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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(Yeah, thanks, I was just being stupid again)

Mid-Rush at Metagross with a Psycho Cut made Grin realize that the Meatagross was certainly weak, but he did nothing, even when seeing Grin charge at him.

So, that's his game...

Grin yelped, "Don't shoot any more light at him, She-Gallade! I think he's charging up either a Counter or a Bide!"

To avoid hitting Metagross with a Psycho Cut, Grin had to literally dive out of his path to the side, and rolled to avoid injury.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"I know! Are you okay? That wasn't graceful~!"
She smiled slightly, then studied the Metagross.
"Well, he can't attack while he's biding, unless he uses the bide attack. So, we've hit him a lot. Why is he still waiting?"
The Gallade watched the huge metal spider, expecting an attack.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I stood up. Hit by the nightmare. i should have been asleep.

I laughed, a sound that would make any sane being wish death upon them right now.

"Goros, you really are stupid. Xaicra and I don't get Nightmares."

I seized the Metagross, lifted him in the air, and bombarded him with Shadow Blasts.

"We give them."

I let him fall to the ground. "Your nightmare plays are impressive, I grant you. I was actually worried for a moment there. But I warn you this:"

I seized him once more, and struck him with Shadow Ball repeadetly. Then I let him fall to the ground once more.

"Never strike at Giratina's Hand."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin just stood with his jaw open wide. "Wow... You're one strong ghosty, Dusknoir..." Grin said, amazed.

"Should we run?" He asked with a laugh.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Yeah, that might be the smart thing to do."
She took a few steps backwards.
"Wait, Dusknoir! Don't attack him! He's using Bide!"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Too late my friends. Your buddy Zrantox just ended you all!" he yelled.
After the many Shadow Ball attacks Goros was filled to the brim with energy.
"IT'S GONNA BE A BIG ONE!" Goros screamed before releasing enough energy to wipe out a small village to the ground.
As Goros began he to heal himself and recover he waited for the smoke to clear and see who was left standing.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Oh please, Goros. You really weren't that tactical of a thinker."

As the smoke cleared, a waved my hand, and the two gallades came into view.

"This makes us even, Lightstruck. If I hadn't teleported you to that pocket dimension, you'd be dead."

"Now, Goros, i suggest you warn Darkrai of Xaicra. His immunity to nightmares will make him rise again, perhaps even more disgusting than before."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis nodded, slightly dazed. She noticed her right arm was bleeding slightly.
Clumsy. I probably did something stupid.
"Uh, thank you."
She summoned another blade of light, ready to help finish off the Metagross if needed. She was starting to get somewhat tired from using the power so much, but ignored it, watching the others.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"You honestly think I will listen to you?" Goros said, "I'm going to Darkrai on my own terms." And with that Goros teleported.

As he reappeared in Darkrai's chambers he noticed that Darkrai was alone.
"Master I have terrible news. Zrantox has joined Team Light, Xaicra is planning to overthrow you, and there is a Lightstruck still living. I tried my best to send Xaicra and Zrantox into nightmares but they are too strong and resisted it. They need it from the creator." Goros said bowing at his master.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin was in shock. The explosion caused from that bide would've blown him far away, except that he had been transported.

Defense had never been his thing. He beat things up quick and effectively. So an explosion of this magnitude was horrible to him.

With a last chuckle Grin questioned, Arceus, why did you let such an ugly pokemon like Metagross ever exist? I'm beautiful myself, a true work of art, but Metagross? You can do better than that, 'Creation Pokemon'.

As he came out of his thoughts, he noticed everyone was alright. "Thanks, ghosty. I appreciate it."
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Good." I said as I watched Goros teleport away.

"Of course, it won't matter at this point. Xaicra is probably marching toward the base even now, and Darkrai knows I've swapped sides before. he doesn't really care."

"I shudder to think of what will happen if Darkrai lashes out against Xaicra again. The first time he tried it, Xaicra got those 'discolors'. The second time, Xaicra grew the mutilated apendages. If Darkrai tries it a third time..."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis listened while looking at the gash on her arm.
Could be worse.
"So, if Darkrai does, Xaicra is dead. Or evil..er. Anyway, we should warn the team what's going on, right?"
She tried healing her arm, but instead felt dizzy.
Maybe when I'm better at this.
She shrugged and created a sort of bandage around it with light.
"Hey, this is pretty useful. Wonder what other things I could do with this power."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"That's what I've been trying to tell you since this fiasco started," i said. "I just hope Darkrai's wise enough to know not to lash out against Xaicra... or me, for fear of retribution."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin chuckled. "Okay, Ghosty, but you would never betray us, right?"

Then, turning toward She-Gallade, he joked, "I'm still jealous of that light, but did you see me fighting that Metagross? I was beatin' him up good, huh?" Grin laughed.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"You keep on telling yourself that~!"
She giggled, hitting him lightly on the back of the head.
"Your "beating him up" almost got us killed~!"
The Gallade teased. For a moment, at least, she forgot about the incredible danger she was in by being a Lightstruck.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I gave a harsh laugh upon hearing the comment of the other Gallade- the male. "For somebody like me, every second I live is a betrayal. I've double, triple, even quadruple crosssed, all in the naem of profit."

It's a harsh way to fall, for somebody like me, I thought.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin snorted and folded his arms. "Anyway, where do we go now, eh? We can't stay here. In fact, we're on the run..."

Man...It's like we're criminals now...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"We? I imagine that the Lightstruck would be accepted as a hero for your group. As for myself, i know many secrets of Team Dark, so they'd welcome me- reluctantly, no doubt."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin thought about it. "Well, I assume we're like...friends, or something... After all, we've been through a lot..."

Grin never had any real friends before. Just aquaintances(Did I spell that right?). It would have made him happy to know that he truly belonged somewhere.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"I don't know about him, but we're friends. I think. How could we not, after that?"
She poked the other Gallade and grinned teasingly.
"Unless you're about to reveal that you eat newborn Eevees alive for lunch every day or something."
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