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The LGBT Club

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Eeeg, IrkSplee, the lack of a gender-neutral pronoun is something I seriously hate. :[ I don't like being called a 'she' and would probably prefer 'he', but that doesn't particularly make sense since I'm not really being outward about this whole thing, and even my friends who know all this stuff about me still insist on calling me 'she'. :( I guess I can tolerate it compared to things like 'young lady' and 'little girl' (my parents call me 'little girl' as a pet name and I absolutely fucking hate it), but I still find myself correcting people in my head when they say 'she'.

Cirrus, that sounds confusing and awful. :( I'm not sure if I've been in anything very similar, although crushes for me in general are always pretty messy. And that's like the two I've actually had since I figured out what sex was. Awesome job for defying the stereotypes though. I don't think anyone should feel obligated to do or think anything just because of what parts they were born with.

I'm hungry.
Yeah, surprise, sex is icky. So is everything else your body does. Get over it, stop complaining, go get sticky with someone you dig. It is glorious.

That is a winquote, I must say.

May...I join? *shy smile*
Well, maybe you should just get over the fact that lots of people will be hesitant about having sex, or may just not like the idea. :/ I sure don't.

But I see where you're coming from? XD

Also thanks guys for the advice. <3 Flazeah, I'm almost certain that she (my best friend) doesn't like me - and she actually likes the other girl that likes me! But like I said, she's actually properly physically attracted to her, and is very matter-of-fact about it... and she 'doesn't date', as the other friend has already asked her out and she said no.

Makes me wonder what she intends to do once she's an adult and wants some lovin'. XD
Makes me wonder what she intends to do once she's an adult and wants some lovin'. XD
Swinger clubs? :D?

I don't get this whole repulsion about sex thing either because, well, sex is pretty normal? It's a thing the body's built to do, just like eating. I mean you can also eat while having sex but I supose it'd be pretty messy idk

Also does anyone know where I can buy one of those shirts with the big, loose, poofy end of sleeve things pirates and poets used to wear in the 19th century? It's part of a deal I made with my mum: I have to wear a dress to the Comic Prize ceremony thing in September but I can choose what kind of dress so we agree on a simple black one (sort of like this) with a shirt and tie/cravat.
If you can think of something less dumb please do tell because I'll be immortalized in the local paper looking like a dumbass.

Come on use your fabulous fashion knowledge here i know you all have it >:I
Cirrus, that sounds very confusing. I wish I knew what to tell you, but when it comes to stuff like that, I just don't know much. All I can say is that I hope things go well for you. (I really do mean that.)

And go, yay, defying the gender roles! Gender roles confuse me so much. I KNOW I'm a girl, there's no question about it. But everybody seems to think I want to be a guy just because of how I dress and act.

It's very frustrating. My friend has asked me: "Have you ever wanted to be a guy?" and I was like: "WHAT?! GOD NO! NO! NO!" I didn't expect that question at all and it totally caught me off guard. "That's strange, because you dress, talk, walk, and act like a guy." And me, being completely oblivious about all of this, said: "I do?" Then she gave me this look, like it was SO obvious. (And now that I think about it, it is. I do dress and act very guy-like.) "Yes, you do. You're just not... very girly..." Then I said: "So what? That doesn't make me any less of a girl! I don't care about makeup or any of that stupid crap. I KNOW I'm a girl."

And she sighed, looking at me like I didn't know any better. In a way, I guess, maybe I do care about "that stupid crap." I would really like to dress like an actual girl (because dressing the way I do now just confuses me, it makes me think that I'm undermining my "girlness"), it's just that I feel like I'm not pretty enough, I feel like I would look completely stupid. It's really a lack of confidence.

Argh, another rant. Sorry guys. That conversation just confused me a little, it made me thing: "Do people actually think of me as a boy?"
I think I'll join.

I'm so nervous admitting this, especially because my parents could very well find this. (Paranoia. :D)

I think I might be Gay/bi/whatever the fuck you want to label me as. But, as with most people my age, I really just don't know. It's confusing as hell, but thinking about it more and more makes it seem more and more like it might actually seem...I have no idea, not so far out. It makes it actually seem possible I'd do it. I mean, before now it was like, I'll never be interested/attracted to guys.

And now that I do it's like an entirely new process that was invented this year or something. I've even had dream about watching one of my friends fuck with another guy and I might have liked it (God, at this point, I don't even know what the hell I felt. D:) for like, the first hour of the day. I suppose that's the day I really started considering becoming eh, I suppose bi. The other hours were me seriously thinking about this, part of me saying this is just some other person in your head telling you these things. AHAHAHA. I was clearly unable to think at all that day. Haha, I sound so retarded right now.

I just have no clue. I think part of it is my parents are Christians. I don't really need much of an explanation after that, but I feel like talking shit about them. They (Mainly my dad) Are extremely homophobic. My dad has a habit of whispering to me about how this or that person is on his gaydar. And they call "Goth" people (When most of them aren't really what people consider goth at all) freaks, and somehow try to play it off as if it was okay. I understand other people are going to do it, but that doesn't mean stoop to their level. And they say it doesn't make them love that person any less. Then WHY use the word freak. It's offensive.

To enforce the fact even more, I think I have some kind of attraction to a guy in our neighborhood, but I'm not really positive. Life sucks. D:

I wanna tell my best friend, but I think he might think I'll be hitting on him. He's the guy who I always hang out with and get called a gay couple. I suppose I should talk to my two other bi friends. They're the only people I've met IRL who aren't straight to my knowledge.

I'm in serious need of advice. D:
I don't like sex either. I mean, it's not that it's gross, I'm just not interested. Especially not yet.

