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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

34000 White, yay :D
Almost got a Teenage Wyvern, about 3 levels until Middys Ancient |D

And I was gonna get an Air Fur too, until I saw the Air Wyverns (I like Wyverns more anyways, and besides I don't need 3 dragons that give me fur)
Emeraldis is developing agian. She's gonna become an adult soon! :D

Aquana is nearly at 20, only about 12 or 13 levels until I can adopt a new dragon!
Speaking of developing, that's just what Magnus is doing. He's going to be an Adult in three levels~ Oh, and Violet's going to be an Ancient in eight levels, and right now I have about 20,000 White Aura.
Hey Suzuki ^^ I know you from GTS btw

Anyways, Ravuvu is a Teenager, but this is awesome:

She is developing. She is going to be an ancient soon.

So in about 10 days (at least 8 methinks) I'll have my ancient!
Got... 34304 White aura right now. :D

So heres my updated wishlist.

Silver Eastern (Middy)
Earth Western (Terra)
Gold Fur (Kia)
Air Wyvern (Ravuvu)
and a Water Dino, which I'll make Silver if it turns out male.
Plymouth will be an adult in 3 levels~
Helena is still so young, she's only at level 18~
Welcome to the club, you can has... a speck of Silver Aura~ *throws*

Pfffaaaah, waiting on my 100000 White Aura. >_>
Plymouth has 89% until he's an adult <3
But Helena is still at level 20. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you don't put the pictures in your sig =3

I still only have 22,032 Green Aura =/
Emeraldis will be an adult in 1 level~!
Aquana just reached lv.20, I'm gonna have to start making her new items now



He's an Adult now~
I've decided to use his Blue Aura to make items for ElVira, and trade Helena's Red Aura for more Green Aura.
Right now I've only got 27,164 Green Aura '-_-

Since Helena doesn't make much Aura yet, I also usually trade Dragon Scales and Dragon Fur, if anyone has Green Aura that they can spare =3
Through Helena, I put about 100-200 Red Aura on the Resources Market every day or two.
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