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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest


The Burning Trainer and Ohayou managed to finally track down a lone, heavily forested island, where they saw boats lining the shore and a camp a few feet in. Trainers of all kinds were in this camp, telling tales of monstrous Pokemon. Bulbasaurs that were bigger than Snorlax, Cherubi that could crush them by accident, Pidgey so big that even a Lugia would look like a baby chick in comparison. In the center of the camp was a large tent, where researchers were working on gathering data on these Pokemon. On the other end of the island, another camp was set up. It was a Rocket Base. Giovanni grinned evilly as he helped the new creation get up. "Wake up Patrick, and get ready to take your revenge. Get this Pokemon, and you will become whole again, and be able to take your revenge on the Burning Trainer, Eric..."


Yes, welcome back to the award winning series, The Pokemon of the Series! It is a year later. All of you are after another god. Nature has been recovering, so alot of trainers are in good spirits again

Although Eric still drinks booze. Yeah...

You can be either a Trainer, Researcher, or Rocket. A Rocket can pose as a Researcher. They won't have the same items, though. Also, as an extra treat, each class gets different items


Good Luck!

The Form:

Team: (Trainer, Researcher, or Rocket)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:
Pokemon: (Up to six, each one must have the below form filled. You MAY have a member of a trio (excluding the Weather Trio), or a Lati. Otherwise, no legendaries allowed. Exception to this is Flareth, who can also have the Lake Pokemon on her team, Mewtwo, who can also have a Regigigas, and me who can have the Volcano Pokemon on my team)
-Identifying Features: (Shiny, Odd markings, Scars, etc.)

As a note, everybody starts out with the following items, and must scavenge for any new items that they may want or need:

-Five Max Potions
-Two Revives
-Five Full Heals
-Two Full Restores
-One Max Revive
-10 Ultra Balls, to be used at own discretion. However, since you ARE after a VERY powerful Pokemon, it may be best to save them until then

Each of the following items belongs to a certain class


-Pokegear - It allows you to talk to other trainers from a distance and all the other fun things from GSC
-Pokedex - Will allow you to view an opposing Pokemon's health, status, and some info on it, unless it is a god


-Scanner - Allows you to get information on a new Pokemon not found in the dex, along with information on Fauna and Flora. It will allow you to find hidden items easier as well


-Stun Guns - WHEE! YOU CAN MAKE US GO ZAPPY! These fire special bullets that can be used to give an opposing Pokemon or Human an electric shock. Won't work on this god, due to them being the Pokemon of the Forest AKA a GROUND type

Yes, ground. There is no plant element. STFU and accept it, or Sinferno gets to torch you

Name: Eric AKA The Burning Trainer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: Brown eyes, medium length, scraggly brown hair, Phoenix Medallion, glasses with a built in shades function, pale skin, ragged, black jeans, black shirt, black jacket, old black runners. Somewhat skinny, and is 5'7". Two large scars go down the length of his back
Personality: Intelligent, he studies the scenery to figure out the best strategy. He is passionate, though, and will sometimes let his anger get the best of him
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To find out more about the Gods

-Name: Pikachu
-Species: Pikachu
-Item: Light Ball
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Abnormally small
-Personality: Withdrawn and obedient. She will even kill if Eric commands it. The death and rebirth she went through caused her to also become timid

-Name: Sinferno
-Species: Sinferno
-Item: Charcoal
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Thirty feet long from head to tail tip. Thirty foot wing span. Thick tail, lithe body. Oval feet and a dragonite-esqu head. Crimson red
-Personality: Hot headed and sure of himself. Also fairly intelligent, but lets his anger get the best of him. Sympathizes with Eric

-Name: Spirit
-Species: Gengar
-Item: Black Sludge
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Is a bit larger than most Genger. He is pure black, and the spikes on his back are larger than usual and are also serrated
-Personality: Laughs at just about anything, and is quite grim in his sense of humour. He is also easily distracted. Eric sometimes refers to him as, "Ohayou in Pokemon form"

-Name: Tsunami
-Species: Kingdra
-Item: Leftovers
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A bright green belly
-Personality: Intelligent and thoughtful. He is also quite a quiet Pokemon, using few words, if any. Brought in place of Ribbon and Aljrlieguh, whom are currently resting at Eric's house
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((Can I rejoin with Taisiya, even though I kinda gave up on the other one? I already joined the Social group, but I kinda dropped off the face of the earth after the eighth page of the last one in this RP. I'd like to try again and hopefully be able to keep up D:))
((Can I rejoin with Taisiya, even though I kinda gave up on the other one? I already joined the Social group, but I kinda dropped off the face of the earth after the eighth page of the last one in this RP. I'd like to try again and hopefully be able to keep up D:))

Sure! Just no whining if you fail to catch the god
I promise. Mmm, now to just make up a backstory of what happened to her after I kinda died in the last one...

