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The Eight Blades Signups/OOC


Knight of Void
RP has started. You are still welcome to join, provided that you are not a Keyblader.
RP thread

Ok, this is a Kingdom Hearts Role play made by both me and Flora and Ashes. And here is the plot (credit to Flora)

Many long years ago, a witch named Maleficent tried to destroy the worlds. Commanding a huge army of Heartless, strange creatures formed from the darkness in people’s hearts, she infiltrated the hearts of the worlds, attempting to swallow them in darkness. Before she was finally defeated by an unknown someone, many had actually been destroyed. Although those that had been lost were quickly revived upon her defeat, many of the inhabitants wanted to make sure that no one would forget what had happened, so that it would never happen again.

So what did they decide to do? Why, they’d write a book, of course! Loosely based off the events of Maleficent’s War, as they called it, Kingdom Hearts was a series of mainly fictional stories about a teenaged boy who, with the help of some strange friends and a strange weapon called a “Keyblade”, managed to beat Maleficent, as well as whatever other threats managed to come their way. It almost instantly became wildly popular, one of those classic series that lasts for a long time. Despite its beginnings as a warning for future generations, however, it was easy to believe that it was pure fiction; after all, Heartless were now virtually unknown, and those who had heard of them were certain that their numbers could never grow that much.

Unfortunately, this “fiction” was slowly becoming a reality. One world, at least, had already been destroyed, with only a few known survivors. One of them, a female with strong magical prowess, had heard a little of Maleficent and her attempted conquest of the worlds, and decided that she’s make everyone go through what she had; she’d train herself in dark magics, and using it, she would take control of the Heartless and consume all the worlds in darkness! This plan was sure to work, she thought, as no one yet knew what could slay Heartless. Wasting no time, she quickly took over a neighboring world and used it as her headquarters, starting her plan; the first step was to kidnap seven girls, the Princesses of Heart, to unlock a Door to Darkness.

A refugee of this stolen world, an aged wizard named Merlin, traveled to a little known spot, hovering on the line between darkness and light, and set up a town, to help others who had lost their worlds. While using his magic to set up an inn, he discovered eight bizarre objects, that looked strangely like key chains, inside a box, carefully labeled “Strength is measured by the Heart.” Having read the Kingdom Hearts series and believing that these objects were dormant Keyblades, Merlin took this to mean that only those with strong hearts could wield them, and, seeing the events that would quickly unfold, he used a copy of the first book in the Kingdom Hearts series to summon eight children whose hearts had enough strength to use these Keyblades to fight the hoards of Heartless that would inevitably try to defeat them.

The witch, noticing what Merlin had done, was alarmed; if these really were Keyblades, then her plan could be ruined! She thought of a backup plan; she could find eight other children, manipulate them into working for her, give them dark Keyblades of her own creation, and use them to fight Merlin’s Keyblade wielders, thus buying her time to gather the Princesses and destroy the worlds. She quickly did just that, forming a legion of her own Keybladers, wielders of darkness rather than light.

Will you be one of Merlin’s Keybladers, helping to save the worlds from certain doom? Or will you assist the witch as a Keyblader of darkness, manipulated into working for her or willingly cooperating? Or maybe you’re just there, helping one side or another? Whichever role you choose, know that you’re not alone.

Like it? Also, it is not necessary to be a keyblader. You can also wield a weapon that is similar to a Keyblade, as long as you give a good description of it. Also, you can choose what Keyblades you want. (you can get a second one later on) But keep in mind that only one person can have a certain Keyblade. ie: Only one person can have Bond of Flame, but then no one else can have one. And you can have a user-made Keyblade, as long as you have a well done description. And, you don't necessarily need to be a
ancient-magical weapon wielder. The reason there is a Specialty in the form, is to balance out one side.
-No one-liners. Unless done well, or in a huge rush.
-Mary Sues/Gary Stus will be turned to a heartless, then brutally killed.
-No character controlling.
-Flora and Ashes is a co-DM, so she can accept/reject forms.
-No one likes walls of text. The ENTER key is there for a reason.
-Two characters per person.
-Put in "An extremely longword" at the end of your form to show that you read these rules.


