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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Kari ShadowWolf (5/6), Thornstar (5/5), tancoul (5/6), Moony (5/6), AuraNerd (5/6), mizumanta (4/6), RaiCH (4/5), Mateusz (4/6), exdream (5/6), sieni (4/3), Niaiki (4/4), Cachomon (2/0), Kai Lucifer (4/4), Tomako (4/5), Ramona (4/5), oscinis (4/6), Kirsten (4/6), Zyiah (4/6), Winoa (3/6), bluesmudge (4/5), Aesthetic (4/6), Godlytion (4/6), Ispin (4/5), Omleci1 (1/0), SEGAakaPyrowall (4/6), LeoInferno (2/6), Judy (4/5), Head Sadist (4/5), Frisky (4/6), Hoppip (4/6), Ak101 (4/6), Eppy (4/6), Videl (4/6), Brixx (4/5), AndreAtomic (4/6), Chole (4/6), tuanzi (4/6), Karn (4/6), Bad Bone (2/6), trixie (4/5), LightScaresMeh (4/6), russellhope (5/6), Nira (5/6), Astrail (1/0), kuroru (5/6), Suiseiki (5/5), pazpaz13 (5/5), ashlaern (5/4), Ishida Shinirami (5/5), Phillip (5/5), Sai (5/6), dialga1975 (5/6), barak (5/6), showboat (5/6), Flame Aurora (5/6), Millykins (5/6), tenna (5/6), Your Stalker (5/5), CosmoGirl (5/6), Nanashi (5/6), Callisto (5/6), Milo (5/5), Jireh (5/6), Glass (5/5)
and it's only midday.

Hmm? What?


I've decided to raise this Ralts up to a Gallade. Heh. Maybe I'll give the other to Male Gardevoir...
Well, I haven't been here in a long time.
Treasure chests? People with Azelf Eggs? Something that looks like a Primal Dialga Egg? Deoxys Eggs? Boy, I've missed a lot '-_-

So news, news!
I've PC'd most of my party, keeping only Reedwing the Trapinch with me. Bravewind the Empoleon is currently in the Daycare with Stormfrost the Spheal.

The five Eggs in my Party now (I've hatched a Cherubi, Gulpin, and...something else xD) are Eevee, Scyther, Horsea, Hoppip, and Bagon.
o_o Primal Dialga egg? Where? I MUST CATALOGUE IT DANGIT >O

Oh, and in case you were talking about an egg for an alternate form of Deoxys, there are four different kinds of Deoxys eggs. Regular is mostly orange with a bit of black on bottom, and glowy color is red; Attack glows red, is mostly black with an orange band going through the middle, and radiates an incredible power; Defense is all orange with teal marks that I find barely visible, is incredibly tough, and glows turquoise-ish; Speed glows green (as in, like, emerald green), is all black, and is apparently in a hurry to go somewhere.

There are also people with Articuno eggs :3 And some Darkrai, like Shining Eevee's.
so get back in the club. c'mon, hop over.
*welcoming gesture*
-Treasure Chests hold an item inside, like an Orb or something, and you can summon a legendary to the Lab. The Chest is like the Little MAn, but the chances are higher and your egg can be stolen by anyone. Note that it takes five minutes for the egg to get to the Lab.
- Looks like someone missed the event consisting of Darkrai, Articuno, Deoxys, and Azelf.
- Primal Dialga?

Click Eevee for daily vitamins!

EDIT: She probably means Deoxys Speed, like Kai's. Primal DIalga is obtained through form change. At least I think, Ms. Post Ninja'er
Umbreon97 (5/4), RaiCH (9/9), EccentricBirdie (5/6), Chole (5/6), anyanka (5/6), Moonclarinet (5/4), L Judah (5/4), Yoogii (5/3), Kai Lucifer (5/4), GRAE (5/5), lover (5/5), namynooTyhT (5/6), Unowen (5/5), Harvey Whistle (5/3), gvtan (1/4), softguitar60 (5/6), chevelleROCKER (5/6), Shirogane (5/5), epiDemic (5/4), cascade88 (5/5), Ryota (1/5), Sike Saner (5/6), ShinyPidgeot (5/5), bulbasaur01 (6/5)

The first number in brackets is the number of times they have interacted with your Pokémon, and the second is the number of times you have interacted with theirs. Bolded names are users with whose Pokémon you have not interacted at all today, so be sure to repay the favour to them! Click here to toggle un-bolded names (currently visiblehidden).
The following users are users with whom you have interacted, who haven't yet repaid the favour:

Shadowz (6), ante (3), Dark Koopa (3), spicecandy (6), Reita (6), KoroshiyaIchi (6), InvaderPalkia (6), LegoMyFoot (5), peegeray (4), Zelkova (6), Feiminn (4), Diddgery (6), luna637 (6), Pokemorph Eevee (5), Mikari (5), ben12419 (1), Zarya (6), eitanzon (4), BlueGirl17 (4), trixie08 (6)

219 Interactions...That's the most I've ever clicked O___O

I picked up a random egg and a Dratini one that had 1,000 maturity. My Marill and Charmeleon (which is in the Daycare) are both 1 level away from evolving
Oh, Speed Deoxys. I don't know, I thought it looked like Primal Dialga xD
So yeah, Minkow, you're right =P

It's not a big deal, though, since I've missed every other event that ever came out. I still haven't even caught a glimpse of this fabled Little Man.
The whole treasure chest thing seems pointless if anyone can steal it '-_-
219 Interactions...That's the most I've ever clicked O___O

Wark (6/6), Thornstar (7/7), Novies (5/5), Anissalovesyou (5/6), Hades Ra (2/6), LanceGmen (5/6), AntipathicZora (5/6), Moony (5/6), AuraNerd (5/5), Sylwia (2/5), Kai Lucifer (5/5), NyaoNeko (5/4), kosaku (5/6), runn1234 (5/6), supervulpix (5/5), because I said so (5/5), Remy (5/6), Systematical (6/6), Sapphire Flame (5/5), Death the Kid (5/5), Kirsten (5/6), DerangedBlackKitten (5/6), Michos (5/6), Azerune (5/6), Pandy (5/6), psns (5/5), ola (1/5), yard (1/6), taroschain (5/5), Alchemia (5/6), Astro Zombies (5/6), Safaia (5/6), yekke (5/6), Magicide (5/6), BB CoDe (5/6), Tizuumu (5/5), Maraq (5/6), SunSite (5/5), Squid (5/6), leenie (5/6), SAKfan (5/6), Nove (5/6), Suschan (5/6), rita01 (5/5), Misery Bliss (5/6), Shiby (4/5), Larchyk (5/6), Bureiru (5/5), gvtan (4/6), Fly dragon (5/6), JasVerstoppen (5/6), JrockPikachu (5/6), sheeps (5/6), Phillip (5/6), Shortie (5/3), Yuzora (5/5), Daria (5/6), Akumu Ankoku (4/4), DillyGirl (5/6), showboat (5/6), Wulphy (5/5), torterry (5/6), Windragon (5/5), Jas0n (5/6), PayPhone (1/5), Bash (5/5), Hunter9009 (5/6), Callisto (5/5), RosieA (2/6), Oath (5/6), pokegirl5000 (5/5), helo inferiors (5/6), Dawnwish (5/6), CrazyCubone (5/6), Varnani (5/6), JinZ (1/6), Astrail (1/4), Sunlight (5/6), emmalina (5/6), alliisara (5/6), Nasra (5/5), elfgirl01 (5/6), Bugwarrior (5/5), MandaLee333 (5/6), Phantastus (5/5), charshi (5/5), Unoru (4/6), ben12419 (1/1), Five (5/6), Dave TFG2 (5/6), quornslice (5/6), AmyL (5/4), heedan (5/6), Annakyoyama358 (5/6), Sike Saner (5/5), Heavy Lobster (1/6), Shiny Butterfree (1/5), Mivichi (5/6), InvaderPalkia (5/6)

The following users are users with whom you have interacted, who haven't yet repaid the favour:

Shining Eeveee (5), FullMetalCookies (5), Kali the Flygon (6), Flora (3), Mike the Foxhog (6), Feiminn (4), Taliax (5), Zoltea (6), Commander Wymsy (10), Vincent (3), Zerxer (6), KINGler (6), nakad (5), Lolo (5), Ray Howlet (3), Jaxzilla (5), Nixy (5)

I feel your... whatever emotion you're experiencing! Except multiplied.

I got a Darkrai egg, my first Legendary!

And my MissingNo. hatched!
Count Victor, say hello to everywannnn!!!

And I got... this:
I wanted one for a long time. I laughed myself silly. Heehoohaahwee!
My Bagon might hatch female, and if I don't feel like calling it Supernova, after the one I have in Emerald...

Is it possible to trade Pokemon on GPX+?
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