But thank you. I'll either edit this or post again if someone else posts first when I'm done with her profile.
I'll use a different character.

Name: Tsukimaru
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: Tsukimaru has straight black hair and dark brown eyes. Even his neutral gaze is transfixing and as mean as a glare. No one has heard him laugh happily. He wears a dark blue shirt and khaki jeans, his hands in his pockets about half of the time.
Personality: Tsukimaru views the world with almost no opinions. He's apathetic towards others and unsocial. The Trainer likes the idea of Pokemon and the rush of catching them.
Reasons for Wanting This Pokemon: He's looking for a strong Pokemon to add to his team.

-Name: Zapdos
-Species: Zapdos
-Item: Sharp Beak
-Gender: Prefers male
-Identifying Features: Black streak on the back of each wing.
-Personality: Cares about Tsukimaru and is very loyal.

-Name: Blaziken
-Species: Blaziken
-Item: Black Belt
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Shiny.
-Personality: Loyal and aggressive.

-Name: Dusclops
-Species: Dusclops
-Item: Spell Tag
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Completely black.
-Personality: Careful, but sometimes jumps to conclusions.
Name: Maya
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Team: Trainer
Description: Black hair held up in a plastic, purple hair-thing. She wears a purple robe with purple sandals.
Personality: Hyper, childish, likes to eat
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To help out her now-Pokemon friend Skye.
-Name: Skye
-Species: Pidgeot
-Item: Not really an item, but a purple amulet
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Her tail feathers are blonde.
-Personality: The same old Skye

-Name: Mia
-Species: Gardevoir
-Item: Macho Brace
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Her "dress" is black and grey.
-Personality: Calm, caring, thinks outside the box.

-Name: Samurai
-Species: Scizor
-Item: Metal Coat
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A scar near his heart from being wounded in a murder plot.
-Personality: Tough, cold, but thankful for Maya saving him.
Name: Ohayou
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: -Very- messy, almost shoulder length, blonde hair, and big blue-green eyes. Medium in height, and wears a plain yellow shirt and blue jeans.
Personality: Disgustingly cheerful and optimistic. Hyperactive, and protecting of his friends. Has ADHD and OCD. Believes Trainers should fight alongside their Pokemon, so he carries two daggers with him.
Reason for Wanting This Pokemon: To protect it more than catch it, and to reclaim the pokemon of the lake.
Pokemon: The 5 platinum Rotom AND (omigod!) a Drifloon (how stupid can I get? Find out later!)

-Name: Frost
-Item: Nevermeltice
-Species: Rotom posessing a fridge.
-Identifying Features: http://www.serebii.net/platinum/rotom.shtml Is the link to the new 5.
-Personality: Cold and cruel.

-Name: Wash
-Damp stone
-Species: Rotom posessing a washing machine.
-Personality: Emotionless and uncaring of most situations. Just wants to get everything done and go home.

-Name: Cut
-Miracle seed
-Species: Rotom posessing a lawn mower.
-Personality: Mischevious, a prankster.

-Name: Spin
-Quick claw
-Species: Rotom posessing a fan.
-Personality: Happy and free spirited.

-Name: Heat
-Species: Rotom posessing a toaster oven.
-Personality: Calm and methodical.

-Name: Kasumi
-Item: A banana (for Eric-slapping purposes)
-Species: Drifloon
-Personality : (see Spin)
-Gender: Male

Hooray for Ctrl+C
Name: Aria
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Team: Trainer
Description: Aria has very long, pink hair that goes down to her knees. It takes trouble to comb it, but she manages. Her eyes are an emerald green. She wears a pink shirt with a green butterfly in the middle. Aria wears blue jeans, black socks, and white running shoes.