Initial Alignment:
Specialty: Strength/Attacking, Defense, Magic, or Balance (Explained above)
1st Keyblade: If not a keyblader, then what do you use?
2nd Keyblade:^

Notes: First Roleplay, so if I do anything wrong, tell me...


Good Side:
-Atnura/Arylett Dawnsborough
-Halan/Moon Panther
-Sheila/Zora of Termina

Evil Side:
-Louis/Flora and Ashes
-Edward/Full Metal Cookies
-Xhan/Black Yoshi 99

List of worlds:
-Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden
-Traverse Town
-Pride Lands
-Beast's Castle
-Land of Dragons

My form will be up later.
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Name: Duncan Hart

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Initial Alignment: Evil

Specialty: Strength/Attacking

1st Keyblade: One-Winged Angel

2nd Keyblade: Lady Luck

Appearance: Slightly grown out black hair, tanned skin, dark brown eyes. Wears a black wifebeater under a black unbuttoned button-up, with black jeans and steel toed boots. Wears two black fingerless gloves, and has both ears pierced. He's kind of tall, about 5'10", and weights roughly 160. He's also pretty strong, able to bench press 320 pounds, and it's shown in his arms, but nowhere else on his body.

Personality: Duncan is aggressive and rash, preferring to settle things with fighting rather than rationally think it through. His aggressive nature also shows in his fighting, as he sacrifices defense for attack. Whenever he's not confronted with an enemy, he's rather talkative, liking to make new friends and liking to talk about interesting things. However, if someone really makes him dislike them, they'll be in his bad books for a while, as he's not a very wishy washy person.

Other: An Extremely longsword
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Name: Duncan Hart
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Initial Alignment: Good
Specialty: Strength/Attacking
1st Keyblade: One-Winged Angel
2nd Keyblade: Guardian Soul
Appearance: Slightly grown out black hair, tanned skin, dark brown eyes. Wears a black wifebeater under a black unbuttoned button-up, with black jeans and steel toed boots. Wears two black fingerless gloves, and has both ears pierced.
Personality: Duncan is aggressive and rash, preferring to settle things with fighting rather than rationally think it through. His aggressive nature also shows in his fighting, as he sacrifices defense for attack.
Other: An Extremely longsword

Ok, can you expand on your Appearance and Pesonality? Other then that it is fine.

On a side note, I forgot to put in a few things since I typed this up quite late. If you signup, then you may suggest a world that wean go to. And if you did, you can DM that world only. And, you don't to stay on one side. You can drift for one side to another. And finally, You already have gotten your Awakening, but (depending on your personality) you pegged it as a dream.
rsrsv plz~

Gender: Female
Initial Alignment: Good needs moar
Specialty: Strength/Attacking
1st Keyblade: Gullwing
2nd Keyblade: Circle of Life

Appearance: Youko has incredibly long dark brown hair, which is usually kept in a low ponytail. Her eyes are typically dark brown, though her skin is rather tanned. She usually wears a long black coat over a green long sleeved coat, and baggy pants with an ungodly amount of pockets, most of them empty. She wears a pair of light brown faded sandals, and wears a pair of feathers similar to the handles on Gullwing.

Personality: Youko seems to always be drifting in and out of existence or consciousness, always looking off into the distance or muttering to herself. This is usually because she's a lucid dreamer, and as of late her dreams have been incredibly lifelike and realistic. She's able to work things through easily, though is very easily distracted. Her appearance and personal hygiene is often neglected, and Youko takes unnecessarily huge risks since you can't die in a dream. Right?

Other: Umlaut. Sasquatch. Plethora. Arrhythmia. Capricorn. Extremely. Longword. Kaifeng. Toronto. Sombre. Grey.
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Hello, your resident evil-side DM here!

Maybe putting homeworld on this bio would be good. You know, for reference purposes. Oh, and the spells we knows as well; I'd assume that we'd have at least some knowledge of magic

Also we should all go to Beast's Castle and turn into Enchanted Objects.

