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The Dream Thread

...Butterfree doesn't live in Switzerland.

Anyways, I had a Gacktastic dream the other day.

Gackt and I played smash bros for the longest time, and then he's randomly like "TIME FOR THE SCHOOL BUS", and so we ran out and got in the school bus. Gackt sat next to me, and he just kinda... held me. He was really /really/ comfortable and warm. (So realistic, I swear, I could feel him). Then we started eating ice cream on the bus...

I dropped my ice cream on his crotch. He was really embarrassed.
Just once, I'd like to see a thread of this nature and not get a mad compulsion to post about the dream I had where a bunch of pirates were all having a water balloon fight.

...Butterfree doesn't live in Switzerland.
...this is a dream we're talking about, reality is completely irrelevant. :)
Well last night I had a seriously demeneted nightmare of sorts (it's now hilarious until the end) that felt dementedly realistic and was probably the crazed brainchild of Petz (the computer ones. The ones with the really big eyes) and Spore:

I was playing Catz. The one on the computer. And apparently I had four or five Catz out (yay demented cheating devices!). And I got this weird notification:

"[Cat name] is mysteriously glowing!"

And I try with all my might to put the darn thing away but it's too freaked out or something. Then, right in the middle of the living room:

"[Cat name] is drowning!" In the middle of the living room, no less. Oh, but it gets better: "If you click on this fish a lot, you can swim over to him and save him!" And this tiny fish appears on screen. Yeah, I don't know what caused that either.

And I'm clicking the fish like mad (hey, the cat may be virtual, but it's a cat all the same!) , and another message pops up on screen:

"You manage to catch up to [cat name.]" And I'm just like, "Yessssssssssssssss."

"But it dies anyway!" And I'm just horrified and I'm like "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

And I'm horribly depressed and tell everyone I meet that my virtual cat died of drowning in the virtual living after mysteriously glowing. (now that I think of it, that darn cat was mysteriously glowing a la PMD heroes. And my game didn't even have that cat irl)

It took me a few minutes after I got up to realize that the dream never happened and, besides that fact, it was impossible for said cat to drown/perish at ALL in game, especially not IN THE LIVING ROOM.
I have a lot of weird and creepy dreams, so I'll start with the oldest to the most recent:

I had this dream that I was in preschool (I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade at the time) and my teacher had this cup with a squeaky-toy shark in it. Everyone was afraid of it, so I just went up and pulled it out to show that it was harmless. Right when I touched it though, it jumped out of the cup, started floating, squeaked, then start chasing me around the room. Eventually, it caught up to me and bit my finger, and I woke up. I had this dream three times in a row. =D

In a different dream, my family was going to the Blues Clues house. When we got there, Steve and Blue (who I still say is a boy dog) were looking for clues, so my family decided we would go exploring. It turned out the place was a mansion maze, and somehow I got separated from my family. I started calling out their names. Then, Blue comes up (she/he/it was a cartoon), starts growling with foam coming out of his/her/its mouth, then bites me. Then I "woke up" crying. I got up and saw my mom and brother outside the door of my room. I went to go see what was happening, and it turned out a bone in my brother's wrist had popped out. Then I really woke up crying. When I got up it turned out my brother's wrist bone did stick out, but I was asleep when my mom took him to the hospital. Apparently, I either had an out of body experience, or I had a vision. (I'm a psychic. =D)

I'll add more later. I need to get some breakfast. (BACON! 8D)
i only vaguely remember the last dream i had. my history teacher was in it. i guess we just talked; i don't think it was particularly exciting because i don't really recall a lot of it.

