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The LGBT Club

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Uh, can I join. I'm not sure what my sexuality is, because I've never done anything with the same sex, so... Uh, can I join anyway?
Oh, I forgot about this! ><

I'm bisexual and I'm actually quite proud of it. I think my mother's starting to suspect I'm gay - I've been talking a lot about homosexuality and once asked if transseuxal operations can be MtF and FtM. She just looked terrified and said that she had no idea. I've also been trying to be more masculine, but it's failing terribly.

Maybe it's because I'm bi, but I don't see how it's possible to not love someone just because of their sex. I mean, to me that's as shallow as only loving someone because they're pretty. Not that I'm calling all you gays and straights shallow - I just don't understand it. Could someone please explain?


Because vaginas really, really, really don't make me aroused. They even go so far as to turn me off. I don't get repulsed by them, it's just rather hard to keep an erection when there's one near/I can see one/I think of one. It's just not my thing and I am not attracted to them.

I'm attracted to men because of what they are - they have qualities that no woman has, you know. Namely a penis. They also [generally] lack boobs and have masculine bodies.

I don't dislike women because they're women; I dislike them because they're not men. There's a difference.

[also dislike means "am not attracted to"]
LIIIIVE anyways

So here's my dilemma: I would love to get a binder, and I've found one that's supposed to be very good and is only like 30 bucks. But. I don't really want to approach my mom and ask, since she'd ... yeah.

Problem is that no matter what I'd have to go through her to buy it.

Anyone got any ideas? I figure it'd be just as awkward trying to buy something to act as a makeshift binder since they're usually like tight spandexy shorts or waist trimmers.

I'd, er, like to join. In support and stuff, because as far as I can tell I'm not LGBT, but asexual. I guess. I lurk this thread on a regular basis and read stuff that's relevant to me, but when it comes down to it I've never found anyone/thing either sexually or romantically attractive, sooo... that sort of speaks for itself. In the past I've refrained form joining here because a lot of it's about stuff I really don't get, but as the thread seems to be dying (and as I said, it's my favorite place to lurk) I thought I'd volunteer some jumbled thoughts to, uh, wake the place up. Yes.

I suppose the acceptance thing is the same for LGBT and asexuals, though. Like, um, the whole "One day when you're all grown up with a lovely husband/wife and children etc..." which I hear from family quite often is really no fun, which would also apply to homosexuals, right? And other things like "OMG you've never had a boyfriend we HAVE to find you a boyfriend" and the resulting "Eheh... no."

Verne, I would think the best thing to do would just be to tell her you're going to buy them; if she's going to have to be involved then you don't have much of a choice. Also she's going to have to get used to this sort of thing so... I don't know, putting it off isn't really going to help.

Hum, I cannot type coherently~ I'm pretty much done so I'll just stand over here. *SUPPORT AND RAMBLES AVAILABLE*
I guess you're right. It's just awkward going DARLING MOTHER~ may i please have something that smooshes my boobs down

And welcome, I suppose. :B Asexuality never made much sense to me (I mean, the whole big deal around it) but I guess you put it into perspective. I guess it's just that I partially fall under that category and just never really gave a crap. O well.
It really upsets me that i'll never have periods, never know what it is to carry my own child, and deliver life into the world.. My female friends that know, they think i'm a little stupid for wanting to go through that every month. I dunno, I'm just hoping to get to the point where I have better things to talk about than being trans, and that, other than people that NEED to know (doctors, ect) nobody will, and they can just look at me as the woman I know i've always been.

In other news, I went out in public as myself the other day. it was a nerve wracking experience, but no strange looks, so i'll take the best I can out of that, and hope it gets easier... It... was really nice though, and I felt this sort of calm (as all my insides were shaking in fear, somehow) this 'rightness' to everyone just seeing the true me ^^.
No, seriously.

Periods are hell. No one likes them. No one wants them. You bleed for five days and you won't die. Also, cramps. Also, BLEEDING FROM THE VAGINA. I mean, I understand your identity but srrrsly.

SORT OF RELEVANTLY Venus Envy's new style sucks.
But Verne, you don't want periods because you're a guy, and girls don't want them because they're annoying, but someone who is a girl but will never be able to experience such a large part of womanhood - babies and bleeding from the cunt - would want them, cramps and all.
Yeah that's crazy. CRAZY.

Also today I made a total fool of myself. Well, to me anyway. We went to old navy, we being mom, Jon, and I, and I couldn't work up the courage to go to the guy's section. What?
:[ well you should have just gone there

that's like a prerequisite to being a guy.

wearing guys' clothes I mean

; ; it's hard man

I mean there's all these people staring

and my mom who doesn't really get it at all (I mean she asked me today why there were transsexuals that were gay. hay mom gender does not equate to sexuality)

and my intimidating jerk brother.
SORT OF RELEVANTLY Venus Envy's new style sucks.
Totally. Especially Lisa's face in that sideways panel- what the hell. Speaking of comics, some LGBT ones I really like and I think haven't been brought up yet are Straight Ahead and Khaos. Khaos is doing a pretty interesting FtM storyline right now.

About the binder, Verne, I suppose you could say it's for something. I know you're a dancer and you don't need a flat chest for that, so I can't help much. The only sports I can see where a binder would be sort of normal to have is running or martial arts. If you were in a theater club or a play you could always claim you're auditioning for a male role and thus need to hide breasts but um :I
Were you getting the impression people were staring at you or did you actually see them look?

