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The Love Tester

Jumping into the booth again, you yank the lever down as hard as you can, and the screen lights up pink and reads 'Stripperella!' You catch the Pokeball, and it contains...

Glameow (female)!

You yank the lever as hard as you can (maybe you can break it!) and the screen turns a bright pink, and the words 'Sex Machine' scroll across. That's pretty awesome. Well, not the pink. But yanno. You catch the Pokeball, and it contains...

Minun (female)!

You yank the lever like it's going to bite you, and it, thankfully, does not. The screen does, however, light up a bright pink and the words 'Honeybunny' flash in your face. Yick. The Pokeball that falls out has a...

Plusle (Male)!

Giving a happy pull of the lever, you grin at the slot, almost entirely oblivious to the orange screen that reads 'Puddin'' scrolling across. You snatch the Pokeball, and it contains...

Skitty (male)!

You give the lever a powerful yank, a large grin on your face, and the screen flashes pink and reads 'Babycakes'. You catch the Pokeball. It contains...

Plusle (female)!
With another yank of the lever, the screen turns a bright orange and reads 'Teddy Bear' in very large letters. Uh. Well, at least you get a Pokemon out of this. You catch the ball, and it contains...

Skitty (Female) !

You pull the lever so hard it makes the booth wobble a bit, and the screen turns a soft baby blue and reads 'Love Muffin'. Is it just you are are these getting...weirder? Well, you catch the Pokeball anyway, and it has a...

Volbeat (Male) !

You shove the lever down with a single strong push, and the screen turns sky blue, 'Big Daddy' scrolling across. The Pokeball that drops out is rather...heavy. It contains...

Tauros (Male) !

You pull the lever as hard as you can, but, alas, it does not break. the screen does, however, turn bright pink and read 'Love Puppy' in rather large letters. Ew. You catch the ball, and it contains...

Buneary (female) !
You tug the lever again, and the screen turns a pink so bright it's almost neon, and reads 'Magic Princess'. That....is very creepy. The Pokeball that falls out contains...

Clefairy (Female) !
You pull the lever whilst making an annoyed face, and the screen turns neon magenta and reads 'Honey Pot'. Double ew. The Pokeball that rolls out contains...

Nidoran (Female) !

You yank on the lever and cross your fingers, hoping for the Pokemon you want. The screen turns pink and reads 'Love Bug'. The Pokeball falls out with a plop, and contains...

Luvdisc (Male) !
After receiving another large smooch from Cookie, you slip into the booth and yank the lever. The screen lights up neon pink an reads 'Pancake'. The Pokeball rolls ot and you catch it, and it contains...

Beautifly (Female) !
Gunna have to deny you, sorry x: I hadn't noticed you were in the negatives before but....come back when you have money~

You pull the lever again, and the screen turns orange this time, and reads 'Pookie'. The Pokeball that rolls out contains...

Miltank (Female) !
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