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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

So Zrantox and Lightstruck are working to kill me. Might as well psych them out with a Faint Attack. Goros thought.
As he heard the Lightstruck scream he "left his body" and opened a portal underneath his physical self.
Lightstruck will fall into it and maybe Zrantox will even get in there. he thought.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I didn't know a Metagross could learn Faint Attack))

I saw the Lightstruck jump at Goros even as he opened some kind of portal under his body.

Faint Attack. Interesting. He actually thinks that old trick will work? Faint Attack is Dark Type, and I learned myself that the Lightstruck can automatically block any Dark Move headed her way.

Still, it was best to end this quickly. i sought out Goros' "spirit", and upon doing so, seized it with shadow-empowered hands.

"Go ahead," i said. "Try an attack. Think you can do it before I unload shadow energy into your body?"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(( Shiz I swear he could but I just checked and he can't.....oops. ))

"You honestly think that shadow energy will hurt me? I'm part of Team Dark. It'll make me feel better." Goros said as his "spirit" reconnected with itself.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis snarled and twisted around to avoid the portal in midair.
"Opening a portal? How stupid do you think I am?
She slashed again, and caused a relatively small explosion when it hit.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"I'm not talking about regular shadow energy that you would see in a regular dark move. i'm talking about the shadow that is in its deepest form. It is similar to the Shadow Blasts I struck you with, only this time, it is a hundred times deadlier."

"Then again, perhaps it is not shadow energy, but energy of a ghost. It is the very energy we Dusknoir use to remove one's spirit from their body and drag it off to the next life. However, it can be used for more than jsut forceful guiding..."

At these words, black-red energy flared to life in my hand. "So i say again: Try it. Think you can do anything before I pull my attack on you?"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Crouched out of view, a shimmering Focus Blast readied, Kester waited silently for a favorable opportunity to strike at the gigantic blue spider. He continued to watch as the Metagross attempted to surprise the Gallade with a portal, the Lightstruck able to twist away from the trap.

Zrantox now seemed to be threatening Goros with some sort of pulsing dark energy; the Zangoose didn't really care what it actually was.
Just watch and wait...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin snored and awoke with a startle. It took him a moment to figure out what all had happened recently. "Wait, did those guys go to kill Metagross without me!? I won't sit here and wait! I want to get a few punches!" He exclaimed.

With a deep breath, Grin jumped into the portal left by Dusknoir and yelped a battle cry.

Once he could see everything, he was a bit disappointed. "Aw, c'mon! Dusknoir's about to finish him off and I didn't even get to punch 'im myself! Ah well, as long as the job gets done, I suppose..."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I'm jsut here to say right now that I'm probably not going to be on the forum for three days because i'll be on vacation. i fI can get on, however, I'll psot. I just don't want things spirialing out of control in such a way that I'm left clueless.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko noticed Manmuu hurl a ball of dirt at her. She was in mid-air, but she figured if she strengthened her Flame Wheel, she could blast through it. But she forgot that mud stopped fire, and she was splattered with the slimy soil. Shaking most of it off and doing a roll on the ground to remove the rest of it, she quickly attacked with Fury Swipes.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu's Mud Bomb had hit, but Onko was coming back with Fury Swipes. He swerved to point his side to the Chimchar, leaving one of his tusks in her path. I hope this works.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko was launching her Fury Swipes so fast that she couldn't control herself. She noticed Manmuu's reaction just a bit too late. The Chimchar slammed right into his tusk and fell on the ground. It hurt, but Onko couldn't help but laugh at herself.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko was laughing at her mistake. Good sport, Manmuu thought. He chuckled and gently nudged Onko onter her feet with the side of the same tusk that Onko had slammed into.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko nodded. "Thanks. Now shall we continue?" She quickly aimed a Flame Wheel again before Manmuu could react. "Hiyaaa!"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Ugh. I was on vacation, so now I'm too late to re-join this RPG. Oh, well.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I don't know what to do. I can't attack and I don't know what this energy will feel like. he thought.
"I GIVE UP! KILL ME NOW" he screamed aloud.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu was hit by the Flame Wheel. "Super effective!" he yelled like a referee. He started charging Onko for another Ice Fang. He didn't need Endure, and Earthquake would shake the base and everything around it.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko was close to Manmuu, so she didn't have time to dodge his attack. She was cold, but the fire on her tail warmed her. She followed Manmuu's saying. "Not effective." The Chimchar used Fury Swipes again; this time, it was more likely to strike.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu endured the Fury Swipes, saving energy. "Wait a minute... is that a critical hit? I think so." Manmuu used most of the rest of his energy to toss another Mud Bomb at the Chimchar. "Hey, Onko.... Do I have permission to use Earthquake?" Manmuu asked as the ball hurtled towards Onko.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Don't give away what you're going to do," Onko laughed, "But if you did, I bet the base would be sturdy enough to take it." She ducked, but some of the Mud Bomb dropped onto her head. She shook it off and hit Manmuu with a physical attack that was nothing in particular.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko attacked Manmuu physically. "Alright, if you think the base can stand it... I want to get rid of those that are fighting over there." The Mamoswine glanced behind him. Then, he yelled, "Look out!" as he stomped the ground so hard a miniature earthquake started.
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