Name: Louis. No commonly used last name, just...Louis.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Initial Alignment: Evil. Cause that witch be evil.
Specialty: Magiiic (and you know it's true~)
1st Keyblade: Sleeping Lion, since you do not want to mess with his friends, cause he might just kill you.
2nd Keyblade: Oblivion, cause of the whole evil-'bladers thing
Appearance: In a strange bit of conrast to his quiet personality, Louis's black hair is almost always messy. His grayish-blue eyes are usually hidden behind abnormally huge glasses, though there are times when he will take them off. His customary attire is a white t-shirt and denim jeans, along with black sneakers.
Personality: It's a wonder that a kid as quiet as Louis, and with a sense of right and wrong to boot, would even think of working for such an evil witch, but of course, there's definitely more to him than meets the eye. As previously mentioned, he's very quiet; he'll talk at length only when it's necessary or if he knows a person very well. Although he may generally know the difference between right and wrong, he also tends to trust others a bit too easily; he was told that Merlin and his Keybladers were trying to destroy the worlds, and he believes this. Additionally, he has a bit of an inferiority complex, believing that he's worse than everyone else, perhaps influencing his shy demeanor.
Other: Superalifragilisticexpialidocious is an extremely longword.

Aww, I love this character~ <3

(also bad pun in the specialization section I'm sorry if you got it)
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First, sorry if I screw anything up, I've never played KH, so I only have what moony told me and wikipedia to go on...

Okay, here goes nothing...!

Name: Edward Alarik
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Initial Alignment: Eeeeeeevil
Specialty: Strength/Attacking (+ Dirty Tricks)

1st Keyblade: Shadows of the Night - This elegant and graceful blade is the bane of those who lurk in the darkness to attack, the moonlight that can pour from the blade on command seeking them out. But, the blade can also cause it's wielder to melt into the shadows himself, to strike silently. The only thing that gives away the fact that the Shadows of the Night is lurking, is the faintest blue glow...

2nd Keyblade: Beast of Blood - This sanguine blade is a strange one. The head of the blade can change shape and size, but always - always - has five 'prongs'. The eye can move and blink, seemingly on it's own. The eye seems to be able to alert the blade of an attacker approaching from his blind spot. Also known as the 'Lifedrinker', a successful hit from this blade drains the target of their life force.

Appearance: Edward is short and lithe in appearance, his oddly cat-like body able to preform graceful maneuvers in combat. His hair is long and a dark gold, falling to his mid-back if left unbraided, which is rare. His eyes are a matching shade of gold. He bears a long scar from some unknown struggle over his left eye, and a much larger one shaped like a cross on his right shoulder. He wears a black leather top, the middle torn off and exposing his belly, torn and faded blue jeans, and steel-toed boots. A clear, slightly yellow-tinged stone on a chain dangles around his neck. He has what appears to be a belt-style collar around his neck, and another two on his right arm, and a single one on his left.

Personality: Edward is slightly...cracked. He is prone to fits of rage over the smallest thing, and is rather antisocial. He seems to hate everyone and everything, hiding his true feelings - if any - deep within himself. He loves to fight, and will turn his blade on anyone he wishes. The only exception being young children, especially girls. He refuses to speak of his past, and seems almost obsessively protective over the Shadows of the Night, speaking to it as if it were a close friend or lover. He usually refers to it as 'Rinna', who those close enough to him would know was the name of his young girlfriend, who had died while carrying his child a year ago.

Other: An extremely longword.
Ok...I hope you guys like this~

Name: Halan Storm
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Initial Alignment: Good.
Specialty: Magic

1st Keyblade: Inferno Dance - Cleaves through earth-based and ice-based Heartless with it's fiery force, but falls short when it comes to water-based enemies. When attacks by a fire-based offence, the damage is lessened and will empower the wielder's strength. When the blade is at it's strongest power, a it can release spiral of flames that pulse out of the blade and attacks the enemy while creating a flame wall around the wielder.

