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Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko was shaken, and fell to the ground. The Earthquake was very powerful against her, and she could barely get up again. She used all her energy for a last-resort Flame Wheel.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

As Onko charged Manmuu with Flame Wheel, Manmuu gathered some dirt with his tusks. He packed it into a ball and hurled it at the Chimchar for a Mud Bomb attack. This would at least counter/cancel out the Fire-type move.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Panicking, Onko immediately stopped her Flame Wheel. Mud Bomb again? And that Flame Wheel took all my energy too! she fell to the ground and fainted.
(Why is it that in RPGs, I always lose battles? ;_;)
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu had won the battle. However, he was good sport and didn't go around yelling "woo hoo I win you're so weak." Instead, he nudged Onko gently and put a few Oran berries near her mouth, hoping for her to wake up again in case of the ambush. Manmuu stood next to his leader, guarding her and looking for any sight of enemy Pokemon until she awakened.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((I'm back everyone!))

"Kill you?"

I laughed. "I won't kill you. Not now. Not Today."

"I want you to run, Goros. Run from here. Not because of what I'd do to you, it's because of Xaicra. He'll hunt you to the ends of the earth for striking out against him."

I threw Goros to the ground, hitting him with a low-power Dark Pulse. I then opened a portal.

"Flee, Goros. Think of which sounds more appealing: Living now, or being struck by Xaicra?"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(( Yay! I really didn't follow the battle since I'm not part of it. ))

Goros looked at Zrantox.
"I'm fleeing for now but I will be back." Goros said as he teleported on his own.
When he reappeared he was right in front of Xaicra.
"Hey Xaicra." he said.
(( Some stuff happens that I'll explain later. ))
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

((Okay then. Just bear in mind that Xaicra's survived being put into Nightmares before, and each time someone tries it he becomes more hideous))

I watched as Goros teleported away. "Rest assured, Goros, I'll find you. As Giratina's hand, I can find anyone"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis listened to the two talk. She said, somewhat awkwardly,
"I can believe that."
The Gallade grinned and tried not to burst out laughing.
"Remember when I first saw you? Remember, the Torchic dance? Dancing Rattata's? That thing about being 'Extremely loyal to my mom'?"
She thought for a minute.
"If I hadn't teleported, and the Protect force field was bouncing around? If I hadn't, I wouldn't evolved. And, maybe not learned about my.. powers. I can actually do the Torchic Dance, by the way."
Smiling slightly, the Gallade remembered the bizarre thing's she'd been shouting that day.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"And if I had not switched sides, you wouldn't have learned of Xaicra's attack until it was too late. Goros may have wiped you out when he attacked you and the other Gallade."

And, odds are, you'll learn about the full extent of my saying that I am Giratina's Hand

No! She can't know. If she understood the full significance of it...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis stopped smiling.
"And even if I did still get the light power, I wouldn't have known what to do with it and just thrown a light show until everyone died. Or something like that.
She proceeded to do a silly dance while pretending to be a Torchic, for no apparent reason.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"You would have Most likely used it as you are using it now; a weapon against the Dark."

I turned around. "In the Batle to Come, Xaicra will stop at nothing to finish us off. He will no doubt go for you, or me. You because you pose a threat to him and me because..."

Me because we have past differences to settle.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis stopped dancing.
"You're logical and right, as usual. I actually wanted an excuse just now to do the Torchic Dance."
Even though they were in so much danger, Artemis felt oddly goofy and giggly.
Focus. We're in trouble. What's wrong with me? I'm going insane..
She looked over at Grin, who was whining about not getting to attack Goros.
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Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu stayed by Onko, looking around. He spotted Zrantox, Artemis and Grin, within earshot if Manmuu yelled loud enough. "Hey, you three! What's going on over there?"
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

I heard the Mamoswine ask what was going on. "Goros fled," i said, "I don't know where, but he fled. Xaicra's army has yet to arrive, but I don't think we have much more time."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Manmuu heard Zrantox say something about Xaicra's army arriving soon. He prodded Onko gently. "Hey, Onko. Wake up, or we might all be dead Magikarp." Then, he acknowledged Zrantox by shouting, "Alright, Onko will be waking up anytime now." Manmuu turned back to Onko. "Eat these Oran berries, Onko. They'll make you feel better."
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Onko awoke at the scent of Oran berries and greedily devoured them all. She heard Zrantox say that they didn't have much time for Xaicra's army. Suddenly Onko became stressed. She cried out, "Come on, everyone! We have to hurry and hide our supplies so Xaicra's army can't find them!" She shuddered and stashed their Sitrus and Lum berries away, her stomach hurting out of fear.
I can't be a good leader if I react like this...
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

(I'll take that as my cue ^^ ... that is how you spell cue, right? In case you guys didn't know, I sent Gallade into the portal in an earlier post.)

Grin laughed at She-Gallade's Torchic Dance and used her shoulder as an arm rest.

"Haha! Nice dance, She-Gallade! I'm afraid the only dance I know is the Swords Dance, but your dance is cool, too! But I have a problem here, I'm afraid... I must know why you let that stupid spider go! You shoulda killed him on the spot! One blast, and 'BANG,' he would have been no more bother to us, eh? Just a splat on the sidewalk, that's all he woulda been." He chuckled. It was just a joke, Grin wouldn't have had the heart to just kill someone after they were pleading for mercy.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Artemis ducked suddenly to make Grin fall.
"You always have a problem, Grinny. Fear the mad dancing skills!"
The Gallade resumed the Torchic Dance, laughing her head off.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

Grin snorted and pulled himself up off the ground.

"Huh, you're a Lightstruck-thingy, yet you can't even be a decent arm rest!" He chuckled and watched She-Gallade dance.

"You know what? I'm gonna call that dance the Drunken-Slakoth-Dance!" Grin laughed.
Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE!

"I don't know what Goros will do. We can't worry about that, though. I fear that Xaicra will come during the night. Being a creature of Darkness, he-"

And then, I froze.

I felt a sensation which i'd never felt before. A sensation ofmy mind flyng to somewhere else.

I saw a silhouette. A Distorted one. and yet, it seemed familiar. But how...

"You are no longer worth my time, Zrantox. You went below my notice when you chose to beray me."

Then the sensation of being sent through that somewhere else again and-

What did I just see?
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