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The Dark Is Rising [Sign up/OOC] Open


An extremely equivalent exchange.
It all happened so fast.
One moment you were in Twinleaf Town, at your home, enjoying the warm sun of this bright and cloudless day. Maybe you had problems on your mind, or maybe you were enjoying a carefree existence. Regardless, your priorities, and what you define as a 'problem', are going to change drastically. Because then the Darkness came. It swarmed like a flood, alive, biting at everything, overcoming everyone, drowning out all light. All around you the screams of your fellow neighbours escalate, but they too are drowned out, until there is only silence, and the intense certainty that this is your end. But then there's something...a spark. Of light...of hope? And suddenly the darkness abates, writhes away, and you stand, armed with a weapon you've never seen before. But the darkness readies a second strike, and you'll have to use that weapon very soon...

Hello, welcome to The Dark is Rising, a Kingdom Hearts/Pokémon Crossover. If you haven't played Kingdom Hearts, worry not, for this lacks all of the characters and plot of that incredibly complex series. To put it briefly, an unknown force controls beasts known as The Heartless. These creatures are born of darkness, and can infect the hearts of others, killing them and twisting their hearts into dark renditions of their former selves. This unknown force has recently unloaded this hoard upon the world of Pokémon, starting with Twinleaf town in Sinnoh. It couldn't have picked a worse time-a string of natural disasters have driven the people and Pokémon of all other regions into this one. The Heartless could corrupt the world of Pokémon entirely, and if they find and corrupt the world's heart, it will forever fall to darkness. However, in the initial attack on Twinleaf town, Hope was sparked. Arceus gifted powerful weapons, known as “Keyweapons”, to those with strong enough hearts to wield them. These Keyweapons are the only things that can destroy a Heartless. They can have a variety of forms, depending on the wielder, but all are powerful forces for good, and the one thing standing between destruction and salvation.

Well, I hope we've piqued your interest. Many Roleplays nowadays speak of trying to defy the trend and live longer, but for a variety of reasons, some controllable, some not, the majority of them die. In all likelyhood, this will be no different. But it might be. We'll work as hard as we can to keep it going, and if you guys do the same, then who knows how long death may be kept at bay? We'll do our very best to make this a fun experience, but in this interest of order, we'll need to discuss some guidelines.

1:The basics, no Godmodding, Mary Sues, ect. You have no excuse not to know these.
2:The maximum amount of characters a person can have is three.
3:Constant interaction between your own characters and none with others is expressly forbidden.
4:All Pokémon must start off at their first evolutionary stage. Evolution will be approved by the Dms.
5:No Fakemon.
6:The maximum amount of Pokémon one character can own is three, of any Generation.
7:Characters may not own legendaries.
8:Characters cannot be Nobodies or Heartless. Humans only, please. At least at the beginning.
9:Grammar. Small mistakes are allowed, obviously, but if done consistently you will be mercilessly kicked.
10:All characters can have major plot control. There are some things only Dms can control, however. They are:The location of the heart of the world, Team Galactic, Legendaries and the powerful Nobodies. Everything else is fine.

They must set off on a quest, to find and seal the heart of the world away before the Heartless can. But their quest will not be easy. Team Galactic's evil hearts have attracted many Heartless, which they now work with. The Heartless have corrupted powerful legendary Pokémon, which must be stopped. And Nobodies, (the emotionless shell that is left when a Heartless corrupts someone's heart) are also searching for the heart of the world, so that they may again feel emotion and be whole. Set against such odds, can victory ever be achieved?

Character Form
Name: (Your character's name)
Age: (Your character's age).
Gender: (Your character's gender)
Appearance: (What does your character look like?)
Personality: (How do they act?)
History: (What did they do before the Dark Rose?)
Keyweapon form: (Do they wield a Keyblade? A Keyblowgun? A Keyclaw?)
Pokémon: (As in Charles the Male Dunsparce, Casper the Male Gastly, Rebecca the Female Zigzagoon)[/QUOTE]

Keyweapons and Keycains
The first unique feature we need to discuss are the Keyweapons. Every character gets a Keyweapon. It's form is altered to the character's personality and preference:One may wield a pair of Keyguns, another a Keysword, yet another a Keybow. Any possible weapon may be used. A character can not change his or her Keyweapon's form at will-it is what it is, from the Roleplay's beginning to its end. Note that all Keyweapons must be designed with Keys in mind, as the 'Key' part of them is essential to the plot. Another thing that is interesting about Keyweapons is their relationship with memories. After bonding with a Pokémon, or defeating a very powerful enemy, Keychains may be formed. These, when attached to the Keyweapon, change it's appearance and give it extra abilities and a special move. These are all created and customised by the Player, but must be approved by the Dungeon Masters. You will gain the ability to forge a Keychain when defeating certain enemies, and it must relate to that enemy in certain ways. If you do not want to create a Keychain, a generic one will be provided for you. You may designate one of your Pokémon for the creation of a Keychain too, and it must be based on that Pokémon.

