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The LGBT Club

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Yay. Telling someone is good. And remember, there's always us random folks on teh interwebz, if ya need it. :D
I've never met anyone who was christian and hated gays. That might just be my small social circle, but seriously. Any christian who is homophobic is just someone who is homophobic and uses Christianity as an excuse.

Same here, actually. The only people I know who are are a handful of uneducated males. I dunno; other people might be, but they don't say anything.

But as far as I can tell, the UK is infinetely more tolerant towards gays than the US. It's extremely politically incorrect to do or say anything homophobic in public. And the more educated a person is, the less likely it is that they're intolerant (see: chavs).
I've met Christians who are opposed to homosexuality in theory but they're not homophobic towards gay people. They just don't want us to be able to get married!

and in some cases adopt children but there we go.
But as far as I can tell, the UK is infinetely more tolerant towards gays than the US.

I agree with this, although I remember an incident a few years ago when someone bombed a gay bar in London. But it's very fuzzy in my memory.

You wanna see homophobic Christains? Come to California. -_-;;; Even though we have San Francisco, we also have every homophobe in the country to harrass the nice men and women in San Fran.
Yeah, but that was one nutjob. In terms of the general population, I'd much rather be a gay in the UK than in the US.

I'd still take the US over, say, Sudan, though.

Woah, it's crazy that South Africa has legal same-sex marriages, but in Botswana and Zimbabwe, which are directly above it, gays (or at least gay men) get life imprisonment for it o.o
If you want homophobia in the US, West Virginia's a pretty nice place to start. A lot of people here still aren't even over the whole 'blacks are inferior' thing. Also they have this bizarre idea that the south is going to 'rise again'. Which is silly because West Virginia went with the north. Anyway.

It really pissed me off, this one time in middle school when we were having a carnival. They had this little mock-wedding thing where kids could pretend to get married and whatnot and it was all great fun. The teacher who was acting as the priest was an awesome guy who would have been happy to do gay marriages, but a bunch of the old prude teachers bitched that blah blah blah gay marriage is illegal here blah blah so he wasn't allowed to do it. Even though the whole thing was a freaking joke. Wtf.

My friends and I wanted to have one big happy polygamy with each other, but they didn't allow that either. :[

I'd be happy to go anywhere where people are more accepting. Is homophobic stuff really looked that down upon in the UK? That's pretty awesome.
The UK's generally not homophobic. I mean, there's not really any point. Some people might be a bit freaked out by it but but I doubt anyone's going to hurt you for it. They'd be laughed at for trying.

I live in a tiny little village and homophobia's not exactly... supported. There are people who think they're homophobic but probably wouldn't be if they knew they knew a gay person.
I live in the middle of nowhere and you're either Christian or on the death row.

No, not literally, but it seems so sometimes. And unfortunately a great deal of those people are Catholic, too.
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D: That sucks. *hugs* I'm glad I live in a city, where at least not everyone is a "conservative" Christian.
Alexi you remind me so much of this person that went to camp the same time as me (and his name was Alexei.. weird, huh?)

idk, camp thunderbird, cabin 21, session 2 '08 (woot~). and he's bi and acts like you to a degree.

probably not, but likely :S

oh yeah ontopic...
well i'm screwed; we might as well call our school "waccamaw high church" or something :V it's annoying.
That's because it was me! >:D (no, not really. I wouldn't be caught dead in a camp.) Besides, Alexi's not my real name. XP

Haha, high church. That reminds me of a sign I saw on a trip to England once. It said something about priests on pot, or something. It was very bizarre. But hilarious~

What is your religion, anyway?
There are people who think they're homophobic but probably wouldn't be if they knew they knew a gay person.
My dad was in the goth group in high school. It's what I found out today/yesterday(It's 1:07 AM over here.). :|

BUT ANYWAY. He had a crush on this goth chick and this chick's friend had a crush on him, but he was a freshmen and they were juniors. Next year he found out about his crush being bi, which totally turned him off, and that the chick's friend had a crush on him. But she was a senior by then so he was like, "Eehhh."

I find this mildly hilarious how he tries to defend himself after I told him bi's are just regular people doing things he doesn't like.
Haha. That's pretty funny. XP How old is he? o.O

My dad throws the Bible at me at the mention of the word gay. -_-;;;
Oh, you have no idea...-_-;

Hah, I know how that is, which gets awkward around birthday time...o.O Your dad's a lot younger than mine. XD
He's young for dads having kids my age. Right about now they usually turn like 40 or something I don't know. XD

I just write him a generic card. Or buy him one. And never mention his age. :D
My best friend is so hard to get a hold of during the summer. So yea, he still doesn't know. Maybe I'll just go ask for one of my bi friend's phone numbers at my other friend's house. She lives across the street, and she's cousin's with my bi friend.

AURHG I wrote that and I'm confused. ;;
Ah, but I'm an only child? I dunno, maybe my dad just resists aging and only ages ever other year. :3

Okay, this is a version I can understand. XD
me -> friend's house. Get the number of bi friend
Friend -> bi friend's cousin.

I like things simple.
I'm an only child, too. I think you're right. >:3

Ah, okay, I understand now. Arrows make life simple. *nodnod*
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