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The LGBT Club

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I had a short moment of silence to myself, but I don't think there was any way I could have gone a school day without talking. :( I'll have to participate someday.

Hey hey, Tsukuyomi!
hello, tsukuyomi.

i went the entire day as well, until i got home... then i talked because i wasn't at school anymore. i handed out the little index cards (which i made very pretty with my rainbow markers) to all the teachers. my art teacher tried to get to me talk, she kept calling on me and stuff, and she almost sent me down to the office for not talking, which would have happened if i didn't have other students vouching for me.

i got ridiculed a whole bunch more than usual, too. but that's okay, i was still silent.
My friends sorta treated it like a game -- if I said 'mmhm' or coughed or anything, they were like OMGGGG U TOKKED but you know what I don't care. :3

My friend made me smile cause she dug in her backpack and pulled out her own card. It was very cool.
a couple kids started doing it just because everyone else was because they thought it was 'the silent game' or something

which kinda takes away the whole meaning of it :(
check out the swag


among others

Totally shitty message, but lol.
gave blood today even though gays aren't allowed. someone in my chemistry class answered the gay sex question truthfully (yes) and still donated but that's pointless because they're just going to throw away the blood.

Heehee @ Verne's shirt X3

Stonewall and other organizations are trying to overturn the NBS's prejudicial stance on gay men giving blood, though I don't know how long it'll be; the last time I went to donate, they had leaflets about why they don't want to take blood from "higher risk groups" - including gay men :/

Also in the "blarg" category, I had a conversation with my sister and two best friends the other day and it wasn't good. One mentioned that he was surprised that I'd gone to uni and didn't have a gay best friend (something all liberal females are supposed to have, apparently), and I said that I did; my best uni friend was a lesbian.
All three of them have met my friend (and liked her), but they all reacted like it was a really massive deal, about how they had "absolutely no idea!" (like it's something you're supposed to say when you're introduced to someone - "I'm X, and just so you know, I'm gay!") and it was really clear that, even though they didn't judge or like her any less, they'd probably always think of her as "Danielle's lesbian friend".

And I feel awful, because I thought that was how they'd react if I came out to them, only now I know and aaargh. )<
Stonewall and other organizations are trying to overturn the NBS's prejudicial stance on gay men giving blood, though I don't know how long it'll be; the last time I went to donate, they had leaflets about why they don't want to take blood from "higher risk groups" - including gay men :/

Yeah, my blood was taken by the WBS (Welsh Blood Society) but they have the exact same views. I don't get it either, because blacks (who are statiscally at higher risk of HIV infection, especially inner city blacks) are allowed to donate.

Also in the "blarg" category, I had a conversation with my sister and two best friends the other day and it wasn't good. One mentioned that he was surprised that I'd gone to uni and didn't have a gay best friend (something all liberal females are supposed to have, apparently), and I said that I did; my best uni friend was a lesbian.
All three of them have met my friend (and liked her), but they all reacted like it was a really massive deal, about how they had "absolutely no idea!" (like it's something you're supposed to say when you're introduced to someone - "I'm X, and just so you know, I'm gay!") and it was really clear that, even though they didn't judge or like her any less, they'd probably always think of her as "Danielle's lesbian friend".

And I feel awful, because I thought that was how they'd react if I came out to them, only now I know and aaargh. )<

:( Yeah I know what you mean. That's my biggest worry - being relegated to "x's gay friend" or "the gay one." It's not that bad though because I know my coming out changed some of my friends' views. I friend of mine would have said "gays shouldn't be able to donate blood" before I came out (and in fact did say that) but when I was talking to him earlier he said it was unfair.

So don't despair!
People are so ~magical~

man i hate hiding in the closet cause i feel fairly forced to keep it a secret that not only am i a guy but guess what i like the wimmenfolk

but they all reacted like it was a really massive deal, about how they had "absolutely no idea!" (like it's something you're supposed to say when you're introduced to someone - "I'm X, and just so you know, I'm gay!") and it was really clear that, even though they didn't judge or like her any less, they'd probably always think of her as "Danielle's lesbian friend".

And I feel awful, because I thought that was how they'd react if I came out to them, only now I know and aaargh. )<

Yeah, I get this too and it bothers the hell out of me when it's not happening. (Oddly enough, though, the moment I *do* mention offhand that I like boys, the fact that people react so strongly becomes absolutely hilarious to me.)

EDIT: Side note, it actually comes off as just a bit creepy to me when people talk about gays "getting better" or whatever, even when they're just naive and honestly believe that they're being comforting with "I know they can improve!". Anyone else find this? :(
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I haven't come across anyone IRL (who I take seriously - 12-year-old chavs don't count) who actually thinks that gays can be cured or whatever, and for that I'm extremely grateful.

Also, anyone who likes Stephen Fry, even the littlest bit, should read this. Very sweet :)
Also, anyone who likes Stephen Fry, even the littlest bit, should read this. Very sweet :)
That's the cutest thing. I really need to read Moab is my Washpot ugggh IT'S SITTING ON MY SHELF RIGHT NOW but i have to finish The Prince and the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf and Lolita first ):

I'm pretty sure you've all read this already but it's always good for a chuckle.

Also I missed out on a perfectly good opportunity to come out to my mum yeaaaahh

Also also gonna be buying a bunch of shirts from a site and was thinking of including this one in the bulk. Probably will.
I wore my recruiter shirt yesterday. The interesting thing happened today.

I'm walking to gym and one of my classmates says 'hey Sarah.' Shocking in itself, I didn't even know she knew my name.

