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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Well, now. ElVira is at level 41. Did I ever tell you that I hate that number?

Anyway, Plymouth is now at level 23, I believe. He'll soon be a teen, then after that he's not far from level 30 - meaning he gets a Fire Dino to babysit =3
Sharra's getting pretty darned close to becoming an ancient, and I'm getting pretty darned close to being able to get my last dragon. I've decided on an earth eastern.
^Water Furdragon? Yay~
Now Plymouth can have a friend that's exactly the same Species and Element as him~
He's about Emeraldis' age, though. Meaning I'll have a Fire Dino that'll be about the same age as your Water Furdragon...

Oh, I made a level 30 Gold Scarf for Plymouth so that when he reaches that level, he can have an item all ready for him.
^Awwww! *huggle* He's so cuuute!
That's funny, I recently named a Bidoof I caught Langston 0_o

111% until Plymouth is a teen~

For some reason, I'm very excited about Storm becoming an Ancient as well. I guess it's something to do with this club getting its first Ancient.

On a totally related note, if we were to make a banner, I'd want Storm on it as the club mascot. :3 I don't know why I'm so obsessed with someone else's dragon. Meh.
^Hey I could totally make a banner for us if you guys want~ I can put up to... I think three dragons on it, given my usual banner size, so you guys can pick what three to put on if you want me to make one.

ETA: oh yes, and a bit more than 10 levels until Heiderich reaches Ancient!
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Storm, definitely. I would say edRashtekaresket, but they come from the same owner. Those are the only two I could think of off the top of my head. Well, them and Glade, Mustang, and Embris.
Holy crap I know all of Dragon's dragons 0_o

Well, as far as Plymouth...28% to teen =]
Hm... I was personally thinking Storm, Glade, and Heiderich. Which would be Dragon's first two dragons, and then your first dragon since you're the one making the banner. That seems appropriate.
^Agree. Though I feel stupid because I didn't think of that.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've been sleeping about two or three hours a night for the past couple of weeks.

Oh well.
~Plymouth is a teenager!
My mom still thinks he's cute <3
But she still doesn't like ElVira, either =[
Ohai guys, long time no see


His name is Nafter :3 A cookie to anyone who knows why.

Yeah, you have to be a reading geek in order to know :P

Oh, and tell me when you give up.
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