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The LGBT Club

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That is why I love them. :3

lolontopic: I think I'm reluctant to tell my family because I'm afraid of how they'll react. I've been dropping hints so I would get them to start the conversation and then I'd just admit to it, because that always seems to make it easier. Amazing how my plans crash and burn within a few hours of me thinking them up. :D
I understand what you mean. I'm the same way. I tried that, then the convo went to a bad place, and I couldn't tell them. :(
My family is just being oblivious at the moment. And that sucks D:

I'd probably wouldn't have the guts to do it anyway. XD me = coward in social stuff. LIKE TALKING HURRAY.
I'm the same way! XD Socializing is easier on the internet. In real life, I'm so uber shy...>_<

Yay for obliviousness. Huh?
Dang it, I'm shy on the internet and IRL. Just unconfident, I guess.

My parents are oblivious too. I'm kinda hoping for one of those awesome 'parents can just tell' things but for some reason I doubt it'll happen that way. :[
My mom keeps asking me if I'm gay, actually. Because of my sister. Grr. My sister was all joking: "She might be gay." And it was just a joke! But my mom, um, takes things TOO seriously.

And I usually mumble something in response. Then she says: "I won't hate you if you're gay." Then I always think: "You may not hate me, but you'll probably be ashamed." The thing about her is that when she doesn't like something, she keeps it in for a long time and then several months later, she starts bitching about it out of nowhere. So that'll probably happen if I say I think I may be gay/bisexual.
*wave* hi guys, I'm in! I'm bisexual/sorta-lesbian I guess, and have the most boring coming-out story ever. Went something like this:

Me- Mom... I'm Bi-maybe-gay...
mom- I figured honey. :3 what do you want for lunch?

well, not exactly that, but she actually said 'I figured' which was amusing. And my stepdad is mostly 'As long as you don't get knocked up' about it.

That sucks. That's just too much. I'd snap under that. You are a true soldier Arylett! >o

FMC: So boring it's exciting! No really.
Thank you, Proto. :D

The moments when she asks are usually very awkward. She only asks when we're completely alone. Lately, she hasn't asked, because I haven't given her a chance. Ahaha.

I suppose I should mention my dad. He um, doesn't know a thing. Nothing. At all. My mom never told him about my sister's bisexualness. And I don't think he's ever going to know, because my mom's really afraid of his reaction.
Not a problem. :D

Ahaha. I know that trick. I used to use that all the time. I was a little naughty as a kid. :3
oh who am I kidding. I'm still naughty. :D

I really have no comment on your dad other then: wow.
Me- Mom... I'm Bi-maybe-gay...
mom- I figured honey. :3 what do you want for lunch?

Hah. The "I figured" part made me laugh.

I suppose I should mention my dad. He um, doesn't know a thing. Nothing. At all. My mom never told him about my sister's bisexualness. And I don't think he's ever going to know, because my mom's really afraid of his reaction.

Ignorance is bliss. For all parties. *nodnod*
*wave* hi guys, I'm in! I'm bisexual/sorta-lesbian I guess, and have the most boring coming-out story ever. Went something like this:

Me- Mom... I'm Bi-maybe-gay...
mom- I figured honey. :3 what do you want for lunch?

well, not exactly that, but she actually said 'I figured' which was amusing. And my stepdad is mostly 'As long as you don't get knocked up' about it.


Aww, that's awesome. But you and your mother are really close, aren't you?
^ Did your mom actually ask you who you're crushing on? When I came out to my mum, she just assumed it was a girl I knew at school.
Thank you, Proto. :D

The moments when she asks are usually very awkward. She only asks when we're completely alone. Lately, she hasn't asked, because I haven't given her a chance. Ahaha.

I suppose I should mention my dad. He um, doesn't know a thing. Nothing. At all. My mom never told him about my sister's bisexualness. And I don't think he's ever going to know, because my mom's really afraid of his reaction.

Ah... that situation is quite similar to mine. :/ And my mum said she didn't hate me or anything and accepts me for who I am, and yet still ranted on for ever in fright after I joined an LGBT support group on Facebook[/i

And my dad doesn't know anything either. He lives in Germany, so we only see him three times a year and phone him about once or twice a week. So we don't really get to talk that much anyway.

