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The Film Shop

May I work here (if I can)

And I'd like Silent movie:

Sorry Terry, I'd prefer to do them myself. Besides, you already have your own shop.
BTW, an empty HP bar isn't white, it's gray.

Here's Darksong's!

And just fyi everyone, I'll be doing silent movie ones first in general 'cause they take the least amount of time, so please don't yell at me if I don't do them in order.

EDIT: And here's S.K.'s and Terry's:



EDIT NUMBAH 2: And here is xDragonFirex's:


Mewtwo, I'll probably do yours tomorrow. Animations take the most time. And Mystery Dungeon sprites are fine, right?
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Your Pokemon:Luxray
Name: Luxray
HP: 288/288
Which Generation's Sprite?:D/P
Opposing Pokemon:Gyardos (however you spell it)
Name: Gyardos
HP: 50/350
Which Generation's Sprite?:D/P
Arena: Eh the water one~
And here is Mewtwo's!
Again, linked due to size. Though it's not as big as the example.

If you think it runs too quickly or too slowly, tell me and I'll fix it. I'm still trying to figure out the timing, so I apologize if it seems off.

EDIT: here is EeveeSkitty's

Ice Tiger's coming soon, watch for an edit.
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I think it runs just a little slow myself. If you could speed it up just a tad...

The only part I see that runs slow, though, is Mew's attack.

I has another requesty-westy!

Pokemon: Eevee/Umbreon and anuther Eevee
Action: The two Eevee are playing, and then one starts evolving into Umbreon. Just color the Eevee and Umbreon sprites white and alternate them to mak it evolve. Then make Umbreon full color. The other Eevee looks surprised.
Background: Something dark, to look like it's nighttime.
Mmkay, I made Mew's attack faster. Is that better? The attacks actually won't go any faster, so if they're still slow, you're out of luck...

And I shall do your other one, though maybe not today 'cause I really should be doing my homework.
Coolio~ And, de nada. (I think. It's really sad, I live in a town with so many Hispanics, and I can barely speak a word of Spanish. Ah well.)

Hm, I wonder if I could do Pokemon flash animations?
That might be fun...
A Wartortle named Charm (LV 100) battling 2 wild pokemon, the first one is a Scizor and the second a Glalie.
@S.K: please use the forms so I know what exactly you're talking about. I would assume a battle scene, but even so I need to know the HP, gender, etc.
So sorry I haven't gotten those things done yet, but I've been really busy with projects and the like. I'll try to get them done ASAP, but don't expect them too soon.
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