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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Two Rampardos charged at me. At the last possible instant, I teleported out of the way, and the two of them crashed into each other.

An Empoleon then tried to hit me with Brine. I blocked the water move with Dark Pulse, then fired five Shadow Balls into it. The Empoelon staggered as the Shadow Energy struck it, and then crumpled to the ground, dead.

I fired off another Dark Pulse as A Tangrowth moved in to challenge me. The Grass Pokemon staggered back, but managed to survive the blast and come charging at me again.

"Impressive," I said, "Now things are actually getting interesting."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin's breaths became heavy. These waves of Pokemon got tiring... and there were more coming...

"Hehe... You guys... You never learn, do ya? I'm the best physical fighter in the world, and yet you still keep coming with close-combat Pokemon!"

From out of the darkness, came an Alakazam.

"Perhaps I spoke too soon, then?" Grin asked.

He rushed at the Alakazam with a Leaf Blade. Alakazam shot a Psybeam at Grin. Grin twisted to the side and stabbed the Alakazam, killing it. That's when a Tangrowth grabbed him in a Bind.

"So, that was your plan!? Ha! Hahaha! I can't believe I didn't see that!" Grin struggled and struggled, but nothing happened.

The Tangrowth walked slowly back into the darkness, holding Grin.

Great... But maybe this is good... If I'm brought to their leader, Xiacra, I might be able to kill him myself. Plus, the leader doesn't seem to side with Darkrai, maybe Darkrai will help me kill the leader... Things are looking up... hehehe...
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

The Tangrowth fell after a barrage of Shadow Punches.

"It seems that Xaicra keeps sending them here, to their deaths. Why?"

"You have your answer right here, Zrantox."

I whirled to find the source of the voice. There was none.

"Where are you, Xaicra? Show yourself, you coward!"

"If you insist, 'old friend'."

The ground began to rumble. A hole appeared in the ground.

A Long, Spiked tentacle reached out of the hole, and grabbed a hold of the solid ground. It was shortly followed by another tentacle.

Then, Xaicra lifted himelf out.

No... this can't be Xaicra.

Xaicra had changed since I had fled from the Team Dark Base. He was now...

The Appendages had grown into spiked tentacles, which now moved in an erratic ways. His lower back spieks had also sprouted spiked tentacles, and it was these tentacles that were supporting him.

Long spiked blades jutted out of his elbows, and they too seemd to support him. His head spieks had lengthened as well, and they now curved down the side of his head.

"You are probably wondering how this happned," he snarled. "It seems obvious, really. When that accursed Metagross attempted to lock me in the Nightmares, the effects were different from the times Darkrai tried to quell my uprisings. I am now... new."

"What you are is insane, Xaicra. Your plan, your hopes, your dreams, they are all wishes of an insane fool."

"Ah... you say that because you know my plan speeds toward its inevtiable conclusion, oh powerful 'Guratina's Hand'."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Exo-Raikou, would it be okay if I fought Xaicra in a one-on-one battle? If you're absolutely sure he would kill me, it's okay if I don't. I was just looking forward to it.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Kester leaped up into the air as the earthquake happened, bringing his claws down on an Ambipom, gouging four deep wounds in its forehead. It still lived for a moment, and lashed out, curling its two tail hands into fists and striking him with them. He was knocked backwards, but rolled with the punch and kicked off the ground, striking a Vigoroth in the chest, sending it crashing to the ground. Kester whirled around and drove his claws through its throat. He then dodged away from a Marowak's club that then went flying back towards its owner. Before it could do anything, he launched an Ice Beam at the offender with enough power to stop its vital organs.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I want to have Xaicra and Zrantox talk for a time about Xaicra's plan. Given how furious and deformed, and bordering on insane, Xaicra is, I'm not sure if it would be wise for Onko to challenge him))

Xaicra laughed, a sickening sound. "Today i am going to finish what The Hand had begun."

"What you began," i corrected, "Remind me, Xaicra, whose Hand were you?"