the last time i had a dream before that, my dog had this needle stuck in his head. he started howling really loud and i started crying in it. i couldn't get it out.
Last night, I had this weirdass dream where my hamster transformed into a Godzilla-sized scorpion/sheep/snake thing that destroyed the world. I woke up when I farted loudly in bed. Then I fell asleep, had another dream, this time, Butterfree (the admin here) and I were in the Digital World. I had a Falcomon(my avvie) as my Digimon, and Butterfree had a weird Digimon that looked like what you'd get by DNA Digivolving a Butterfree and a Charizard, and then DNA Digivolving with a Magikarp. This Digimon said its name was Flydramon. Then the whole area flooded, and Leviamon (a Digimon we were told to fight), tried to eat me, but Falcomon and Butterfree sacrificed themselves to save me. Then Flydramon became my Digimon partner, and we Biomerged into a Mega Digimon that looked like Imperialdramon and Kuwagamon DNA Digivolved. This Digimon was called Ryubeemon. Leviamon then was defeated by Ryubeemon's Plasma Breath attack, and before dying, he said "Evil Kitty will avenge me!" Then it was morning in real life.
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I had a dream about a coffee commercial once.

And I've said this before, but I once dreamed about getting food in striped paper bags by blue wooden bunnies, the entire thing was in similar art style of the Swedish children book Pettson and Findus which are about an old man with fun hat and a cat wearing shorts And those books are so awesome I could read them any day, and watch the movie: "Pettson and Findus, the Catonaut.
Because they rule.
I mentioned it in the April Fool's thread, but... I recently had a dream where I was pregnant. With kittens. The dream made it very clear that I had conceived immaculately 0.0 Also, according to a dream dictionary, having a dream where you're giving birth to or are pregnant with an animal is a sign of pregnancy... (It's not possible that I'm pregnant, but it's still odd.)
^That could be a sign of something new starting in your life. Either that or you're gonna have a baby Jesus in a few months. o.O
I can't think of anything new that's starting in my life, though, and nothing new has begun since I had the dream...

And I really hope I don't have a baby Jesus. Do not want pregnancy, kthnxbai.

Also, I just remembered that I had a dream that my boyfriend and I ran away and opened a restaurant together. In Spain. I interpreted all the Spanish, even though I barely know any... o.o (my dreams scare me. A lot)
This is the dream I had last Wednesday. I posted it in a note on Facebook and my friends loved it for some reason. I don't understand it at all, but this is the first really good and fun dream I've had in a while.

Me in a Facebook note said:
Okay, so I was in some kind of trailer thing with Bean (my sister), Cream (my boyfriend), some school friends, and then a bunch of old people. It was pretty warm but cramped in there... It looked almost as if it were some kind of bus, but not. There was a tv at the front, and some guy that was our teacher. But it wasn't any kind o school, so I don't really get that part. Everyone was reading some book because Mr. Teacher wanted us to. But I didn't feel like it, so I was just sitting there looking out the window at the rain... Someone opened the door and I saw my aunt Bambi (NOT THE DEER) running like a madwoman. Okay..?

After a little while, I looked over at Cream, who was waving the book around saying, "Look what I've got!" That made me really mad for some reason, so I threw a dime at him. He threw Goldfish back at me. So then I gave him a big hug and we ate some crackers.

Suddenly I was at my grandmother's, and I was getting ready to leave. I knocked on the door of the bathroom and Cream - who was apparently on the other side - said, "Can you tell Alex ***** " Dunno what he said, so I asked, but he said the same thing again. But I guess I got it, cos I said, "okay" and left.

I went to some creepy house - it looked pretty new, but still freaky - with Amanda because she "had to find it." Find what? I'll never know. We went through the house and left through the back door, where I saw some police tape that said "Naughty dogs live there." Ehh...I looked next door and saw a bunch of dogs barking behind some fence. Amanda and I got outta there. We returned later because apparently some lady was giving away the dogs. I don't know why I had to investigate, of all people, but whatever. The cops told me that there'd be a sign in her front yard that said "Dogs for Sale." Well, I didn't see a sign like that, so I went into her house - which looked just like my house - and found the sign...on the side of her couch~

So then I was at some kind of church place...but it wasn't really a church, people were just sitting in there. I was on some kind of funky ride, where I was sitting on a couch that was attached to a rail from the ceiling. Was this some kind of amusement park..? I looked to my left to see Tear, who said, "Let's speak cloud." Cloud? Wtf? I asked what cloud was. She said, "You know, we were doing it the other day. When everything is backwards." Ah, yes, that. I didn't wanna speak cloud, though, and I told her so.