2nd Keyblade: Aura of the Crow - This blade is what you call a 'Life Drinker'. It will drain away the health of opponents and will devour Heartless that are extremely weakened if given the chance. The blade is somewhat see through, comprised of a aura-like state that shifts reforms in whatever way it wishes. But it will always have the "blade markings" of five eyes on each side of the blade.

This blade however has a tendency to cause it's wielder to loose their sanity if the one using it isn't strong enough. It will take over and corrupt the user until it's either a thing of pure evil or nothing back a crazed man that will happily cut you down with a laugh and crazed eyes.

Halan is a fairly tall man with blue hair tied back in a small pony at the nape of his neck. He has a small scruff of beard on his chin and sports a long scar over his right eyes from a incident from the past, as well as smaller scars along his arms and body. He was a good build and a solid frame of a body, a result from intense training as a young boy. Around his neck he wears a necklace of three stones, a pale red one on the left, a pale blue on on the right, and a dark purple one in the center.

He wears a black wifebeater, faded blue pants. He wears a trio of black belts and chains, thick black army boots with steel toes, fingerless black gloves with metal backing, and a navy blue long coat with white fur around the collar, sleeves, and along the front where you pull the coat closed. On his right hand he wears a silver ring on his fourth finger.

Personality: He is very...stoic. He is quite silent and will keep to himself rather than speak non-stop. If he does speak, it's because it is something that needs to be said in his mind. He holds a strong sense of right and wrong, his tempered spirit strong and fluid in his body. He has a good mind with magic and will use it to his own means. Though he has the body for close battle, he will fall back and attack from the distance with his magic.

He will follow orders of others, but only if they make sense to him. If he feels that the one in charge is wrong, he will go out and do things his own way. Though he gives off a cold aura, he is very kind hearted when it comes to children and women. While being trained in body and soul in his own land, he was also taught medicine so that it would one day aid him if he ever had to go to war.

Other: An extremely longword. Also, he hails from the world of "The Land of Dragons"
Okay, so I'll make a good character instead.

Name: Vera Flynn

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Initial Alignment: Good

Specialty: Defense

1st Keyblade: Oathkeeper

2nd Keyblade: Bond of Flame

Appearance: She has short, red hair. She always has some hair hiding her right eye. The eye you can see is hazel. She wears a black tank top under a red jacket and a long black skirt. She wears boots that have definitely seen some better times. She's about 5'3 (That's in feet if you don't know) and about 100 pounds.

Personality: She is energetic and enthusiastic. She will often run into situations without any forethought. She is good at defending herself and is crazy prepared with schemes that she thinks could distract anyone, so the good guys could get the first hit.

Other: I'll take an extremely longword for 300, Trebek.
rsrsv plz~

Gender: Female
Initial Alignment: Good needs moar
Specialty: Strength/Attacking
1st Keyblade: Gullwing
2nd Keyblade: Circle of Life

Appearance: Youko has incredibly long dark brown hair, which is usually kept in a low ponytail. Her eyes are typically dark brown, though her skin is rather tanned. She usually wears a long black coat over a green long sleeved coat, and baggy pants with an ungodly amount of pockets, most of them empty. She wears a pair of light brown faded sandals, and wears a pair of feathers similar to the handles on Gullwing.

Personality: Youko seems to always be drifting in and out of existence or consciousness, always looking off into the distance or muttering to herself. This is usually because she's a lucid dreamer, and as of late her dreams have been incredibly lifelike and realistic. She's able to work things through easily, though is very easily distracted. Her appearance and personal hygiene is often neglected, and Youko takes unnecessarily huge risks since you can't die in a dream. Right?

Other: Umlaut. Sasquatch. Plethora. Arrhythmia. Capricorn. Extremely. Longword. Kaifeng. Toronto. Sombre. Grey.


Ok...I hope you guys like this~

Name: Halan Storm
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Initial Alignment: Good.
Specialty: Magic

1st Keyblade: Inferno Dance - Cleaves through earth-based and ice-based Heartless with it's fiery force, but falls short when it comes to water-based enemies. When attacks by a fire-based offence, the damage is lessened and will empower the wielder's strength. When the blade is at it's strongest power, a it can release spiral of flames that pulse out of the blade and attacks the enemy while creating a flame wall around the wielder.

