beep beep coming through
- Pronoun
- she/they/any
Byrus, have you already looked at The End and What Comes After? You probably have given it's by the same author as SiCk, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. It is kinda dead for now, unfortunately, but it's kind of a little amazing and what's there is worth reading anyway. If, you know, you haven't already.
Cities in Dust is also pretty good (and also moving slowly :( but at least it's come further along than the previous rec). It is kinda Dave/Terezi but I wouldn't call it entirely shipfic; the plot has been really interesting and the hardboiled AU is awesome.
I don't read a ton of HS fic so my suggestions are going to be pretty limited hahaha
Cities in Dust is also pretty good (and also moving slowly :( but at least it's come further along than the previous rec). It is kinda Dave/Terezi but I wouldn't call it entirely shipfic; the plot has been really interesting and the hardboiled AU is awesome.
I don't read a ton of HS fic so my suggestions are going to be pretty limited hahaha