Three years ago, she tried to catch the Lake Pokémon, but failed. When she tried to take it from Team Rocket, her best friend, a Kadabra named Onestar, died using the special technique that she had taught him. Devastated, Aria gave up, living with her Pokémon for two years. After that, the Pokemon of the Volcano was heard of, and she tried for that. She failed again, and was so crushed that she released all her Pokemon. However, the next day, Moonshadow came back to her, being so loyal that he could not survive without her. Together, they ventured to the mountains, where Aria caught another Pokemon, a silver Golem with spikes.
Personality: Aria is confident not in herself, but her Pokemon, but will not push them further than they need to go. They gained relationships with her quickly. Sometimes, she doodles, but not often. Aria tends to be silly and distracted easily.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: She will try a third time to capture a legendary god.

-Name: Moonshadow
-Species: Umbreon
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Serious, and very loyal to Aria. He tries his best in battle for her.

-Name: Mace
-Species: Golem
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Is silver, and has spikes all over him.
-Personality: Mace enjoys rolling into his enemies to inflict damage. He likes to be the leader, and sometimes disobeys Aria, but not in important situations.

-Name: Hokaze
-Species: Entei
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Wears a necklace with a fire emblem on it around his neck.
-Personality: Enjoys running, and is very speedy. He is mighty and confident, but reckless. Hokaze always wants to be in a group, and tends to act wimpy when alone. He also has a short temper.

-Name: Sandra
-Species: Swellow
-Item: None
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Is not very confident, and is a bit shy.
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Name: Blade
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: Wears black jeans, a white tee, black training shoes and black wristbands
Personality: Calm and peaceful, but while fighting can be very vicious.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: He mainly wants this one because he wishes to defeat Team Rocket with it, and afterwards use it to keep peace

-Name: Moon
-Species: Umbreon
-Item: EXP Share
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Has a moon shaped emblem on his chest.
-Personality: Similar to Blade's, except is never vicious but wil fight to the death to protect Blade.

-Name: Solon
-Species: Espeon
-Item: Leftovers
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Has a sun shaped emblem on her chest.
-Personality: Quiet, snidy and doesn't care enough for Blade to protect him much.

-Name: N/A
-Species: Latias
-Item: Soul Dew
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: A shiny Latias
-Personality: Kind and free-spirited, shares Blade's desires to keep peace.

-Name: Glacier
-Species: Glaceon
-Item: NeverMeltIce
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Calm, cares for her child, Iceburg.

-Name: Iceburg
-Species: Glaceon
-Item: EXPShare
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: A young Glaceon, meaning shorter and lighter.
-Personality: Calm, a little scared, is cared for by her mother, Glacier

-Name: N/A
-Species: Beedrill
-Item: Silverpowder
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Shiny
-Personality: Cautious, needs attention.

(PC: Caterpie Egg)
All accepted :D

Hey! Are you breaking rules even though you clearly not!?

Name: Taisiya Fyodorov


Gender: Female

Team: Trainer

After falling off of Eric’s Garchomp in the last edition, Taisiya had become lost in the forest. She managed to live on the bottle of booze that Ohayou had given her and nuts from the forest for a month before she found civilization again. The first thing she did was head straight for the bar, but stopped herself as something came over her. She knew that someone had caught the Volcano Pokémon, and that she herself had failed because of her drinking habit. So she eventually found an alcoholics support group, and has been sober for around 9 months now. At 6 months sober she was able to afford a small apartment, and new clothes with the help of her support group. She was able to get a part-time job at a Pokémon Center, helping others that were once like her.

Her appearance still hasn’t changed, aside from a much fuller figure, a few new outfits and a tan. She now appears much cleaner from being able to shower regularly. For those who don’t remember, her hair is thick and black, and her eyes are bluish gray, changing more to blue from her good fortune and sobriety. Her new outfit consists of a blue t-shirt and black jeans, with plain white shoes to go along with it.

Personality: She has a touch of bipolar, so her mood changes quite often. She used to always either be depressed, angry or drunk, but her mood has lifted in the last year. However, she still battles with anger and depression on occasion, and for some reason seems to get slightly ticked off when someone says “potato”.

Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:
Her dream to see all the Pokemon.


-Name: Darya
-Species: Lucario
-Item: None
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: She is slightly greenish-tinted.
-Personality: Strong-willed. She has shown quite an amount of pride for Taisiya since she’s quit drinking.