But she goes, 'hey sarah, I saw that shirt yesterday, and I was wondering, are you a lesbian?'

I mean, jeeze, I didn't know anyone in my town understood it, let alone was so polite about it. She was just really nice about it, I was more shocked by that than the question.

So. Yeah. Pretty neat. (btw, I sorta just shrugged and went 'would it make a difference?')
Homophobia- the worst disease

I'd say this video's pretty awesome. Remember kids, wash your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze to avoid spreading the swine flu Homophobia disease~

And Verne it is absolutely awesome that she was so polite about it~

Please answer with complete sentences and explanations, and note that I may use you in an essay.

Or, if you're someone I like, I'll just use you and then dump you in the alley after, but only after stealing your underwear.

1. Name I can cite. can be just a first name. but.
2. State/city/country/area on planet earth choose one.
3. LGBTQA 'status' -- that is to say, which letter are you. (a being ally.)
4. Do you feel your school is LGBT safe? Why/Why not?
5. Do you get taunted/bullied/etc at school for being LGBTQA? How so? i.e., physically, verbally... examples very much welcomed. I need stuff.
6. Do you ever see anyone else get taunted for being queer?
7. Why do you think people bully LGBT kids?
8. Have you ever considered skipping/dropping out of school due to anti-gay bullying?
9. How do you think anti-LGBT bullying can be stopped?
10. and leave any notes you have about anti-gay bullying in school here
1. use dew.

2. washington, inland northwest.

3. b. bisexual.

4. not at all. everyone is extremely rude about, i've lost many friends over it. i'm pretty open about it, in a polite way, and people just think it's disgusting. it makes me very sad. the other day, i got a note from two of my friends that i had gotten pretty close to. it read: "dear dew, we can't be your friend anymore. please don't ask why. sorry." it helps that it was right after i told them about my sexuality.

5. i do. i get called a faggot almost every day. it doesn't get to me much, but i would really like it to stop. some girls are afraid to be near me because they think i'm going to start coming onto them, which is not the case. i've gotten notes, (see question four), text messages, and even a few calls telling me how sick and wrong i am. i've been told by christian classmates that i'm going to hell for this. i tell them i can't help it. i've had a girlfriends, and the ridiculing we received was just awful. it was eventually the end of the relationship because we couldn't take how bad it was anymore.

6. yeah. a couple friends of mine now "changed" to be straight because of it.

7. because it's "wrong". because it goes against the bible. (which it doesn't actually say much about that, and i could get into that, but it's a whole other story). because women are made to be with a man, biological stuff, the way the human body was made, etc. crap in other words.

8. i skipped a couple days because i didn't want to put up with it. i regret it now.

9. i honestly have no clue, and i knew a way, i would certainly hope it stopped.

10. no notes, other than it all needs to stop, and everybody needs to be treated with respect for who they are, and everybody should get the same rights as the person next to them.

thank you.
1. Anthony.

2. Brussels, Belgium.

3. Er, GT? I love men but... in a gay way?

4. I think it's relatively liberal on that front. Some guys at my school are gay and I've never seen anyone insult them or anything. The country itself has legalized eveything for gay people and I'm pretty sure that helps, but there are tons of retarded kids because, well, they're kids. They'll hopefully grow out of petty bullying.

5. Never really gotten assaulted but probably because I'm deeper in the closet than fucking Liberace. Kind of hard to pass as male with a girl's hairstyle and (more importantly) tits.

6. No. There's your usual 'gay' comments and a pretty strong homophobic undercurrent with some of the guys but they've never directly bullied the gay people at school as far as I know.

7. Fear. Of course, religion might be part of it, but most homophobic bullying is done by either boys who perceive homosexual men as a sort of threat to their masculinity or girls who think lesbians and bisexuals are total whores. You know how people always prefer it when gays are very flamboyant: all you'll hear then is 'oh, I love gay people!'. But if they want to get married or pursue anything other than fleeting relationships they become sexual beings, and we wouldn't want the big bad sexually active, capable-of-a-relationship faggot around our kids, would we?
There's also denial. I think the hypothesis that everyone is inherently at least partly bisexual probably holds some truth, or at least I think it's plausible that there are a lot more bisexuals in the world than they're letting on, and discrimination can come about as a direct result of self-loathing at feeling sexually attracted to someone of the same gender.
I'm not sure though, it's hard to explain. Lots of people seem to feel threatened by gays the minute they stop being the stereotyped 'platinum-blond-manorexic-dances-solely-to-disco-wears-dresses-pops-amyl-all-night' kind of gay. Not that there's anything wrong with those (on the contrary) but it's mostly a phase that lasts from teenage years to mid-to-late twenties. Everyone settles down after their twenties. Well, drag queens can make a career out of their shows and then they just keep on truckin' but that's a different story (an awesome one).
lala not going anywhere with this moving on:

8. I have skipped school before, but not because of LGBT-related bullying.

9. I know it can't be stopped completely (like racism) but it can be discouraged with acceptance talks or just talks on the subject in some class at school. Not biased talks, purely objective ones. Teachers being out is a pretty good one as well, since the kids'll see that hey, gays aren't different from you 'n me after all!
Also helps when there aren't annoying Uncle Toms in the mainstream media who despite being gay and out are apparently self-loathing on some level and believe they shouldn't have the right to marry (wha the christ, elton. weirdo).
And of course: more positive portrayals of gays in entertainment please, we all know they're working behind the scenes so bring them out into the spotlight already.

10. pro-gay bullying rules
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