The form for a Keychain is as follows:
Name: (The Keychain's name)
Appearance: (Picture or written description, both are acceptable)
Party Pokémon Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from a Pokémon in your party, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Enemy Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from defeating an enemy, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Extra abilities given: (If the Keychain was formed from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, an ability may be that this Keyweapon can set things on fire with this Keychain equipped. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then an ability may be that damage dealt by the Keyweapon with this Keychain equipped is now Ice-type)
Special Move Given: (If the Keychain was forged from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, a special move may be setting the Keyweapon on fire for a limited period of time to booste damage. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then a move may be being able to summon a powerful gust of Icy Wind).

Drive Forms
Another feature unique in this Roleplay is the ability to create Drive Forms. A Drive Form entails merging with one of one's Pokémon, becoming more powerful in the process. This entitles the player to use all of the Pokémon's moves, and access to a powerful Special Move of the player's creation. If you do not wish to create a Drive Form, we will be happy to provide some for you. Characters can be in a Drive Form for no more then ten minutes. The form for a Drive Form is below.

Name: (The name of the form)
Altered Appearance: (The character is being combined with a Pokémon. Explain how they will look different. This is totally up to you).
Pokémon Driving With You (The Pokémon who is being used in this Drive Form).
Abilities: (As well as gaining the Pokémons Movepool, you may gain the ability to fly if the Pokémon has wings, or to survive under water if they are aquatic. Any such things should go here).
Special Move: (If you are in a Drive Form with a Chimchar, a Special Move may be tossing fireballs. if you are in a Drive Form with a Gyarados, a Special Move may be creating a Tidal Wave).

Try not to submit Keychains or Drive Forms straight away. It wouldn't make much sense for the character to just get this strange weapon, then suddenly know how to use it straight away, would it?

Only Keyweapons can slay Heartless or Nobodies. Pokémon and other weapons can harm them, but they will be not die unless struck with a Keyweapon. Keep this in mind.

There will be combat in this Roleplay. Maybe your character will fall to the forces of darkness. But they won't die. They may become a Heartless or a Nobody, with all the fun character development this entails.

This is Coroxn and Skyman's join RP, so direct any questions you may have to one of us.
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Member's List

-Alex Wyndom-Bond(Needs to be finished)

-Markus/Male(Needs to be finished)

3.Greaser Lala
-Ryuk(Needs to be finished)

4.Flower Doll
-Autumn Emerson/Female/(Needs to be finished)


-Cheerca Brown/Female/Keyflashlight

7.Black Yoshi
-Damien Valentine

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Would you reserve me a spot please? I don't have an idea for a character quite yet, but unless I get too busy with school stuff I'll most likely be joining this C:
Hullo, I shall be reserving for this lovely roleplay. I have a general idea for a character (wooo planning a KH roleplay for a different site) but I'm trying to fit her into the Pokemon universe, so it may be a while.

Autumn Emerson
Age:: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Autumn has brown hair with reddish highlights and dark brown eyes. Her ordinary attire consists of a white tanktop with a large black cross design and jeans, as well as blue sneakers. If the weather is colder, she will wear a black jacket over top.
Personality: Autumn is fairly harsh to those she doesn't know; she's a bit shy, and has some trouble expressing how she feels. She's somewhat rash, rushing into things head-on without a second thought.
History: (What did they do before the Dark Rose?)
Keyweapon form: Keyblowgun Keystaff
Pokémon: Etta the female Starly

Name: (The Keychain's name)
Appearance: (Picture or written description, both are acceptable)
Party Pokémon Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from a Pokémon in your party, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Enemy Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from defeating an enemy, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Extra abilities given: (If the Keychain was formed from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, an ability may be that this Keyweapon can set things on fire with this Keychain equipped. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then an ability may be that damage dealt by the Keyweapon with this Keychain equipped is now Ice-type)
Special Move Given: (If the Keychain was forged from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, a special move may be setting the Keyweapon on fire for a limited period of time to booste damage. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then a move may be being able to summon a powerful gust of Icy Wind).

