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The LGBT Club

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my middle school has nothing, but my highschool has an actual club with group meetings and shit. i can't wait, only one more year.

slightly off-topic: my (future) highschool is like... 7000 kids. it's huge.
i am sorry peter :(

and yeah verne i'll take pictures of it in the spring the skywalk is so amazing and all the floors are marble
i will get lost for sure D:
My high school is like... 600 kids. Which means that statistically there are 60 gays. Which is not true because I live in Straightville.

Skywalks are effing amazing.
Our school is about 500 people, I think. There used to be a pair of gay boys that were a few years older than me and they used to kiss at school and it was really cute. Then there was a transexual guy? I think and he graduated last year. And then half of my friends are bisexual. We don't have a club or anything though, everyone's kind of open about it here.
I love australia <3
Our school is about 500 people, I think. There used to be a pair of gay boys that were a few years older than me and they used to kiss at school and it was really cute. Then there was a transexual guy? I think and he graduated last year. And then half of my friends are bisexual. We don't have a club or anything though, everyone's kind of open about it here.
I love australia <3

Lucky you, I'm stuck here on the other side of the country with a single gay/bi guy that I know of T_T
I know of one gay couple (boys) in my school, and one of the teachers is gay too.

There won't be a LGBT club for at least a million years in my school. A girl at another high school in the school district tried to create one and was completely ignored even though the proposal met all requirements.
There's one gay guy that I know at my school, plus two of my friends who are bi.
Loads more people say they're bi but they're really not :| it's not a trend guys

It seems unfair
I was the only one out of the lot who was ever bullied for it years ago
fffff I spose I shouldn't have come out so early. Even if it was kind of by accident.
Speaking of which, am I the only one who isn't open about it all? I don't plan on revealing anytime soon, or, preferably, ever, since it has to go through a lot of strategic planning and I have to avoid rash decisions when the urge comes to shout it all out. It's frustrating really, but I live on the mentality that inner strength is defined by the amount of secrets that are kept.
Two of my friends are bisexual, we must have attracted eachother through gaydar or something because as far as I know us three are the only out LGBT people in the entire school.

We got bullied on it for about a year, and there are still people in lower years who will gossip about 'the lesbians', and we get asked about six times a week whether we are, gasp, OMG LESBIANS. Note that people never call us dykes or anything, they just call us lesbians. Because clearly, telling us what we are (or somewhere about that) will just cause us to curl up and die, despite us already telling you we're gay, obviously.

It's good though, two of us in particular, myself included, are very fine with being out, and there are many girls in our year who respect us for that. :D So maybe people will be more comfortable with being out after us or something.

Long comment ahoy~?
I tend to attract bisexual friends everywhere. My best friend is, as well as at least three of my other friends, not to mention my boyfriend. I also noticed two gay boys at my high school who were open and dating each other. They were cute. X3

Don't know if anyone at my college is. College is kinda more private anyway.
There are lots of gays at college. LOTS OF THEM. It's sickening. They're all foul. :( Um. Yeah that was me dissing the faggots because they're ugly.

sorry I'm shallow. Anyway.

At school there weren't very many, but it's a school of 300 pupils... you can really only expect 30 gays at the most. I know of one in the year below me and one (at least I assume he is ... ) in the year below that. As far as I know I'm the only real gay in my year. (We had a "bi" girl but I think she's just straight now, and we used to have a lesbian but she moved schools before she came out so uh.)
Due to the odd nature of rumors in my school, I am officially half-way through the closet. Some people think I'm bi for some reason. 0.o

...I don't get it either.
Most of my friends are bi, and then I have one gay friend. There are a couple of other gay guys at my school, most of which are pretty annoying because you can tell they're trying way too hard to fit the stereotype/perceived "lifestyle".

Then there are a couple of teachers I hear rumors about, but those are rumors. And we also have our fair share of scene kids who think being bi is cool.

I dunno wtf people think I am. I apparently give off an "asexual" vibe, according to my friend. That couldn't be further from the truth. I'm aromantic. :v
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