I ended up on some kind of smooth roller-coaster ride with Skymin (sky-forme Shaymin, that is). It was really fast, but not scary at all... It was pretty cool, actually... There was this one part where everyone was yelling about throwing the shoes off. And so many Converse shoes were thrown from the ride. Why?! So then the ride swung to the right and took the right path instead of the left, and when we reached the end, Mr. Phillips (my band director) said, "You could've reached it in less than 2 minutes, but nooo, you HAD to change keys!!" Ehh...

We were then back in the church place, and everyone was like, "Are you ready to throw the shoes?" I looked down, saw my grandmother, and said, "But I don't wanna hit Nanny..." And then I woke up. :/
Really weird one last night...

So I apparently had gotten back with my ex, and we were at this vacation house on some beach somewhere. The area kinda resembled the beach in PMD2. We were playing around the water for a while, then apparently decided to pretend to be a rapist (him) and his victim (me). At one point, he hit his head really hard, like skull-cracking hard, but he was totally fine.

After that, we went back to the house, which was like a mansion. We went into our room and he was getting changed, and for some reason, was wearing a lacy white bra. o.O I kept teasing him about it. He was also chubbier, which was nice.

Then he started to work on his laptop when my mom told me my cousin had recorded a cover of some ABBA song (which is now stuck in my head, but I don't know the name of it). She apparently had very nice voice.

Then I woke up to my cat walking on my face and pissing on my blanket. -_-
Really weird one last night...

So I apparently had gotten back with my ex, and we were at this vacation house on some beach somewhere. The area kinda resembled the beach in PMD2. We were playing around the water for a while, then apparently decided to pretend to be a rapist (him) and his victim (me). At one point, he hit his head really hard, like skull-cracking hard, but he was totally fine.

After that, we went back to the house, which was like a mansion. We went into our room and he was getting changed, and for some reason, was wearing a lacy white bra. o.O I kept teasing him about it. He was also chubbier, which was nice.

Then he started to work on his laptop when my mom told me my cousin had recorded a cover of some ABBA song (which is now stuck in my head, but I don't know the name of it). She apparently had very nice voice.

Then I woke up to my cat walking on my face and pissing on my blanket. -_-
Last night, had this dream that took place in the future (the year 2020), and this guy built a time machine and told me to stop a meteor impact from wiping out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. I asked "How the hell am I supposed to do that?!" The guy explained that my DS had a special cartridge in it, (not a game), that could deflect the meteor and make it go into the sun, causing the sun to last 5 billion years longer than it is apparently supposed to.

I go in the Time Machine, and It went to the year 65,000,000 BC, near where the Yucatan Peninsula is in modern times. the meteor had just entered the atmosphere, and the cartridge randomly shot out of my DS, and sent the meteor to the sun.

I returned to my hometime, and everything was completely different, becaus the humans weren't mammals, but were descended from Troodon (the supposedly most intelligent dinosaur). I was a Troodon-person, and so was veryone else. We had feathr coming out of our heads instead of hair, had scales, cat-like eyes, and claws.

I went to a local farm to see how everything was, and this antlered-Triceratops thing, that was supposed to be like a cow, was eating some leaves. I asked a farmer "Wher am I?" He just laughed, and said "You live next door, you doofdadoof!"

I then woke up to the smell of dog turds. My dog had just took a shit in my room.
I can remember a few things from a recent dream:

-Orochimaru from Naruto telling me to dress up like the latter.

-A hurricane/tornado outside a building into which I haven't been before.

-A sign reading "Wallaby elephants"

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