Name: (The name of the form)
Altered Appearance: (The character is being combined with a Pokémon. Explain how they will look different. This is totally up to you).
Pokémon Driving With You (The Pokémon who is being used in this Drive Form).
Abilities: (As well as gaining the Pokémons Movepool, you may gain the ability to fly if the Pokémon has wings, or to survive under water if they are aquatic. Any such things should go here).
Special Move: (If you are in a Drive Form with a Chimchar, a Special Move may be tossing fireballs. if you are in a Drive Form with a Gyarados, a Special Move may be creating a Tidal Wave).
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Totes joining this! Oh-and maybe you should add Gender to the Character Form. =)

Character Form

Name: Ryuk
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: He is approximately 5'11" and weighs around 140 lbs. Ryuk has a young but sculpted body due to his obsessive training with his Pokemon and his exceptional shoot boxing. His hair is silky and a honey blonde and falls down past his shoulders in a loose ribbon and his eyes are a deep amber. His choice of wardrobe is very flashy with his fur lined vests and trimmed pants and underneath, his striped tights and tank top. He adores fashionable things that bring out his natural "beauty." Sketch of Ryuk

Personality: Ryuk is often outspoken and flamboyant but means business in combat because he doesn't want others to look down on his abilities for his apparent looks. He loves himself very much and shows great effort in keeping his body presentable. Ryuk will occasionally flirt with a hint of true affection behind it for women are lovely toys to him and friends are hardly meaningful for he believes they are simply "fans." Despite his selfish nature he does have a sensitive side that longs for heart felt attention and when antagonized, will throw a murderous fit.

History: Growing up, Ryuk was picked on for being the soft pretty boy of his rich family. Regardless of the power his family possessed, he refused to use it to protect himself from bullies. Instead, with the inspiration of his Pokemon he gained through frequent visits to a peaceful valley he promised to be stronger and better than everyone else. With this goal he became the fabulous selfish man he is today with strong fellows, Willow and Wiley, at his side to keep his spirits high. Ryuk achieved mastery in Shoot Boxing and is an experienced trainer though he much prefers doing the fighting himself.

Keyweapon form: Keyclaws, a sleeve of chain mail and metal bands that harness to his right arm a set of 7 inch piercing claws (3) that rest over his knuckles. They are not of an extreme length however Ryuk's close combat style makes up for it.
Pokémon: Willow the female Cottonee, Wiley the male Electrike

Keyweapons and Keychains
[No Keychains yet]
[No Drive forms yet]
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Name: Cheerca Brown
Age: 14.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Completely typical in appearance (though less so considering the neon colors of Sinnoh), Cheerca is small, short, and has simple brown hair. She has small amounts of freckles and brown eyes, and tries not to wear too outlandish things as to not draw unncessary attention to herself. (Ignoring the fact that she tends to do such things with her words and actions.)
Personality: She is optimistic almost aggressively, and will insist on seeing the best in people even when it simply isn't practical. Due to this, she will have a difficult time fighting the Heartless as a whole and honestly hopes to never truly use her Keyweapon. Pacifistic to a fault, she has never once had a pokemon battle in her life; if asked she replies no and if pressured simply hands over the challenger the winner's money without comment. Energetic carefree, and outgoing, she is at the same time is quite used to the slow life of Floaroma; while quickly able to adjust, she would seem extremely lazy in comparison to someone in city. However, she is actually quite an efficient and hard worker.
History: Living and being taught privately in the small little town of Floaroma, Cheerca was raised without understanding of many "unhappy" circumstances and was mostly unaware of any political things. Therefore she grew up thinking that just apologizing and talking things over could fix /everything/, which was supported by the mythology that surrounds Shaymin and the creation of Floaroma. while not very strictly devoted in Arceus, she does believe in their power to do good and took the story of her town to heart. She was raised with few trainers and little battling, but doesn't overly approve or disapprove of it; she just doesn't want to fight and get her pokemon hurt.
Keyweapon form: Keyflashlight. It's large, unwieldy and actually a little too big for her, but that's okay because really guys these things are useless! Let's just talk some sense into them like reasonable people!
Pokémon: Rebecca the female zigzagoon. Honeybun the female buneary.

Found cheaply in the meadows of Floaroma, Honeybun was picked up and carried home without actually being caught in a pokeball. Later Cheer was told to actually catch her and reluctantly complied, though she never recalls her pet.

Damnit Skyman why am I doing this. I'm doing too many RPs already; I don't need any more. Okay, so! The application is sort of done if you'll accept it. The pokemon may be changed before the RP starts because I actually don't even like buneary at all.
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Hooray, I think I finished. If I need to add something, lemme' know. We can give our Keyweapon a specific name, right? Nothing against that?