2nd Keyblade: Aura of the Crow - This blade is what you call a 'Life Drinker'. It will drain away the health of opponents and will devour Heartless that are extremely weakened if given the chance. The blade is somewhat see through, comprised of a aura-like state that shifts reforms in whatever way it wishes. But it will always have the "blade markings" of five eyes on each side of the blade.

This blade however has a tendency to cause it's wielder to loose their sanity if the one using it isn't strong enough. It will take over and corrupt the user until it's either a thing of pure evil or nothing back a crazed man that will happily cut you down with a laugh and crazed eyes.

Halan is a fairly tall man with blue hair tied back in a small pony at the nape of his neck. He has a small scruff of beard on his chin and sports a long scar over his right eyes from a incident from the past, as well as smaller scars along his arms and body. He was a good build and a solid frame of a body, a result from intense training as a young boy. Around his neck he wears a necklace of three stones, a pale red one on the left, a pale blue on on the right, and a dark purple one in the center.

He wears a black wifebeater, faded blue pants. He wears a trio of black belts and chains, thick black army boots with steel toes, fingerless black gloves with metal backing, and a navy blue long coat with white fur around the collar, sleeves, and along the front where you pull the coat closed. On his right hand he wears a silver ring on his fourth finger.

Personality: He is very...stoic. He is quite silent and will keep to himself rather than speak non-stop. If he does speak, it's because it is something that needs to be said in his mind. He holds a strong sense of right and wrong, his tempered spirit strong and fluid in his body. He has a good mind with magic and will use it to his own means. Though he has the body for close battle, he will fall back and attack from the distance with his magic.

He will follow orders of others, but only if they make sense to him. If he feels that the one in charge is wrong, he will go out and do things his own way. Though he gives off a cold aura, he is very kind hearted when it comes to children and women. While being trained in body and soul in his own land, he was also taught medicine so that it would one day aid him if he ever had to go to war.

Other: An extremely longword. Also, he hails from the world of "The Land of Dragons"


Okay, so I'll make a good character instead.

Name: Vera Flynn

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Initial Alignment: Good

Specialty: Defense

1st Keyblade: Oathkeeper

2nd Keyblade: Bond of Flame

Appearance: She has short, red hair. She always has some hair hiding her right eye. The eye you can see is hazel. She wears a black tank top under a red jacket and a long black skirt. She wears boots that have definitely seen some better times. She's about 5'3 (That's in feet if you don't know) and about 100 pounds.

Personality: She is energetic and enthusiastic. She will often run into situations without any forethought. She is good at defending herself and is crazy prepared with schemes that she thinks could distract anyone, so the good guys could get the first hit.

Other: I'll take an extremely longword for 300, Trebek.

Personality should be an interesting change of pace. She's just one of those people who's WITH the Keybladers, by the way, not one. Hope this is all right.

Name: Atnura Mourmedy Charcill

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Initial Alignment: Good

Specialty: Magic

1st Keyblade: She does not use a Keyblade, but instead uses a short wand-like staff known as the Arkra Valight. It looks like the staff with the red symbol on it in this picture, but is half the length. Though not a Keyblader herself, she supports them and believes in their cause, yet seems a bit fascinated by the darkness. She has dabbled and studied minorly in the art of using darkness and can use very basic attacks involving it. But she tries to avoid using or mentioning it in front of the Keybladers, thinking they’ll mistake her for being evil because she sympathizes with the darkness and wishes to find a good use for it. Her main element though is Fire, and she is quite practiced in attacks involving this and can also use Thunder elemental attacks. Blizzard is an element that she absolutely does not know how to use, however, and Light as well.

