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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

He does get a DEAD declaration, right here. If Tavros, Equius, and Eridan got them, then why wouldn't Nepeta? Gamzee didn't, and he showed up again in the Zillyhoo flash alive.
Then again, even though that's something of a weaker example, John didn't get a DEAD declaration when he died on the Quest Bed, nor did he get one now, although this time it's safe to say he's not DEAD. Besides, we're kind of meant to be in turmoil about whether Nepeta is dead or alive, as that works as a pun on Schrodinger's cat (probably spelt that so wrong), and quite frankly, Hussie isn't the sort of person who ends up stuck with anti-suspense devices. Not to mention the DEAD thing is thought to be a sound effect, which we wouldn't get when somebody died a certain time ago instead of right before our eyes, not to mention Nepeta died/fainted/whatever face-down, whereas other trolls have so far died face-up.

... Gee, I should really go back to doing single solid spoilerblocks.
Comic link to batman whatever is broken. :(
Hm. Google has failed to find me an alternate link (and instead provided me with a very sudden first encounter with homesmut).

So, I'll just describe it, beneath spoilertags:
Robin is like "whoa interesting terezi and vriska are about to face o-" and Batman is slapping him across the face and yelling "NEPETA IS DEAAAAAAAAD"
Hey guys! I just marathoned all of homestuck in 4 days, so I'd like to join! :D
I guess not having the disk means no more Alterniabound flashes or something similar. Also Terezi might be about to be killed by Gamzee.
Well, it seems more like a red herring to me. I agree, it'll probably mean no more playable flashes, but it probably won't have much significance on the plot.

I hope Terezi isn't killed! And I can't believe that the music room was an actual room. ]
So... Terezi is a blind prosecutor who lost her eyesight at the hands of a deceptive bitch she was trying to bring to justice.

And as of the latest flash, she says "Objection!"

Does anyone else see a resemblance here...?
So... Terezi is a blind prosecutor who lost her eyesight at the hands of a deceptive bitch she was trying to bring to justice.

And as of the latest flash, she says "Objection!"

Does anyone else see a resemblance here...?

The AA references were clear for a long time now, but now they just got awesome.

Besides, you forgot to mention how what she wears over her eyes is red.

I have decided that I'm going to be drawing the trolls and kids and I was wondering if any of you have an OC trolls/kids! I would definitely be willing to draw them for you if you want (even though they may turn out terrible D:)

So do you guys think that's a good idea? I'll probably be able to take requests soon if enough people want one drawn :D
I don't have any OCs, but an Ophiuchus troll would be interesting. I have seen a couple on the internet.
Finally, a new flash. I was getting kind of bored of watching Terezi fool around obliviously in that music room. So, umm... what happened? From what I saw, I gathered that Terezi found Vriska, and for some reason, Mindfang's ship's were capsized or something? Can someone explain?
Finally, a new flash. I was getting kind of bored of watching Terezi fool around obliviously in that music room. So, umm... what happened? From what I saw, I gathered that Terezi found Vriska, and for some reason, Mindfang's ship's were capsized or something? Can someone explain?
I don't know if you've been reading the Mindfang-journal updates, but a lot of what's been going on recently has been mirroring what happens in those. Relevant to the flash, Mindfang records that the High Subjuggulator sent a greenhorn legislacerator, Redglare, out to collect her and bring her in for trial. Mindfang was basically like, "Lol they'll never catch me," and then it turns out that Redglare's lusus is a very powerful dragon, and she ends up getting captured, losing her vision eightfold and her right arm in the process. So, the bits with the dragons and the ships in the flash are a flashback to Mindfang's capture, when Redglare's lusus destroyed Mindfang's fleet and she was blinded by looking into the dragon's eyes.

This is interspersed with segments showing Terezi climbing to the roof to confront Vriska, which is basically a mirror scene: Terezi is going to bring JU5T1C3 to Mindfang's descendant (however unwittingly) on the orders of the High Subjuggulator's descendant. I find it interesting that Terezi was the one responsible for Vriska losing her eye and her arm earlier--again with the parallels to the ancestors, although that time it was out of chronological order.

But anyway, "Upward Movement" remixed with adorable plushie dragon squeaks: best thing or best thing?
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