Name: Damien Valentine

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has long gray hair that passes his shoulders, pale skin, stubble everywhere save below his nose, hollow gray eyes, and seems to never smile. When he does smile, it's usually extremely creepy. Typically, he'll wear a dark purple shirt underneath a worn trenchcoat and black fingerless gloves. He also wears black pants, with a chain on his left leg. He has some heavy black boots with the soles a little eroded, thus they have only a small amount of their original traction.(Picture)

Personality: He usually tries to keep to himself, but when people really want his attention, he'll usually smile, make a death threat, and be on his way. Of course, the most harm he's ever done is accidentaly stepping on a puppy's tail once. He dislikes people, preferring to hang at the back of a group if he's forced into one. However, this journey will likely force him to show his pleasant side, something he detests. When he's feeling pleasant, he says things that he thinks make him look stupid, and he smiles, which made a child cry once.

History: Damien's life prior to the Dark Rose had been fairly mundane. He stood in the corner of the cafeteria every day at school because he wasn't hungry, watched people as they glanced at him wondering, 'what's his problem?' He passed every grade with flying colors, since he didn't speak to other people. All he really did was study out of boredom. In his earlier years, when he was only a little bit creepy, he did some martial arts training with his dad, who was a trainer at a dojo. Mainly, he played around with the Monk Staff. He stopped when he was thirteen, and acquired an Ekans. Damien would battle with his Pokemon if challenged, but usually just would sit on his roof stroking the snake's head.

Keyweapon form: Keynaginata (But since that doesn't roll off the tongue well, I'm thinking of calling it something else. I dunno, something to do with Comets.)

Basil the Female Ekans
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Black Yoshi: Accepted, although Coroxn might object to you having a fully evolved poke at the beginning. And I personally don't have a problem with a character giving their keyblade a name.
Good, good. Not to be mean, but it was a direct violation of Da Rules, and I would have called you on it.

Name:John James
Gender: Male

Appearance: James has large, bushy black hair that is awesome. He has almost no deformities, scars, or any suchlike, aside from small nicks here and there. He is quite handsome, if he does say so himself, but his nose is a bit too large for his liking. His teeth also suffer from the neglect of brushing, and are slightly yellow as a result.

Personality:At his worst, James is hypocritical, vain, arrogant, manipulative, insulting and conceited. At his best, he is trusting, truthful, fun, intelligent, insightful and a good friend.

History: Nothing of note to report. He lived an average life, and was just starting his third year of secondary school, visiting his parents in Twinleaf town when the Dark Rose.
Keyweapon form: Keyswordwhip. A whip, consisting of many blades held together by wire, which can be retracted to form a rather brittle blade that cannot be used in combat, and which's only purpose is to actually make moving with the Keyswordwhip in any way feasable.
Pokémon: Sayne the male Ralts, Rebecca the female Zigzagoon.
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Been meaning to actually put down the app post for myself >>

Name: Markus
Age: (Your character's age).
Gender: Male
Appearance: (What does your character look like?)
Personality: (How do they act?)
History: (What did they do before the Dark Rose?)
Keyweapon form: Keygunblade
Pokémon: (As in Charles the Male Dunsparce, Casper the Male Gastly, Rebecca the Female Zigzagoon)

Name: (The Keychain's name)
Appearance: (Picture or written description, both are acceptable)
Party Pokémon Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from a Pokémon in your party, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Enemy Keychain was forged from: (If it was forged from defeating an enemy, name it here. If not, disregard this field)
Extra abilities given: (If the Keychain was formed from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, an ability may be that this Keyweapon can set things on fire with this Keychain equipped. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then an ability may be that damage dealt by the Keyweapon with this Keychain equipped is now Ice-type)
Special Move Given: (If the Keychain was forged from a party Pokémon, lets say a Chimchar, a special move may be setting the Keyweapon on fire for a limited period of time to booste damage. If it was taken from defeating an enemy, say an Articuno, then a move may be being able to summon a powerful gust of Icy Wind).

Name: (The name of the form)
Altered Appearance: (The character is being combined with a Pokémon. Explain how they will look different. This is totally up to you).
Pokémon Driving With You (The Pokémon who is being used in this Drive Form).
Abilities: (As well as gaining the Pokémons Movepool, you may gain the ability to fly if the Pokémon has wings, or to survive under water if they are aquatic. Any such things should go here).
Special Move: (If you are in a Drive Form with a Chimchar, a Special Move may be tossing fireballs. if you are in a Drive Form with a Gyarados, a Special Move may be creating a Tidal Wave).
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