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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The Love Tester


The Love Tester


You first saw the tiny booth in a rather secluded corner of the large row of stores along the Boardwalk, a bright pink thing, and quite closed. The second time you happened by, however, it was being manned by a small blond girl in her late teens, tapping away on a bright pink laptop with a large Riolu sticker slapped onto it, a Meowth in her lap. The pink silky curtains that covered the door of the booth were pushed aside slightly, and it looked mostly like a (bright pink) photo booth on the inside.

The girl looks up when you get close, the bow in her hair (also pink. What's with all the pink?) bouncing, and smiles at you. She motions to the booth with a flourish, and her Meowth growls.

"Welcome to the Love Tester! You can call me Cookie, and I'm your guide to the game. You care to have a go?" She chirps, the Meowth making an irritated sound in her lap.

You don't really have time to answer before she puts the laptop on the desk she was sitting at, scoops the annoyed scratch cat into her arms, and ushers you to the booth. The inside has a red leather seat, pink walls, and a panel facing the seat. The panel has a large round hole, a lever, a small screen, and a slot for money to go in. There are tiny pink and white hearts painted everywhere, and it smells sort of like cinnamon hearts.

"Just sit down, put in your money and pull the lever as hard as you can!" Cookie says, squeezing the Meowth tightly. "You'll get a Pokemon from that hole. I'm sure you'll love it!" She laughs.

"Just come on out when you're done. Good luck." She adds, before letting the curtains fall shut.

...Well that was odd. Might as well give it a try...


Just put 5$ into the slot, pull that there lever, and you'll get a Pokemon, or maybe even an item! I wonder what kinds you can get...? Hopefully something you'll love!

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You pull down on the lever as hard as you can, and the screen suddenly lights up a bright pink and the words 'Hot Tamale' scroll across. Odd. The Pokeball that rolls out lands in your lap, and you open it to find...

Illumise (female)
*Pulls lever* ROUND AND ROUND IT GOES Oh wait I'm single


You yank the lever down with all your might, and the screen flashes magenta and the words 'Hot Mama' scroll across. Frowning, you catch the Pokeball that falls out. it's a...

Plusle (female)!

Excited, you yank on the lever, and the screen flashes a pink so bright it burns, and the word 'Firestarter' flashes a few times. The Pokeball falls into you lap with a dull thud. It contains...

Delcatty (male)!


You give an experimental tug on the lever, and the screen goes magenta and reads 'Wild Thang'. Mildly confused, you catch the Pokeball when it falls out. It contains...

Minun (male)!


You pull down on the lever as hard as you can, and the screen turns a pale pink and reads 'Honey Buns'. That's...uh. well. That. You catch the Pokeball, and it contains...

Skitty (female)!


You pull the lever gently, and the screen turns a bright orange (ow your eyes they burn) and reads 'Kupo-riffic!' You hiss and grab the Pokeball. It contains...

Buneary (male)!
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You yank on the lever as hard as you can, and the screen turns neon pink and flashes 'Sexy Beast' at you, and the Pokeball drops out. You catch it, and it contains...

Luvdisc (female)! (and a big kiss from Cookie 8D)
...I called it, I said, 'I'm getting a Luvdisc'.
Oh well, just because, I'll accept both the Luvdisc and the kiss <: hehehe~ ♥
Grass King:

You pill the lever as hard as you can, and the screen blinks pink, and 'Cutie Patootie' flashes across the screen. That's...kind of creepy. You catch the Pokeball though. It has a...

Finneon (female)!

(also psst guys you just take the Pokemon you don't need confirmation or anything.)
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