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The Film Shop

Re: Silent Movie Pokemon

You want to see one? There's a Venusaur in the first post!
EDIT: I hath made teh awesome cuteness that I would like moviefied!
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Re: Silent Movie Pokemon

As a special request, my game will need all 493 Pokémon. Please can you do Arceus and Skymin?
Re: Silent Movie Pokemon

They'll all get done eventually. *makes another baby Eeveelution to be moviefied*
Re: Silent Movie Pokemon

No, I'm just saying maybe in a couple of years, they'll all be done!
Oops, I'm double posting. Ah well.

and some changes to the old system.
(meaning: you now pick your orders up in-thread)
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Your Pokemon: Absol
Gender: Male
Level: 30
HP: 88
Which Generation's Sprite?: D/P
Opposing Pokemon: Crobat
Gender: Female
Level: 28
HP: 22/94
Which Generation's Sprite?: Ruby/Sapphire
Arena: Cave please
Text: What will ABSOL do?

Is a double battle possible? If not, just use the first parts.

Your Pokemon: Shiny Purugly and Absol
Name: Rosie and Blade
Gender: Female and Male
Level: 32 and 35
HP: 89/139 and 112/125
Which Generation's Sprite?: D/P and D/P
Opposing Pokemon: Manectric and Mightyena
Name: Manectric and Mightyena
Gender: Male and Male
Level: 33 and 34
HP: 80/119 and 91/118
Which Generation's Sprite?: D/P and R/S
Arena: Third from the bottom, very left
Text: Manectric used Thunderbolt!


EDIT: I'll try a double battle, but if it fails I'll just do a single battle. I may not get to that until tomorrow though, if that's all right with you. And for the Manectric and Mightyena, do you want them in all caps, or just first letter capitalized?


EDIT: I'll try a double battle, but if it fails I'll just do a single battle. I may not get to that until tomorrow though, if that's all right with you. And for the Manectric and Mightyena, do you want them in all caps, or just first letter capitalized?

That's okay. You can do a single battle, since I tried it and a double battle won't work. And please, only the first letter capitalized.
Pokemon: Mewtwo and Mew
Action: Fighting each other.
Background: I dunno, a cave or something. Make it fitting.
Your Pokemon: Salamence
Name: Storm
Gender: Female
Level: 84
HP: 193/ 193
Which Generation's Sprite?: Platinum!!!

Opposing Pokemon: Treecko
Name: Treecko (Lowercase plz)
Gender: Male
Level: 3~
HP: 20/14
Which Generation's Sprite?: D/P/Pt
Arena: Grass. The second arena~
Text: You're screwed now. Storm used Dragon Claw!

((Treecko bashing ftw!))
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