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The new Pet Peeves thread

Hmm... I have a few.
-People who are awful to others for no reason
-People who let a few compliments go to their heads and think they are better than everyone else, and perform the above
-Homework given over school breaks
-People who hold their mechanical pencils vertically so they squeak when they write
-Morons who don't try and waste everyone's time trying to get spoon-fed
-Snooty cliques
-Blatant liars
-As said a bunch of times, people who can't control their kids
-Also, said uncontrolled kids. My step cousin uses "or else" to her parents
-My fingernails when they get long. It's really uncomfortable for them to scrape things, especially textbook pages
You know how I said I dislike arguments?

Well I'll just solve that by saying that whether you like one spelling of colour or color most likely depends on where you live :)

-When I accidentally scrape my fingernail against something.
-Things with perfectly good names that change them to something crap for no reason.
-People who think their beliefs/opinions/interests are better than those of others and think it their duty to force them on others.
-Small children/babies for me, too.
-Retardedly overzealous political correctness/health and safety directives.

Hmm, let's see now.
-Someone erasing a board and leaving little spots instead of erasing everything
-cabinets left open
-loud people/people who just don't shut up
-excessive swearing
-little kids and babies
-things being crooked or uneven
-open-mouthed chewing and the sounds it sometimes makes
-people who think they're funny when they're not
-too many questions

...And there's probably more.
I seriously dislike being nagged almost continuously. You know, when someone tells you to do something and actually barely waits for you to respond before they say the same thing again? This is especially annoying when you're being called.


"Wha -"


"Wha -"


Also when you try to reason with someone and they say they don't want to talk about it, then later claim that you didn't want to discuss it. o.O Don't really see how that works.
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