Appearance: Her long dark curls reach down to nearly the lower half of her back and she has dark brown eyes with glasses. This hair is easily her most recognizable trait, other than the fact that she wears a red feather in it, around her ear. Her body shape is of average weight, but her height is rather short, reaching only 5 feet. Atnura’s face is soft and round-looking (but not noticeable fat, just roundish features), and she looks around two years younger due to not only her height, but how some of her baby fat has not yet gone.

As for attire, she wears a red vest, with a white frilly short sleeved shirt underneath, and several buttons at the front. Also, a long flowing skirt, which matches with the vest and makes the entire outfit look like a dress. Also, she has a red scarf around her neck and a golden necklace with a ruby on it. Finally, underneath the skirt which are rarely seen, sandals.

(Here's a really quickly and crappily drawn MS Paint drawing made solely for a quick reference. Yes, I know it sucks.)

Personality: Tending to be sarcastic and vivacious, her vivid personality, much like her bright red outfit, stands out easily from a crowd. Atnura is sarcastic and cynical, yet at the same time humourous and charismatic. Many people seem to be captivated by her strange charm. But also due to this reason, she does not have many friends. Though she means quite well, she often will not hesitate to voice her sarcasm or cynicism, which often can be rather sharp and quite pessimistic.

As well, her light-hearted personality belies a rather savage disposition, an anger which is easily aggravated. She also has a tendency to get easily depressed and broods when she is moody. Her emotions are very all over the place, and seems to be too much for many to handle.

Other: Anextremelylongword. Also, she hails from Hallow Bastion, and is best friends with Shiela Vexzorn.
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Name: Sheila Vexzorn
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Initial Alignment: Good

Specialty: Magic

1st Keyblade: Seraph’s Guard (thank you FMC for drawing this). This light-based Keyblade is handy for cutting through Pureblood Heartless, and gives a boost to light- and lightning-based attacks. If the wielder is struck by an attack that is one of these elements, it boosts their power and sends it right back at the attacker. At full strength, it can provide the wielder a shield against most magic on command, weakening it but not preventing full damage, provided it is not Fire- or Aero-based. This shield can last a maximum of around 10 minutes. The dark blue patches shimmer while the shield is in effect, and for a time afterward which boosts the user’s Defense.

2nd Keyblade: Demon’s Vengeance. This Dark-based Keyblade is a “Life-drinker”, meaning it will steadily drain away the life of opponents if it should strike, and will fiercely rip apart sufficiently weakened Heartless, taking the darkness from the hearts and keeping it for itself. The head is made up of what appear to be nine fox tails, which seem to have a mind of their own and movement to match. However, it will always have nine “tails”. It boosts Fire- and Dark- based magic, and will promptly absorb those kinds if struck. It becomes more powerful the angrier the user is, and at full power will burst into flames.

Appearance: Sheila has very tan skin, with amber eyes, making her look like one affiliated with the darkness. What people usually don’t get is that she was born this way, although she does not know why. She assumes it has something to do with her parents, whom she has never met. She has black, very wavy hair that reaches down just past her shoulders, and her face is very narrow, like a fox’s. Her attire consists of a black jacket with fur around the collar, a white t-shirt and torn up blue jeans. She is around five and a half feet tall, and she is very thin for her size; only about 105 lbs or so. Her shoes are black sandals, and she usually always has her fingernails and toenails painted a deep red color.

Personality: Sheila is the quiet one, very calm and slow to anger, and prefers to use Seraph‘s Guard over her other Keyblade. She will fight with all her strength for her allies, especially if you try to hurt them or if they are mere children. She loves kids and hates having to see them hurt in any way. This is one of the few things that tends to anger her, one other being an ally betraying her. Woe betide you if you somehow manage to incite her rage though, because then she becomes merciless and instinctive, rather like a Heartless herself. It is near impossible to stop her in this rage, simply because she becomes so dangerous. And she will not stop until whatever it is that enraged her is either out of her sight or bleeding on the ground, completely at her mercy. Of course, if it’s the latter she tends to kill it anyway. When she is this way, she tends to favor Demon’s Vengeance.

Other: An Extremely Longword. Also, she comes from Hollow Bastion and is a best friend to Atnura.
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