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The LGBT Club

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Not sure about the DoS, but you can normally find loads of rainbowy stuff at markets and hippy-ish shops.

I've been (somewhat obssessively) watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently (a decade after everyone else, I know), and I've just reached season 4, where Willow comes out and starts dating Tara and oh my god they're adorable. And have brilliant not-sex scenes (in season 4 they don't kiss, but do very... intense magic spells together that aren't subtle at all) because the writers are fantastic at getting around the censors X3

I did this at Christmas! I watched all of the Buffy episodes and I downloaded some of the comics. <3 Buffy.

also you'll really love the last episode of Buffy. it's like right up your alley. (such a powerful, inspiring moment ; ; )
I did this at Christmas! I watched all of the Buffy episodes and I downloaded some of the comics. <3 Buffy.

also you'll really love the last episode of Buffy. it's like right up your alley. (such a powerful, inspiring moment ; ; )

Yay and wow~ I'm looking forward to it :)
(except then it'll be over and I'm always so sad when I reach the end of a show I love)

April 17 actually.

Considering tie-dying a collared shirt. lol. for. DoS i mean.

You should - and post pictures of it when it's done. Ty-dyed stuff looks really cool; loads of the shirts I wear are ty-dyed, but I've only done it once for cosplay purposes and it turned out surprisingly okay - especially since I used beetroot juice as dye XD
Yay and wow~ I'm looking forward to it :)
(except then it'll be over and I'm always so sad when I reach the end of a show I love)

You should - and post pictures of it when it's done. Ty-dyed stuff looks really cool; loads of the shirts I wear are ty-dyed, but I've only done it once for cosplay purposes and it turned out surprisingly okay - especially since I used beetroot juice as dye XD

It's brilliant. I loved the last episode. It was so sad but at the same time sooooo good. Also. The comics are quite good but a little bit "whacky." You should download them and read them! (note: Buffy is so good it's one of the only things I pay for, but I'm not paying for the comics.)
Ah, so it is the 17th. That is a friday. :O

Aaaah western style shirts are my favorite seriously I should tie-dye one :)
ahaha danni comma sutra i lold.

I think I might actually be able to convince mom to let me tie-dye it, too -- she's been pretty nice about the whole queer thing lately, actually helped me try to find a shirt that would squish down the girls. Pritty kewl.
Err, DoS is over spring break for me and I'm at my dad's house then. Definitely don't want to come out to him through wristbands (or in Georgia, for that matter, but). My sister has asked me when we once were arguing about gay marriage, but she seemed to (not quite sure yet) believe my lie. :V such trickery in this household.

Relevant to LGBT stuff: The Rejection is about, well, rejection because the person being asked is gay (sorry about the window resizing; it's the best version I could find). They do seem to capture it quite well. Also the heading the site gives is funny: "boys chasing girls who chase girls who chase boys who chase boys."

And Vlad, thanks for linking to Beautiful Thing. That was a good movie and it was cute. :)
Not sure if any of the other girls here care about this (or are, indeed, as shallow as me), but afterellen's opened voting for the '09 Hot 100 List.

Ooh, and I just checked and afterelton's opened voting for thier list, too. What fun. I just had a look at who the guys are voting for and find it completely adorable that Obama's up there with people like Luke Macfarlane and Taye Diggs.

(If anyone cares, my list-of-10 was Amber Benson, Alyson Hannigan (told you I'm Buffy-obessed right now), Tina Fey, Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth, Stephanie March, Mia Krishina, Lena Headey, Mia Kirschner, Olivia Wilde and Mariska Hargitay. It's pathetic how long it took me to pick 10 and I'm still undecided on the sub-categories.)
I suppose I can be shallow for a little while... Although I'm not sure how much they'll appreciate my spamming their list with singers I like. xD;

Although I agree on Alyson Hannigan~
I would love to contribute (lol usin genitals to worm way into shit I don't belong to, go verne) but... I don't like... know any names. So.
Apparently some of my relatives refuse to acknowledge that one of my cousins exists because she got married (well, got a civil union, but she had a decent-sized ceremony or at least tried for one) to another girl. However, that one whore is apparently still worth acknowledging.

Fuck New Jersey.
man I think I know how I could get some of my cousins to stop trying to get me to let them mess with my hair and nails endlessly /o/

Unfortunately it'd be a wreck and I don't really ... like anyone like that. But I am reasonably sure where I fall on the chart.
Well, how have I never noticed this before?
Anyway, intro - I'm a girl. I'm bi.
And...well, I'll be lurking until I see a topic that really interests me, I suppose.
Hey melodic.

it was really quiet out this morning so mom and i were joking that the world had ended without us. mom started on about something like 'well if the world ended i would hope that we had some hot guys' and that i would have to reproduce because she was too old. I was like, mom, way to be really fucking insensitive.
but but manbabies are awesome

oh and my mum thinks i have asperger's for some retarded reason but the upside of it is that since autistic people apparently have more masculine brains (???) she's pretty much letting me do whatever with my appearance. which is nice.
now to convince my dad and/or get him to go away for another two years so i can finally cut my damn hair.

also guys check out this sweet new ad. gets shown 8 times per day in california yeaaaaah
i never understand what the hell people mean by 'taking away OUR FREEDOMS' because which freedoms are being taken away ):

ps: hi melodic :)
oh and my mum thinks i have asperger's for some retarded reason but the upside of it is that since autistic people apparently have more masculine brains (???) she's pretty much letting me do whatever with my appearance. which is nice.
now to convince my dad and/or get him to go away for another two years so i can finally cut my damn hair.

...because your mum thinks you're autistic and therefore have a more masculine brain you're allowed to do whatever you want with your appearance - which means you can cut your hair? Is having short hair not masculine? o.o
...because your mum thinks you're autistic and therefore have a more masculine brain you're allowed to do whatever you want with your appearance - which means you can cut your hair? Is having short hair not masculine? o.o
Um, I don't really follow your question? My father is very much against my doing anything remotely masculine, but my mother is all for it.

That site is terrible. I mean I've only read the first question of their FAQ and it is this:
A: “Do you really believe people like me who believe mothers and fathers both matter to kids are like bigots and racists? I think that’s pretty offensive, don’t you? Particularly to the 60 percent of African-Americans who oppose same-sex marriage. Marriage as the union of husband and wife isn’t new; it’s not taking away anyone’s rights. It’s common sense.”
what does this mean
what do black people have to do with it
I love how they've got an entire section devoted to absolutely reasonable questions, like 'wait, isn't this like banning interracial marriage.'

ALSO: the part where they tell you what words to use so you sound nice when you're banning gay marriage
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