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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

I want a regular level 60 white ring to get more resources from Middy, right? So I spend TONS of resources on the materials, and what do I get? A SPECIAL WHITE RING. One that WON'T help me get more White Aura >.>

Meh, I'll replace the red ring she's wearing with it... I'll try and make another one..

Edit: WHOO. It worked this time, and now Middys giving me just over half a thousand white aura a day :D
@Melodic Harmony: That is, if you can afford it. You do realize that would cost 250k in aura for two Golds and a Silver. Better start saving.

Haha, I have a while to save~
For starters, I should trade all my secondary resources for Green Aura, so I'm not tempted to make items instead =P
Haha, I have a while to save~
For starters, I should trade all my secondary resources for Green Aura, so I'm not tempted to make items instead =P
Then again, though, if you make good aura-producing items then it could pay off. That's what I intend on doing.

I dunno if I'll make any of my future (and current) dragons gold or silver. By the way, what's everyone's dream team/group/whatever of dragons? Mine are-
Earth Western
Water Fur
Fire Dino
Air Wyvern
Lizardus of some sort
From what I've got, I want

Silver Eastern
Earth Western
Gold Fur
Air Wyvern
And Silver or water Dino, depending on what it genders when I get it.

Also, Child Wyvern get :D
I'd have

Silver Western
Gold Western
Earth Furdragon
Water Eastern
Fire Dino

All I need is to save resources for a Gold powder, and I have my awesome-group~
I'm not quite sure what I want yet, but I want at least 1 gold or silver. I'll probably get a gold dino and a silver eastern, but I don't know. I probably need a dino, though, although I might have a silver dino and a gold western.
I'VE HAD A CHANGE OF PLAN AGAIN wait why am I telling you guys

I'm thinking of getting a Fire Furdragon as my fourth, due to the whole wanting to turn Automne into a Gold thing, and then getting an Earth Eastern. If I do this, I won't have any Reptile Scale-producing dragons, but Reptile Scales are equivalent trade for Dragon Fur/Dragon Scales. Not only that, it doesn't matter if I don't have a dragon that can make use of Reptile Scales anyhow. That, and I don't like Fire Dinos for some reason.

*pokes* Hurry up, Magnus. D:

Eastern Dragon. :D

For first post: [url=http://TwilightEevee.dragonadopters.com/dragon_136404][img]http://www.TwilightEevee.dragonadopters.com/dragonimage_136404_48054_pixel.gif[/img][/url]

Furdragon get! :D


Meet Helena, named after Mt. Saint Helens~

Earth Eastern GET~ I was hoping for a male, but whatever. After this I'm getting a Water Furdragon or a different Water element. I'm going to make Magnus a Gold rather than Automne, since he's the only repeat element.
Okay from what I have, this is my plan:

Kruo-Gold Fur
Ashes-Fire Lizard
Terrus-Earth Western
Float-Air/Silver (still thinking about it) Eastern
Water/Air (depends on what I make Float) Dino

I'm really happy, too; went to make Float a scarf and it turned out special. :D
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