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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Sound does travel really well through solids, better than gas. As in, air. =P I don't really know, I guess he'd be really close to the surface? But, it'd be impossible to see anything, so scratch that.))

(( YOU LOSE! lol ))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Yeah, probably. But I was the last to post for the RPG besides you, so I don't have anything to write.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(( Somebody needs to post. My guy is waiting for you people to do something so do something Grin! ))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(It probably oughtta be Exo. He's a bit more of an important character than me at this point. Just be patient, he'll come.)
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((And here I am! Now let's see where we can go!))

I turned to the Lightstruck. "Perhaps you should start off the explanation. I think the Chimchar will accept you more than me."
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis nodded, somewhat nervous.
How do you explain all of this?!
"Uh, Zrantox is joining us, and said that Xaicra is going to attack our base soon with most of Team Dark."
Artemis was tempted to bang her head against the ground. she sounded so stupid.
"And, I'm apparently a Lightstruck, so that's going to make them want to attack us more, so we need to get ready when they do.. God, okay. Maybe Zrantox should explain. I'm terrible at this."

((This is actually more or less what happens when I have to say anything important. Except more so, sadly. Confidence = zero. :sweatdrop:))
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I reluctantly nodded. "Perhaps, then, it would be for the best."

I floated over to the Chimchar. "There is much to explain, and very little time to explain it. I hope the Gallade's... summary helped outline the situation."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Yes, it did." Onko exited the base and announced, "Everyone! We need to prepare for a big battle! We need some people to gather berries, and then we must train as hard as we can. Maybe we could do mock battles with each other. Then, we can get lots of rest every night, so we can be ready for a big attack."
She, more quietly, added, "Xaicra might bring most of Team Dark here for an assault, so we must be ready. I want everyone to do what they want on their own time, but please prepare..."
Onko headed off to the forest to collect some Sitrus and status-healing berries. She thought her announcement might have been a bit peremptory, but she headed there anyway.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis looked at her hands and then at Zrantox and Grin.
"So, I guess I should practice with the light ability. A lot."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin looked over at She-Gallade. "Hey, no biggy. I'll help ya!" He said as he smiled and formed a thumbs-up.

And maybe it'll rub off on me! He thought, excitedly. He didn't really desire the light power too much anyway. Too much responsibility, and besides, he has always trained only his physical power, not his special power.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis laughed.
"Okay! As fun as it would be though, we can't use you as a test dummy for attacks. Quite unfortunate."
She grinned and poked her friend.
"Aren't you so disappointed?"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin smiled and tried to persuade She-Gallade to fight.

"Then I guess I'll just have to fight someone else, because I'm in the mood for a skirmish! Who else wants to fight the greatest Gallade-Warrior of all time, eh? Who, not to mention, is also great at dodging things like... Oh, I dunno... Light attacks, hmm...?" He exclaimed slyly.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Whatever you say, expendafriend."
She teased.
"That, and what if we accidentally seriously hurt each other? I'm SO not scared of losing, just we'd kinda be doomed if one of us has a broken limb or something when Team Dark comes. Calling you the greatest Gallade warrior ever is like calling me the Pride of the Peaches."

((Ten bucks if you get the reference. =D))
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