred one with the weird red headpiece?"

Andrews looked at her. "Go on."

"Standard rejection," Lightning said, shrugging. "They weren't wrong when they'd said he was stable, because he was, but the elemental beasts are too different from standard animals and humans. Wilson thinks their bodies can reject each other at any point, but they haven't been studying these chimeras long enough to detect deterioration."

"It wasn't even an invertebrate," Andrews said. "The skeletal structure was similar to a mammal's, so they thought the chance of success was higher."

"Yeah, chance."

Throughout this time, the other prisoner had been rubbing at his eyes, stretching out his back, and watching the proceedings and commenting about them to the bed-scarecrow. Now, though, he stood almost pressing his face to the bars. "Hello!" he called to presumably everyone in the room, with a faint Xingese accent. "My name is Bao, and this"--he held a hand out in the scarecrow's direction--"is Prince Wei. It's very nice to meet you!"

Curiously, one of the soldiers aiming at Edward had a strange expression, rather like dawning horror. Lightning, though, just had a vague smile when she glanced at him, apparently not finding him something to worry about.
Unstable...? Like Al... That meant he didn't have much time to get out, find Al, and get back to normal. Edward listened quietly as the soldiers talked about the going's on, but was on edge, as there were guns pointed right at the kit.

The kit the kit protect the kit protect her-

Stop it!

He blinked as he felt the odd feeling rush away, the rage and bloodlust that had filled him before replaced by confusion and a trace of fear. This was bad, he could die at any moment...

But then someone said a cheery hello that caught him completely off-guard. The man seemed so...oddly cheery, and did- Did he just call that creepy scarecrow thing a prince? Edward blinked dully, completely forgetting himself for a moment trying to ponder this. He frowned.
Lightning's eyes flicked between all of the chimera. "Dismissed," she said. "Or standby. Whatever. Just go away to wherever you were, we don't need you here."

"Yes, sir," both soldiers said, saluting, and they walked back to the well-lit lab they'd come from.

Lightning watched them leave. When their footsteps had disappeared, she addressed Andrews again. "Hey, are you... drunk?"

"I'm alert as I need to be," Andrews said. "My reflexes and accuracy are adequate, and--"

Lightning groaned, slapping her forehead. "You reject those apathy pills on the grounds that it'll affect your battle performance, and then you go do... this. Drink and come here, alone, to provoke the chimeras. Yeah. That makes sense." She sighed. "Guess I'll have to stand guard."

Which apparently did not mean being alert or paying attention to the chimeras, because she wandered over to Bao's cell.

"Sergeant Alfred Beal," Andrews said after a pause. "You won't recognise the name. Perhaps you'll know the face." He picked up the photo of Gary's victim, held it for a few seconds so everyone could get a good look. "He thanks you for the chance to say some last words, but not for much else. He at least had the chance to meet the love of his life and share nine months with her, although he won't be as happy about her grief."

He placed the picture back on the table. "It's a tragedy, because before Anna, his only true, deep, emotional connection was with the many dogs he adopted off the street. He could attract the attention of many women, but he was only interested in the fun and excitement of dating. But when he met her, he found her different from anyone else."

Andrews looked at Gary, now solely addressing him. "Private Tupman, perhaps, would have been the most relieved if Sergeant Beal was not present to terrify him with pornographic magazines, or if Sergeant Beal never entered the office wearing a... tiny miniskirt again. Everyone would. But nobody would deny missing him, least of all Anna."

Nia was more distracted by the conversation Lightning was having with Bao. They were speaking more quietly than Andrews, but with her enhanced senses, she could hear them clearly. Their conversation was less unpleasant than what Andrews was saying, too.

"Are those chimeras like the kind you're going to turn me into?" Bao asked.

"Yeah, that's one group. What do you think?"

"They're magnificent. I anticipate my turn." Bao frowned. "But you said the bodies can reject each other, didn't you?"

"Well, the doctor did. Guess that means you're not going to do it yet, right?"

"Yes, Prince Wei doesn't want me to become a chimera unless he knows I'm going to be a complete success." He smiled at the scarecrow. "If you had been ready ten days ago, he'd only require that I survived the process."

"Man, he's getting stricter every time I talk to you," Lightning said. "Hopefully the scientists can keep up."

"Hunger and waiting both make him more stressed, so he becomes worried."

"Yeah, hunger... the usual meals for two prisoners isn't enough, is it?"

"No," Bao said, mournfully. "I give him half my share at every meal, but I can still hear his stomach growling. It is only because I have something to look forward to that I'm not distracted by my own stomach."

"Yeah, well, now there's more prisoners here, so we can justify the amount of food brought into this area." Lightning shot the chimeras a grin. "If they misbehave, the usual initial punishments involve withholding food. You can have anything we keep from them. Actually, you can get a cut of their food either way."

"Truly?" Bao asked. Lightning nodded. "I humbly thank you for your generosity," he said. "Prince Wei also accepts your offering." He rubbed his chin, which, for someone having been in a cell for over ten days, was surprisingly hairless. "He says that, if you are willing to become his wife, you might in the future be the Empress of Xing."

"Uh... I'll consider it," Lightning said, looking at the scarecrow.

"Are you discouraged by the fifty concubines? You would be first among them, I assure you."
Fang stared at the back of Lighting, his fairly large canine ears catching the conversation with surprising ease. He didn't really care what Andrews was saying, simply because he was going on and on about the dead soldiers that died recently.

People die. They do it everyday. Just move on and leave the dead where they lie.

You are quite different from the other humans...you have no compassion for the fallen. Why is that I, someone that hates to kill needlessly, am fused with a man that doesn't feel for the dead?

I just don't care. They locked us up for their enjoyment, then expect us to return to the cages and shackles when they point their guns at us...plus, they harmed quite a few of us. We may be alive now, but that doesn't mean they will keep us alive for long. I want to get out of here and make sure these others find a safe space to be in...I can't Abandon...abandon...

...The Pack.

Fang's eyes widen as the word struck a cord. That was the word he was looking for when describing the others. When did he start thinking of all these misfits as a pack? He couldn't remember when, but he now knows what they are to him.

A Pack.

Protect the Pack, kill the threat.

"Protect the Pack...kill the threat"

Fang starts to repeat this mantra to him, his words mangled by the muzzle like before. His eyes take on a glazed look, staring at the floor as if mystified by the tiles below him.
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