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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Thankies to you both~

Uh, have a pinch of leftover Silver Powder. *scrapes leftovers off ground*
Uh, uh.. *finds speck of gold powder*

Save yourselves! *throws*

And say hello to mah last dragon, Aren. A Fire Dino, because I'm turning Embris Gold~
*sneezes out Gold Powder*
I think I'm allergic...
*gets gold rashes*

286% away from my own Fire Dino~
...is it just me, or do way too many people have Fire Dinos?
*will get a Fire Lizardus*
I just got a Fire Dino because my source of Fire Aura, Embris, is gonna be a Gold Aura mine instead >:3
My eastern turned out male, just as I'd hoped.

And Sharra's only twenty-eight percent of a level away from becoming an ancient.
I just got a Fire Dino because my source of Fire Aura, Embris, is gonna be a Gold Aura mine instead >:3
Haha, there's nothing wrong with a Fire Dino. They're awesome <3
I just want to be strange and try to stand out. [/epicfail]

And Sike Saner, may I have a link to your profile, please?~
Am I the only person who wants a Water Dino? :< Actually, I'm debating whether to get it or an Earth Eastern as my fourth. Whichever one I don't choose will be my fifth.
I like the fire Dino the best because black and red look really nice together.

I'm 4 levels away from Water Furdragon~
So you're GraphiteStorm! I'd sometimes click your dragons from the front page, wondering who you were. =P
Most of your dragons don't like me, but Rulean and Arranon are usually pretty nice with the Lottery and all <3
Uhyhu is cuuute~
Level 25. Plymouth recently became a teenager himself, actually~

If it says that your dragon "is developing" and "is going to be a [insert next stage here] soon" under the status messages, then the dragon will move to the next stage within three levels. For example, a Child would get that message to become a teenager at level 22, and actually become a teenager at level 25.

Sorry, randomly felt like rambling about something~
Haha, no problem =]

It feels like it's taking forever for Plymouth to reach level 30! =/
He's currently 243% away from level 30, and my Fire Lizardus~
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