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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis shrugged.
"That would make sense, I guess. I sort of know what to say in it without hearing it before or knowing what it means."
She sat down, her head on her knees.
"I'm scared that I'm going to not know what I'm doing and screw up with this. I don't really even know anything about the Lightstruck other than what you said."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"There is not much else to know when you factor in everything else I've said."

Other than the fact that they were betrayed, corrupted, and wiped out, on orders from the superiors of their allies.

I pushed the thought out of my mind. There would be another time and place to reveal the secret I'd been keeping.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Well, yeah. But I mean if it goes to my head and I go on a psycho killing spree or corrupted or something."
Artemis knew that she sounded stupid, but she was worried. One mistake from her and for all she knew, Team Light would be in way more trouble than it was in already. She noticed that Zrantox seemed to be bothered by something, but she ignored it. Everyone was, it seemed.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Now I suggest you use that power of yours to locate Goros. It's time we fidn that metal spider and blast him so high that he'll burn up on reentry."

I had exxagerated a bit, but I couldn't let Goros get away.

After all, I am on Team Light, however Temporarily, and as part of team Light, pokemon of Team Dark must fall.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis giggled nervously.
"It's nice to know he has such loving friends. But I agree."
She closed her eyes and started, know she really had no idea how to use her power to find Goros. She focused, trying anyway.
"Um, I think he's really nearby. Maybe we should check around here."
She got up off the ground and walked around to the other side of the base.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I opened a portal. "We'll head there through here. We must not give ourselves away, however. Were that to happen, we'd lose our chance."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis shrugged and walked into the portal. The Gallade chuckled softly to herself.
Yesterday, I was running from this guy and fighting for my life. Now I trust him and walk willingly into portals he creates. Life is weird.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

It's amazing how life will reveal itself to you. I thought to myself as I entered the portal.

I'd seen many twists and turns. Here I was serving Team Light, but days before I'd been on the side of their enemy. I'd switched sides several times during the war. Before the war began, I had been with...

Why now?

Why had that period of my life chosen to resurface now, of all times?

Must I be forced to reveal that time in the days to come?

Xaicra knew, Darkrai probably knew, and a few members of Team Dark had their theories.

Fortunetely, nobody alive of team Light knew.

I jut hoped it would stay that way.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Once they were both inside the portal, Artemis watched the other Pokemon.
"Are you okay? You look upset about something."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"No. Nothing's wrong. We need to get this finished."

I opened another gateway out of the portal. "If what you say is true, then when we step out of this portal, we should be able to find Goros."

Sure, nothing's wrong, I thought.

If she were to learn about the truth...

What would happen? She'd have a little more-

She cannot know the fate that befell them! Or my own-

That's enough

I gestured to the gateway. "Now then, let's pay this metal spider a visit."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

The Gallade looked out of the portal. A familiar, metal Pokemon was just outside the base. Two things went through her head. Relief that she had been right, and fear of the fight that would soon happen. She hated having to fight, but did a lot lately. There really was no choice anymore.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Time for a stealthy approach," I said.

I began to melt into the ground with Shadow Sneak. Partway, hwoever, I turned to the Lightstruck and said: "It may be for the best if you keep Goros off balance and distracted with your attacks while I use Shadow Sneak to catch him off-guard."

And with that, I vnaished all the way into the ground.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

The Gallade nodded, but by then Zrantox had disappeared.
Creepy. He just.. vanished.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Summoning two blades of light over her own, she jumped at Goros and attacked.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Kester shot Grin a downright murderous look, resolving to deal the Gallade a particularly painful death at a later date. meanwhile, he chose to simply turn his back on Grin, inwardly fuming at his comment-no matter how joking it might have been, the words themselves inflamed him.

Eventually, he calmed himself. "We should head to the other side of the base," he forced out. "It is useless to sit here." Not bothering to see the accursed Gallde's reaction, Kester began slowly slinking around the side of the walls, expertly blending in.
No use ruining the surprise just yet...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin shrugged. "I really don't care about what's going on right now. That Nightmare made me pretty drowsy, I'd rather just take a little nap..." He yawned.

Hmm... Wait, where'd She-Gallade and Dusknoir? I wasn't paying attention, really. Oh well... Just need a little sleep for now...

Grin walked to a place out of everyone's way and drifted to sleep...
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I snuck silently through the shadow, preparing to strike at Goros.

Knowing him, he'll be prepared for any attack. Of course, he can't take two attacks at once. Or if he could, it would be incredibly difficult.

Whcihever one of us he doesn't block will strike him. Assuming the Lighstruck cooperates, we'll be through with him before Xaicra's army arrives.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Metallic Deoxys told me to move first, so I will))
Onko prepared a subtle Flame Wheel, heating her body. Then she charged at Manmuu, who at least seemed to be unaware.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu crouched. Onko was aiming a Flame Wheel at him (or at least that was what it looked like). She would probably be off of the ground when she attacked, so he would use Mud Bomb. He began to quickly pack dirt into a ball, and he shoved it at Onko.
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