In Vlad's uninteresting news: since I'm getting a short haircut and usually wear waiscoats and ties my mum calls me a transvestite now. Aaand my dad was vaguely threatning when I implied I was confused so I left it alone. Also trying to lose weight to have less of an hour-glass figure. this will not work.
Totally. Especially Lisa's face in that sideways panel- what the hell. Speaking of comics, some LGBT ones I really like and I think haven't been brought up yet are Straight Ahead and Khaos. Khaos is doing a pretty interesting FtM storyline right now.

About the binder, Verne, I suppose you could say it's for something. I know you're a dancer and you don't need a flat chest for that, so I can't help much. The only sports I can see where a binder would be sort of normal to have is running or martial arts. If you were in a theater club or a play you could always claim you're auditioning for a male role and thus need to hide breasts but um :I
Were you getting the impression people were staring at you or did you actually see them look?

In Vlad's uninteresting news: since I'm getting a short haircut and usually wear waiscoats and ties my mum calls me a transvestite now. Aaand my dad was vaguely threatning when I implied I was confused so I left it alone. Also trying to lose weight to have less of an hour-glass figure. this will not work.

That shot of Lisa is horrendous. And what happened to Larson's noselines? I liked larson's noselines. Larson was my hero (especially in that arc with the school dance where he got the dumb cheerleader to sleep with him. uh.). And his noselines were part of that hero.

And that's a good idea -- shame we don't have any real theatery things outside of high school, here. I could just force her to buy it for me where did i put the rope

MAINLY it was just me being freaking paranoid.

also waistcoats vests ties aweifpawef want it all but i am too much a freak to buy them myself c:. WAY TO HAVE SELF-ESTEEM go team verne

And I wouldn't really try to lose weight, since that'd probably just make you look like ... a skinny hourglass. Then again, I'm not sure of an alternative (exercise, I guess? That's what I'm hoping for -- I'm starting what appears to be a pretty intense conditioning class during my next dance year, so I hope that removes some of the giant-hips-skinny-arms problem).

I like this comic already. And I've read a whole page.
Pfff I wear waistcoats and ties and band jackets all the time so everyone probably thinks I'm a lesbian at school BUT WHO CARES and anyway they feel nice :V
I think that like you said, it looks like you have a self-esteem problem. Try to remind yourself that people often mind their own business and won't look at you. Every time I buy male clothing or gay magazines I feel like people are staring but they only really do if you start acting uncomfortable, because that attracts attention.

And I wouldn't really try to lose weight, since that'd probably just make you look like ... a skinny hourglass. Then again, I'm not sure of an alternative (exercise, I guess? That's what I'm hoping for -- I'm starting what appears to be a pretty intense conditioning class during my next dance year, so I hope that removes some of the giant-hips-skinny-arms problem).
Yeah, I'm not going on a diet, I'm getting a gym pass to exercise. I need to anyway since I recently discovered I have one leg shorter than the other (what) and this is causing back trouble so I need stronger muscles. And a longer leg but I'm not sure how that'll be arranged :v

Straight Ahead and Khaos are both great but I'm assuming you're talking about Khaos and it is indeed very good.
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I was talking about both. I know that if I don't start both at the same time I'll just end up forgetting about one of them.

If they sold good clothes like that for relatively cheap anywhere around here I would be all over it. Unfortunately, all we have are ... old navy, and stores that try really hard to be ghetto. Naturally I shop at the latter, because dammit they have t-shirts with robots on them.

And really it's less anyone else thinking things than my mom standing behind me and saying things like 'YOU KNOW I SUPPORT YOU IN YOUR NONGENDEREDNESS' really loudly. By the by, she actually said that. In a small shoe store. I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT MOM, but seriously.

You should get a peg leg. A peg leg extension. A peg legstension.
At least she's supportive >>. Only time my parents ever brought my transexualism up is as follows:

We're in a cramped car. 7 people in a 4 person car. my dad's driving, my cousin beside him, in the middle, and my brother beside him. Then, my other brother, who is just under 300 pounds is in the back seat with me, and 2 of my other cousins. Because my brother spreads EVERYTHING out as far as he can, to be comfortable, both of my cousins are pretty much on my lap. So I tell him to, you know, put his legs together so we have room to breathe. My dad responds, in a car where the only people that know I'm female are myself, and him (who doesn't believ or agree with it) as such.
"I can't do that, (my name), if I tried to put my legs close together, i'd crush my balls, and *I* want to keep mine."
Now, maybe i'm being unfair, but it seemed like he was taking a stab at me, in a situation, where if I reply, most of my family finds out, and that is NOT a pleasant thought.

We pretty much just make sure to not talk about not talking about it. other than this one issue, i'm really close with my parents.
*shrugs* I mean, it sucks having your family disagree with you ... it's just as weird when you tell your mom 'by the by, I'm not the gender you thought I was' and for her to go practically 'that's nice dear.'

My mom ... doesn't quite understand. When I first told her she thought I was some sort of crossdresser and handwaved it as just teenage behavior. I keep trying to explain it but I'm using terms I understand instead of those she would understand.

Because it feels wrong saying 'I want to be a boy' when I know it's really 'I am a boy.'

Also you should teach your brother that chicks don't have to be wimps and punch him in the groin. Or one night hang flesh-colored superballs with blood painted on them and leave a note telling him you did the honors of castrating him.

I'm not too inventive. Do something. Brothers are jerks.
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