I've never thought that genders meant much. I don't think I feel genderless... I've always thought that I've had quite a feminine mindset. But then feminine to me is someone tall, willowy and gentle, but still strong - a female warrior. And then female or feminine or whatever to everybody else in the world is make-up, skirts, and vulnerability and I'm still trying to come to terms with that.

1. I'm trying really hard to type this right since my arms are shaking BAD because I just took this conditioning class at dance and aaaaaah mah gah.

2. I think it's really cool how the image of femininity has evolved (femininity is a lot like banana. It just goes on forever.) -- it used to be a lot of pink and cute and before that it was strong and loud and waaaay before that it was demure and hidden. And now it's strong and almost masculine. That's just awesome to me.

ALSO I'd give advice but I've never... experienced this 'crush' thing.

yay, defying the gender roles!

what? Not fitting into your assigned gender role... kind of sucks.

I think part of it is my parents are Christians.

awefkawefjopasew for pete's sake christian does NOT EQUATE to homophobic, bible-thumping freaks.

They (Mainly my dad) Are extremely homophobic. My dad has a habit of whispering to me about how this or that person is on his gaydar.

That doesn't really sound like homophobic, tbh. Any other examples?

And they call "Goth" people (When most of them aren't really what people consider goth at all) freaks

Goth is freakish. Since when are pants that make you look (and for that matter weigh) about forty pounds huger in style? (o, rite, gangsta.)

I wanna tell my best friend, but I think he might think I'll be hitting on him.

Suggestion: 'Hey, I think I might be gay. I mean, I haven't found anyone I like yet, but.' Or even better would be 'I might be gay. I'm not hitting on you.'

And if your parents decide they hate you because you're questioning your sexuality they aren't exactly great parents. Their child should be infinitely more important that what sexuality or subculture he fits into. :|
Hey, man, I know what you mean.

My (blargh, Christain) parents are the same as far as gay people go. In fact, they used to say "goth" people were weird (they didn't call them freaks), until I went that way. :D They don't say anything, though my mom still tries to buy me "normal" clothes. But that's beside the point.

I'm very bi, and I'm very afraid of my parents finding out. They told me once in a hypithetical conversation that if they found out I liked guys, they would send me to therapy to reverse it. -_- So I can't tell them one of the most important facts of my life. I realized it in the 9th grade, when I realized that I noticed guys as much as I do girls, and I just went with it, and it's been awesome so far. I'm sure you must be confused, but you could do what I did and just go with the flow.

Tell people you feel comfortable telling right now, they can help you. Certainly your bi friends will help you. ^_^
Huh. My mother's from the most Christian family in the world (her mother had a brother and a sister; one was a priest, the other was a nun. And yes, they were Irish) and she has no problem with gays at all. She had a ton of gay friends when she was younger (who have long since died of AIDS) and likes RENT nearly as much as I do.

...not that I've told her, you realize. I'm fairly sure she knows, but I'm saying nothing.

Uuh, advice... well, post your thoughts here. Concentrating confusing thoughts into a forum post is very helpful, I've found. And your bi friends will probably be a lot of help. If you can trust your best friend, tell him, but be sure he won't freak and tell everyone you know because that would be... rather bad.
Just because someone's uber Christain doesn't mean they hate gays, and just because some hates gays doesn't mean they're Christain.

But the two often go hand-in-hand. -_- Worst part for me is that the preist at my parents' church hates gays, and states so often in his sermons. So I take that time to either leave to take a piss or sleep. :)
I'm sorry about the Christianity comment. Arugh, but it seems that sometimes there are no Christians like that. At least in my life. >>

I still find discrmination against a person because of what they do/wear/whatever is wrong, even if they ARE freaks. I just don't like people who think that this person is better due to x y z, or that this group is better because they don't a b c.

Also, by whispering to us about it, he expects us to avoid him. I told my mom about the way he acts like I do about most things he does to annoy/upset me (Him being his usual hypocritical self without realizing it. :D), and she admits it's out of hand, but down plays it. I seriously think that if he had the choice, he'd have segregation of sexuality.

...I wanna post that I didn't type that but I did. HAHAHA oh my god I'm out of it tonight. DX

And I'm pretty sure he's trustworthy. He kept a dark secret me and a girl have been harboring since we were five. I lost a gold star that day. :x

Edit: Alexi, way to use your time wisely. =D
I've never met anyone who was christian and hated gays. That might just be my small social circle, but seriously. Any christian who is homophobic is just someone who is homophobic and uses Christianity as an excuse.
...You know I think that really might be us. X_x

We skip church fairly often. unless we are running camera that Sunday for the nursing homes they deliver to. (They try and sell them, but no one really buys them to my knowledge)
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I know what you mean. *sigh*

Oy, I'm a discrimiation stew. Being bi, I know my parents and their friends would basically shun me. My school is centred around sports and being fit, and I, being my wonderfully fat self, is hated by them. And the rest of my fam hates my long hair and black nails. *does a dance*

My dad is totally racist against Turks (he's Armenian, not that that excuses it, just as an explaination) and he hates Muslims with a passion. I know Muslims who aren't a bunch of violent rioters, yet he tells me to steer clear of them, because, you know, they all hate Christains. *nodnod*
oh dear god if any of the many people i knew found out about my quotesexuality i would be dead. i live in a very christian area and everyone seems to hate atheism and gays.

I forgot what I was going to type, being distracted by a fly and a Monopoly token on my desk.

I will tell my friend tomorrow. If I can catch him at home.

ECM (Mind if I abbreviate? :3) that sounds terrible.
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