I was surprised. "How could you have been bitter about that? Rayquaza's Hand waas one of the msot vital positions in the Hand."

"I was a mediator," Xaicra said, bitterly. "I was used to settle problems in the Hand. I told you sevreal times, Zrantox, there was more that I deserved."

"If I remember correctly, you seemd to sound like you wanted to be Leader of The Hand."

"Someone such as myself deserved greater power. I wanted to gain status in the Hand. And there was only one way to do so."

It was becoming horribly clear to me. "You... didn't"

Xaicra continued as if he hand't heard me. "I subtly suggested that the Lightstruck- our allies- were becoming too out of hand. Other members of The hand began to agree with my claims, though that was after I'd sent a Mismagius into their group to spread corrupton. The Leaders decided that something had to be done: cleansing of the Lightstruck."

"You remember that day, Zrantox. The day we along with many other Hands, wiped out over half the Lightstruck."

"I remember it horrified the Hand greatly, and three of the Hands retreated."

"Indeed. I did not anticipate that, and i decided I needed to alter my plans a bit."

He grinned. "That was where Team Dark came into the picture."
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(Hey Gardevoir, do you want to control Darkrai?)

Grin was thrown to the ground by Tangrowth. The trip to the Dark Base wasn't very long. Grin couldn't see a thing the entire way, which was probably the Tangrowth's intention.

As he rubbed his eyes, Grin looked up and saw Darkrai himself glaring at him with frustration and anger.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Darkrai glared at Grin. "I thought I told you to kill Team Light! I need to make this world my domain! And you need to do your job!" When Darkrai looked at the Tangrowth, it released him. Then Darkrai turned to Grin. "Go."
((Now, Grin, you have many choices. Two of them are to either obey Darkrai, or disobey him and show him that your destiny is with Team Light. The others are for you to decide...))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Sometime after the Hand withdrew and proclaimed temporary neutrallity, I realized that being Leader of the Hand wouldn't do. I wanted more.

"So, naturally, i was pleased when Team Dark appeared. I joined, and rose through the ranks to beocme one of Darkrai's most trusted. It was then that an idea occured to me:

"Darkrai knew of the Lightstruck, but he did not realize of how numerous they once were. By that time, a handful remained. Darkrai decided that my final test to see if I was worthy of his noticed was to have me eliminate half the remaining Lightstruck, while he took care of the other half."

"But you didn't," I said, "You left one alive."

Xaicra nodded, "A young Ralts, if my memory serves me right. I killed the Gallade who was taking caring for it, along with any Lightstruck that were nearby. Darkrai never suspected my planning."

"And now what are you going to do?" I said, "Let me guess: The dissent you made by making them believe that Darkrai was responsible for leaving the Lightstruck alive might give you control of Team Dark."

"It will," Xaicra said, "And with them, the world will be mine."

I prepared an attack. "But your dreams are about to be cut short, Xaicra. Your planning stops here."

Xaicra laughed. "Zrantox, this is only the beginning. My Plan will march forth swiftly when this is over, one way or another. You don't know how far it truly extends."

I grinned. "I don't need to."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Okay, then. Since I can't fight Xaicra, I'll do something else interesting.))

Xaicra's army seemed unlimited. Suddenly a large Fearow came swooping down. Onko jumped up and fired a Flame Wheel at it, burning its feet and falling to the ground feebly.
Onko then launched a Fury Swipes at its wing. The Fearow was immoblized, and Onko put it out of its misery by killing it with a Brick Break to the skull.
Then another Monferno came out of the bushes, heading straight towards Onko. It was engulfed in shadow, and it swished its long tail from side to side.
The shadowy monkey stepped forward. "Yes, Onko. I'm one of Xaicra's minions now. I'll do whatever it takes to stop Team Light!"
"I'm sorry about this, brother," Onko sighed as she hit him with a Mach Punch. "Hyaaa!"
Swift quickly stood up. "I'm impressed. Your skills are good.... but not good enough!" He charged and punched Onko over and over, with Close Combat.
This was Onko's chance. She slammed into him and sent him flying backward with a Flame Wheel. When Swift was stunned, she used Torment. "Nyah, come on. Get me... now."
((Sorry, I don't exactly know how Torment goes...))
Swift got up, and aimed a Fury Swipes right at his sister's face. After the attack, she was bleeding under one eye. But she Countered the attack with another spinning Double Kick, and sent Swift crashing into a tree.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Shadow Energy gathered in Xaicra's hand. "We shall end this here, once and for all."

