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The Emo Corner at school!


At my school (and I've known about this for a while) theres a corner called the Emo Corner, (its not actually any emo's there but yeah) its just where a bunch of year 8's,9's and 10's hang around, and I spent the lunchtime there, and it was amazing! well not that amazing but it was cool. I got hugged by 3 cute girls and snogged by a few too, did'nt see that coming, plus all the really cool funny people stay there as well it was really fun, i'm going back tommorrow!
yeah sorry... how do I move it? heheh...
@ Music Dragon and Altmer : I really, really don't know
Yeah, there is also one at my school, and I hang around the other side of it. I'ts near our pond. ^-^
o_o Sounds like a bad place to me~

Although you got hugged and snogged by a few girls which obviously overrides everything.
o_o Sounds like a bad place to me~

Although you got hugged and snogged by a few girls which obviously overrides everything.

Somebody boarded the cynic train today :[ What's wrong with being happy about that
Wait, so your happy because a couple of girls who you've never seen before randomly kissed you for no reason.

...Do you happen to be in Wales? St. Cyres, to be precise?

Anywho, good for you. Never been in an emo corner in my school, probably because I'm popular and hating every second of it.
...Do you happen to be in Wales? St. Cyres, to be precise?

Anywho, good for you. Never been in an emo corner in my school, probably because I'm popular and hating every second of it.

why, are you a cute girl? :D?

well I certainly wouldn't want to be associated with that kind of name but if that's what makes you happy then damn lucky you.
At my school (and I've known about this for a while) theres a corner called the Emo Corner, (its not actually any emo's there but yeah) its just where a bunch of year 8's,9's and 10's hang around, and I spent the lunchtime there, and it was amazing! well not that amazing but it was cool. I got hugged by 3 cute girls and snogged by a few too, did'nt see that coming, plus all the really cool funny people stay there as well it was really fun, i'm going back tommorrow!
Wow, that won't make you seem shallow in front of Tammy or anything.

and having an emo corner is a good thing because...?
As said, it's not really an emo corner, because stereotypes are a man-made illusion.
Wow, that won't make you seem shallow in front of Tammy or anything.

As said, it's not really an emo corner, because stereotypes are a man-made illusion.

Nah its not like that, happens all the time

@ everyone else, I don't live in Wales, Essex, near London
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