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The Clue Game

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Well, I'm pretty sure it's Shuckle. And I've tried ten and twenty. Time to look at the stats...

Edit: Ok, I got it. Now I can't get #7.

Edit: Aaaaand now I'm stuck on 8. I looked through the whole topic, and probably got the most obvious hints ever, but I'm still stuck. Help, please!
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Where would you get it...well, look at the specific pokemon. Be very, very specific. Then figure out what place you would get it from.
I hope that helps, I can't say much more. ^^;
Well, I know that it's the Speed Forme of the Deoxys in DP, and you get it in Veilstone at the one meteorite. But "veilstone" and "meteorite" don't work...
Try where you were first able to get it. Where it was first avaliable.

aruseusu7: It's a Pokemon. 'Deja vu' feeling like this experience has happened before (though you probably know that). So it's a Pokemon that you've seen before...perhaps very recently?
Wow, I should've been able to figure that one out.

Why does 8 not have more help in the Source Code? -stuck-

EDIT: Never mind... just read the other hints above, sorry for that.

And, can't get 9.
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Oh, thanks! I finally got 8.

Now I can't get 9.

Aaaaand now I can't get 13.

Aaaaand now I'm stuck on 15. I've tried Behaviour=good ; Behavior=good ; BEHAVIOUR=good ; BEHAVIOR=good. NOTHING WORKS! Is it broken?
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yea, i tried deoxys and mewtwo but it doesn't work??

LOL nvm, i got it :)

EDIT: now im stuck on 10!! ahhh
EDIT: LOL, got that too.... now i'm stuck on 11... :/
EDIT: *sigh...* now im stuck at 14 =.=
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@ aruseusu: look at all the pokemon, note the title "what does half the world mean?" (its only a third now :sunglasses:)
I can't get number seven, with the Charizard sprite. I know it refers to the bump on Charizard's nose, but what's the pass? I've tried nose, bump, lump, wart, bumpynose, lumpynose, wartnose, and uglynose.
look carefully at the poll BIGGER HINT: you only need words in the poll ;)

btw, can somebody help me on number 14?? i dont really get what it means by it's like number 5...
thanKs ellie!

k.. now im realy stuck =.= why does this clue game have to be soooo hard???

lol, number 15 makes no sense
EDIT: omygoshomygosh!! i got 15 with no help xDD

k.. now i need to look backwards for number 16... =(

EDIT: got 16, but 17 is mean =(
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