"Very well then," i said. "For All of Team Light that you've slain, for all the Lightstruck that you've struck down, and for every pokemon whose life has been ruined by your claw, I strike."

I charged.

Xaicra charged.

Our attacks clashed att the same point, creating a burst of combined shadow.

Xaicra lept back, and charged, this time attampting to slash me with his elbow blades. When I floated up and out of the way, he jumped up after me, and swung his tail out to stirke me down, but I teleported behind him, at which point he swung his elbow blades back, scoring a glancing blow. i yelled in pain, and teleported again, this time above, to strike him with Shadow Punch. He managed to hit the ground with his tentacles, stopping his fall, and he launched himself back into the air.

((What Xaicra jsut did when he "launched himself into the air" was he pushed up with his tentacles, propelling him into the sky.))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin noticed how empty Darkrai's throne room was. It was strange to see him without so many followers. He looked like he had been frustrated, and frankly, he looked a bit weak.

If I'm ever to restore this world to neutrality, I need both teams dead... I think the first step, is killing Darkrai... Now is my best chance. His followers are few, and he looks like he isn't in the position to battle.

"Darkrai... Let's face it, you dont have much power over me now. I think it's time I finished you off. Your followers have betrayed you, and now I am too."

Grin rushed at Darkrai with a Close Combat.

"Die Darkrai! Feel the howls of all whom you have hurt! They are here to help me kill you! I will finally end this, here, and now!!!"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

As Xaicra shot up, he swung both of his elbow blades to cut me down again. This time, i was ready; I teleported out of the way moments before he blades would have slashed me open. I powered up a Shadow Ball, and launched it at Xaicra, who countered it with his own Shadow attack.

We continued to launch Shadow attacks for several moments before I realized that this was getting me nowhere. I decided to take a different approach; I teleported behind Xaicra even as he swung his tail backward, striking me with a tail swipe as I lashed out with Shadow Punch. At first it seemed that our attacks would cancel each other out, but Xaicra's swipe eventually won over, and it struck me. As I was sent flying into stones, I altered my density so i'd pass through the stones that would have otherwise pulverized me. i then shot back at Xaicra, and struck him with Shadow Punch.

"You know, we could do this all day, Zrantox," Xaicra said as he propelled himself back up, "But I think I'd eventually overwhelm you."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Darkrai was hit by the Close Combat. It was a hard blow; he was barely standing. "Ha! Foolish Grin. Don't you know how much stronger I am than you?" With that, he used Dark Void on Grin, putting him into a nightmare. "*insert maniacal laugh here*"
((Don't worry, as soon as Xaicra's army has been defeated, we'll help. Meanwhile, you can describe the nightmare or something.))
Swift got up again. "How is it possible for you to win against me? You know you will die here and now!" Onko's brother launched a high-powered Mach Punch. Onko managed to elude most of the attack, but it partially hit her in the side, which struck more pain than it looked.
Onko struggled to get up. "I... I'm sorry about this, Swift." She flew at Swift with the hardest Double Kick she could bear. As she hit her brother with a fatal blow, she cried out, "Please forgive me!!"
Her brother rocketed backwards, slamming into a tall boulder adjacent to the base. He slumped to the ground, dead.
Onko walked over to the body of her brother. She then sat down, and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Swift."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"Is this what you wanted, Xaicra?" I said, "To be a desctructive tyrant, who will stop at nothing to acheive his goals, crushing anyone and everyone who gets in his way?"

"That and more. Once I have defeated you, I can march to my final glory."

