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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko heard Zrantox and stopped in her tracks. "At NIGHT? Come on, everyone, let's go to bed early! I'll keep watch during the night!" The thought of Xaicra attacking during the night only made her more panicky.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

What was that all about?

It was as if I'd stepped out of time, to see another part of time.

Past? Future?

With the times I've crossed paths wit Xaicra before, it could be either.

I heard the descion that Onko would keep guard.

"I'll guard the other side," i said, "He might attack from behind."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu sighed. Onko had woken up and eaten the berries, so now they wouldn't for sure lose against Xaicra's ambush. The Mamoswine ate three Sitrus berries, and decided to go check out what the Gallades were doing. He wandered over to them and asked, "What are you doing? Getting ready?" There were already two Pokemon on guard, so the Gallades and Manmuu could sleep.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Throughout the events, Kester stayed where he was, having decided that it would be interesting to stay out of sight, while still taking a small part in the proceedings. He heard them discuss lookouts and decided that it would not be required for the Zangoose to keep watch.

With this in mind, he padded over to a bramble thicket. It would hide him from detection while ensuring that he heard any developments.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis shrugged.
"Nothing at the moment. Grinny over here is jealous of my dancing skills."
The Gallade yawned and looked up at the sky. Sunset. It looked like a huge painting of oranges, reds, pinks and blue.
"Am I needed here? If not.. I'm tired."
Not waiting for an answer, she went inside the base. She discovered a new problem. She couldn't sleep on her back, with the red triangle coming out of her chest and back. The Gallade shrugged and sat down, hugging her legs and putting her head on her knees. Honestly, Artemis didn't care at all about looking silly. She was so tired...

A Gallade was sitting under a tree, deep inside a forest. It was cradling a tiny Ralts, which seemed to be a baby. The tiny psychic Pokemon was fast asleep, the bigger one smiling down at it. Suddenly, a spear of sunlight broke through the treetops and created a halo of light around the tiny Pokemon's head. The Gallade laughed happily.
"Light.. that's a good sign, little Lightstruck. You will do something important, I know it."
The Ralts woke up, and giggled along with her mom and staring at the circle of light around her head.

Artemis smiled in her sleep.
Nothing but blackness, impossible to see. A deep, intimidating voice saying something she couldn't make out. A feminine laugh. Both sounds fading away before.. screams.
It ended, the Gallade slipping into dreamless sleep.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I stood guard at the base, ever vigilant, despite memories flashing through my mind:

Hands are trained to have their minds impenatrable, giving them immunity to forced slep, control, or any form of "mind-probing"

Each hand has a different job to do. You, as Giratina's Hand, are to help carry out guidance to and through the spirit world...

I shook my head to clear myself of those thoughts. Now was not the time to think about that.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin walked away to a secluded area and sat down to watch the moon rise. The cool air comforted him, and left him alone with his thoughts.

I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into here... I've gained everyone's trust, especially the Lightstruck, which is perfect. I may hate the Lightstrucks, but I also loathe Darkrai... I don't know whose side I'm on anymore... I guess the best thing to do is to finally wipe out the Lightstrucks, a goal I've been trying to accomplish for a long while... But I need Darkrai dead too, so I can restore balance to the world. I will keep the Lightstruck alive for now, but once the Lightstruck has run out of her usefulness, I will finally end this mission I've been on... Once the Lightstrucks are finally wiped out, and Darkrai has been taken care of, I will will restore the balance of Light and Dark in the world, once, and for all...

Another issue, is that of the Dusknoir... I suppose I could try to persuade him to join me, after all, neither of us belong to a certain alliance... But maybe I can kill him and frame the Dark Side... or, I could just kill him after killing the Lightstruck... My only concern is him helping the Lightstruck... If I can keep him from doing that, everything else should be child's play...

(Lol, big twist coming up!)
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((And let's let loose the twist of my own, however minor it may be))

Memories continued to blaze throughout me, uncontrolled like a fire

Each hand had a job that corresponded to the legendary that they represented.

Members of the Hand... how I remember them now...

Their tragedy is uncompared. Some have Withdrawn, others have fallen, and others... have been corrupted.

Xaicra... Why?
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(( Let's let loose all the twists!!!! ))

Appearing in front of Zrantox Goros spoke his last words "I couldn't stop him."
(( Description time ))
Goros didn't look like a Metagross anymore. Every inch of him was cut and bleeding. One eye was missing and he had the mark of Death on him. His back legs were missing along with the metal part of him.
Using the last of his energy he dropped to the ground.

(( You get a choice. Save Goros or let him die. He has been to Xaicra and fought him. ))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I don't want a character to die, now do I?))

My thoughts were interrupted by something.

Someone was teleporting near me.

No... it can't be...


One look explained everything; the Metagross had challenged Xaicra, and the Tyranitar had slaughtered him.

No... not this time.

I opened the portal to a pocket dimension, and placed Goros inside. As long as I'm no too late, I thought, He will live.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Dang it, everyone. Let's all beat up Artemis, shall we? =P Ju-u-ust saying.))
Artemis blinked sleepily. She felt like she had just been hugged, which was odd because in her dream she had been watching from above, not the Ralts in it.
Weird. Then again, so is everything else around here. Who was that?
She wasn't stupid. It pretty much made sense that that was her. But the second part? Who knew?
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Xaicra's savagrey has gone to a new limit, I thought to myself as I watched the portal waver in midair.

It's most likely because Goros tried to undermine his uprising. I fear that he has become even more deformed than before; perhaps his sanity is barely intact.

If his sanity is gone, we'll ahve gone from a very bad situation to an all-out catastrophe
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((excuse me, Exo-Raikou. Can you please tell me what Xaicra looks like?"))

Manmuu began to get tired. He lumbered into the Team Light base, took a drink of water, and collapsed on the floor to sleep.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Time for yet another plot twist...))
Having found a comfortable position in the thicket, Kester allowed himself to immerse in his thoughts.

As a Guradian of the Lightstruck, your are bound to them, and must shield their lives with your own, until death.
...How long had it been since he had heard those words...
If your assigned Lightstruck dies for any reason, you must seek out another, so that the same fate not be repeated.
He had assumed when he learned of Darkrai's extermination of the Lightstruck, that there were none left; that Darkrai would not stop until they had all been killed. He had assumed that his duty had ended there.
And yet. Here is one, possibly the last one, right in front of me. If I had a choice, I would choose any Lightstruck over this one, this ungrateful one.
...But however much I wish otherwise, I am-regrettably- bound by my oath. I will have to protect her.
Come what may.
I'll have to keep a closer eye on the others...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((By all menas, yes, Metallic Deoxys. Xaicra is A Tyranitar whose scales are now a hideous mixture of colors, thoguh red is dominant among them. His tail spikes are bigger, and they are coated with thousands of smaller spikes. Twisted appendages that may have been or will become wings sprout from his back spikes, and they are manioulatable to a point. of course, that was the last time Xaicra was fully seen. Due to his being attacked, he will no doubt be even more deformed when the attack comes.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

As Onko stared into the night sky, she tried to calm herself.
Even if I awoke in the middle of a dream,
we were searching for the same light.

She sighed, thinking about her brother, Swift, who was probably somewhere far away.
Under the glittering, starry night,
with countless constellations and shadows...

The Chimchar thought about where he could be now. Last time she saw him, he had been captured by Xaicra.
Someday, we'll meet up again in the darkness...
She wanted to go to sleep, but she knew she had to watch for Xaicra. What if... what if he kills us all?
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I'm not really sure what to do from here; Should we jsut begin the attack, or wait a little longer?))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I think we should begin; all the characters have had their late night snippets.))
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