...I wonder how he'd react if I told him? Or my mum... she usually tells him things like this because she knows I won't, but I think this would be too far... this is probably the only thing she wouldn't tell him...
Oh are we talking about coming out now

I came out when I was 13 (biggest mistake EVER) at school oh god why
Aaaaand commence 2 odd years of being bullied. At some point, I had to go see the head of year about it and if we minus all the crap, she basically said "its a phase". That is so LAME when people say that grr
Also its lame when people say "how do you know?" >:| what answer do they expect? "i know i'm bisexual because I find myself with the urge to fuck both sexes :D"
Oh are we talking about coming out now

I came out when I was 13 (biggest mistake EVER) at school oh god why
Aaaaand commence 2 odd years of being bullied. At some point, I had to go see the head of year about it and if we minus all the crap, she basically said "its a phase". That is so LAME when people say that grr
Also its lame when people say "how do you know?" >:| what answer do they expect? "i know i'm bisexual because I find myself with the urge to fuck both sexes :D"

Crap. I did that about three months ago. And I'm 13.

anyway~ I just ignore them. Half the school goes up to my friends and asks if I'm gay (which they should be asking me). They usually tell the asshole to ask me :3 but whatever.
oh yes my friend used to think that it was a phase but she's a supporter of the everyone is bi theory :3. quite opposites.

oh yes@alexi: i just had to throw that out there :3. whatever.
Crap. I did that about three months ago. And I'm 13.

anyway~ I just ignore them.

Not that easy to do D: well it wasn't for me anyway
People finally shut up after a while... must be just the younger years at school who are twats. I didn't get picked on at all throughout year 11 lol. :B
lucky for me I'm going to be a freshman in high school D:
anyway the people at my school are assholes; i've had enough practice ignoring them.
Yay for assholes at school.

I came out over Legos. As in, my friends and I were playing Legos and I was all, "Guys, I'm bi.^_^" And they were, "Okay...?"

Haha, it was a funny day. No one at my old school bothered me about it (my old school was full of bi kids, so it was all cool). But then I moved, and I no one at my new school knows except for some friends I managed to make. *nodnod*
First of all, about the whole sex thing before - I can think of a ton of gross things that human bodies do, mostly those that involve bodily fluids because that's my main ick, but none that I'd actually like to do on a regular basis. Of course, I do realize that I am a slow, slow grower - I was 16 or 17 when I finally started going "you know what, girls are kind of hot". Before then it was "I don't find anything physical hot and I never will". So, yeah, I know I'll change, give myself time to grow, bla bla bla. I'm just not in a hurry to MAKE it happen. Not like it matters to anybody - far as I know, no one's ever wanted in my pants. Not bitter over it or anything, just stating a fact.

*wave* hi guys, I'm in! I'm bisexual/sorta-lesbian I guess, and have the most boring coming-out story ever. Went something like this:

Me- Mom... I'm Bi-maybe-gay...
mom- I figured honey. :3 what do you want for lunch?

well, not exactly that, but she actually said 'I figured' which was amusing. And my stepdad is mostly 'As long as you don't get knocked up' about it.


You. Get out of my life. D= That's basically what happened to me, as I mentioned last time 'round. I was terrified of telling mom because she tended to make snarky comments about me being an atheist and she's the type to start bitching and swearing and telling me that if I'm lucky I'll have a career as a Rite-Aid cashier for the rest of my life when I so much as wipe the table wrong, so when she asked if I was a lesbian I just sputtered for a few seconds, finally said "yeah" because I didn't feel like explaining the bi-maybe-gay thing... "I had a feeling. Pass the salt?"

Then again, at the time she was sorta drunk. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure she REMEMBERS... we always have "heart-to-hearts" when she's been drinking and then she doesn't remember anything about it the next day. But I'll just pretend that she does remember by some fluke and move on with life.

It doesn't mean we're close, though... the "BITCH SWEAR YOU'RE GOING TO BE STUCK AS A CASHIER FOREVER BECAUSE YOU DON'T CLEAN THE DAMN TABLE TO MY STANDARDS" thing wasn't an exaggeration. Ugh.
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