Xaicra charged at me at blinding speed. Unprepared for this sudden attack, I was thrown to the ground at high velocity. I tried to get p, but I'd taken too much damage. Xaicra landed, and loomed over me.

"You are no longer worth my time, Zrantox. You went below my notice when you chose to beray me."

He raised his blade for the final blow.

How could it come to this?

I cna't let him do this.

But what can i do? I'm helpless.

I remembered the word Xaicra spoek when he wanted me involved in his grand scheme:

"I know who I'm dealing with here, and I know what you're capable of."

He does not know...

I summouned energy back into my body. I reached up just as xaicra brought his blade down, and seized it with my hand.

For the breifest of instants, Xaicra looked shocked.

"You once said that you knew who you were dealing with when you wanted my help."

I gathered more energy. "You have no idea."

More energy. "I am shocked, offended, in fact, that you think that you can strike down a Hand. I thought you'd know that as being part of the Hand yourself."

I blasted Xaicra into the air with my built up attack. I then jumped up after him.

"Now then, you filthy spawn of a Muk's remains, let's finish this."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin chuckled. "Darkrai, you really have lost your touch. My blades were poisoned from the Tangrowth. You've lost now. The poison will only get worse and worse..."

He fell to the floor, and gave in to the nightmare.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis bit her lip and blinked, struggling not to curl up on the ground and cry like a baby. She had been a young Ralts, alone in the woods and barely able to survive alone, with the faintest memory of somebody speaking softly to her and holding her like a baby. She remembered trying to pretend she was a princess who was kidnapped, or a Gardevoir. Of finding her mom. The Gallade looked up at the monster that didn't resemble anything anymore fighting Zrantox in the air.
Xaicra. Corruption? Lightstruck? He... no. I would die before I let him use me for anything.
Creating a shield of light over one arm and a sword over the other blade, she slashed as hard as she could, sending a blade of light flying at Xairca.

((Whaa, this is the interesting part and I'm moving so I can't get on the computer much. ;_;))

((SO knew that!! I'm tired, okay? Edit....ed!))
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((They were both in the air, Eevee. Xaicra jumped up after nearly killing Zrantox, and Zrantox jumped after Xaicra soon afterward))

We were a blur of fists and spikes and shadows, clashing at speeds that would put a Rapidash to shame.

Every strike we made was blcoked. A Dark Pulse with Tentacle. Blade slash with Shadow Punch. Tail swipe with Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball by claw strike.

It would go on forever.

No. It can't. Xaicra msut end here and now.

Xaicra aimed himself at the ground, and propelled himself offf once more upon Landingl; attempting to slash me with a tentacle. i blocked that, but was unprepared for the Tail Swipe that came shooting at me at high speeds.

I was sent flying to the ground for the second time in several minutes.

Xaicra didn't waste any time. He landed again, and raised his blade.

I will not let him go unpunished

Shadow Energy gathered in the "mouth" on my chest, and in my palms. Even as Xaicra brought his blade down, I unleashed my attack, sending him shooting up to the air. I flew up after him, and was suprised to see him stay aloft.

"Good, Zrantox, good. you are unlocking your true powers."

"You won't say its good once I destroy you."

"Wishful thinking, Zrantox. My powers far excede yours. You can't win."

I called the same black-red energy that I'd threatened Goros with before to my hand.

"Try me."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu reared up and stomped on top of a final Magnezone. More Pokemon rushed out of the bushes, but Manmuu got a short glance of Zrantox and a strange Tyranitar. The Mamoswine shot an elliptical Mud Bomb at three Pokemon, and then another three. "Hey, Onko. When do you think this will be over?" he asked, accidentally hitting a weak Spheal with Ice Fang.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko suddenly remembered that they were in the middle of a battle. She pulled herself together and charged at the nearest Pokemon, who just happened to be an Abomasnow. She quickly turned her attack into a Flame Wheel. She didn't reply to Manmuu.
She didn't know.
What if this was never over?
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