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Found a treasure chest today. Sold it and got a Silph scope. I'm now only a few points away from an itemfinder.
Guys Drifloon's like a few clicks from hatching please halp meh

EDIT: It hatched =D
Say hi to Wordsworth, the first of my poet-nicknamed Pokémon, everyone.

(yes i know it's a girl but i cannot be arsed with matching their nickname to their gender any more)
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Oh you have to name one after Spike Milligan.

Suggestion noted.

I'm sure I can fit it in among the Clamperl, Farfetch'd, NidoranF, Budew, Eevee, Slugma, Porygon, Carvanha, Glameow, Gastly, Aipom, Rattata, nd unhatched Stunky I have still to name :3
hmm... I think that Aipom would work. Spike Milligan was also a comedian, responsible for writing part of "The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town" alongside Ronnie Barker. He even has written on his gravestone, in irish "I told them I was ill".

On topic, I need only about another 5000 points to get an itemfinder.
hmm... I think that Aipom would work. Spike Milligan was also a comedian, responsible for writing part of "The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town" alongside Ronnie Barker. He even has written on his gravestone, in irish "I told them I was ill".
Hehe yeah, I thought when you mentioned him "wait, wasn't he a comedian?". OK, I'll do that then.

It's pretty damn easy to make puns with poet names... Burns the Charmeleon, Poe the Shuppet, Shelley the Clamperl...
Guys Drifloon's like a few clicks from hatching please halp meh

EDIT: It hatched =D
Say hi to Wordsworth, the first of my poet-nicknamed Pokémon, everyone.

(yes i know it's a girl but i cannot be arsed with matching their nickname to their gender any more)

Aww.... female Drifloon are so cute :3

I has given little Wordsworth clicks <3
Azuril finally evolved. Happiness evolutions take way too long, and I don't want to waste my money/points on Lemonades and stuff D:

EDIT: New event!

July 15th: Bulbasaur Clone (These breed like a regular Novelty)
July 16th: Charmander Clone (These breed like a regular Novelty)
July 17th: Squirtle Clone (These breed like a regular Novelty)
July 18th: Mewtwo
July 19th: It is a mystery
July 20th: It is a mystery

I want a clone Pokemon! :D
No, it says July. I want a clone, too. C:
Oh yeah, and that egg I didn't know what it was hatched. It was a freaking BARBOACH. -_-;;
Events are good, Kai. They don't bite.

On topic, nothing really, I was bothered to keep an Eevee until it hatches.
You know how everybody is trying to create hot skitty on wailord action?


And what do people think will be the mystery eggs? I reckon that they're a clone pichu (there was a clone pikachu in the first movie) and a mew. It makes sense.
*searches frantically for wailmer*

EDIT: pfft this is my three hundreth post and Kai sigged it.
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July 19th=Shadow Lugia (for no apparent reason)


(no that isn't official, it's just what I shall make it to be :<)
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