-Name: Dmitri
-Species: Raikou
-Item: Magnet
-Gender: Prefers to be referred to as male
-Identifying Features: He's got a white headpeice instead of a dark gray one. The thunderclouds on his back are also a but more grayish than normal.
-Personality: Seems to be fairly devoid of emotion, but he does show them once in a while. Has been showing it more and more in this past year.

-Name: Kseniya
-Species: Mismagius
-Item: None
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Blue necklace thing instead of red.
-Personality: Very serious. Usually has a very seriouscat-esque expression on her face.
Now I killz you! *Evil grin* (Read the social group.)

Name: Project 413-P, Known to the world as Peter, or Patrick V2
Age: Programmed to act like an 18 year old.
Gender: Male
Team: Rocket pretending to be a trainer
Description: A cyborg. Malfunctions sometimes by sparking and has a few (secret) glitches.
Personality: Independent, aggressive. Very serious, but can change due to glitches.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!?

-Name: Vyr (Pronounced VAIR)
-Species: Porygon
-Item: Scope Lens
-Gender: None
-Identifying Features: Made of Grade-A Rocket Metals. Is sliver-ish.
-Personality: Bland, focuses on battling and destroying.

-Name: Storm
-Species: Porygon-2
-Item: Wide Lens
-Gender: None
-Identifying Features: Also made of Grade-A Rocket Metals. Gold-ish.
-Personality: Mischievous, Storm invades other people's lives. Gives no privacy.

-Name: LvBg, referred to as Elle.
-Species: Porygon-Z
-Item: Leftovers
-Gender: None
-Identifying Features: Made of (Guess what?) GRADE-A ROCKET METAL! Chameleon skin can blend anywhere.
-Personality: Secretive, quiet. Let's its battling do the talking.

-Name: Project H1X (Referred to as Hax.)
-Species: Ditto
-Item: Metal Powder
-Gender: None
-Identifying Features: A project by Team Rocket, this Ditto is bigger than the average Ditto, and also has Rocket imprints on it everywhere.
-Personality: Much stronger and more aggressive than other Dittoes.
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I'm on it...
*dual weilds a banana and a Nanab berry the size of a crowbar*
Prepare to be Ohayou-nated!!!
*Slaps everyone with the bananas*
Name: Mystari (Mysti) Allyssa Endris
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Team:Must...Go to the dark side...They have cookies!:3 Team Eric(or whatever team they've made)!
Description: Has the ability, though never shared, to understand what Pokemon are saying, and they can hear her(I'm thinkin' Dr. Doolittle!) She found a Fire Stone and used it to evolve her Vulpix, who kept it's black color. Mysti is hot on the trail of Eric, because she has... "secret feelings" ...for him.
Personality:A mixture of sweet, serious, and sarcastic(three S's!)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To get it for Eric-kun! (did I get it right this time? I still don't understand "-chan" and "-kun")

-Gender:Preffers to be entitled Female
-Identifying Features: Has a bow on her front right leg. Everywhere that's white is silver.
-Personality:Is the cariong, loving one. Doesn't fight if she doesn't have to.

-Identifying Features:Just your average Mudkip
-Personality:Enraged easily.

-Identifying Features:Her rings are mood rings, but the top right ear was stained pink.
-Personality:The one to always go first on an adventure. Natural enemy to Steel Wing.

-Name:Steel Wing
-Identifying Features:His fire is black, whether it be out of his mouth or it be his tail. Wears a red bowtie.
-Personality:Same as Moonlight. Natural enemy to her, too.

-Identifying Features:Is black where the creamy color, not the mane thing or fliff on it's head, is, and red on the tail tip, the mane-like thing and the fluff thing on it's head.
-Personality:Sarcastic, pretty much!

-Name: Regigi
-Species: Regigigas
-Gender: Prefers to be entitled Male
-Identifying Features: His yellow shines gold, his white shines silver, his Red, Blue, Yellow dots are Gold, Silver, Crystal.
-Personality: Is full of himself, and doesn't much like Steel Wing or Moonlight, but they consider him a friend.
Reserve please? :D

I want to join this. So much, but I won't be able to post my form till tomorrow D:


Jason Ericson AKA "The Shining Rocket"
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Team: Rockets
Personality: Jason wants fame, money and women. His main goal is to catch the Pokémon of the Forest so that he can use it for his own good. Also, he is quite famous within Team Rocket as "The Shining Rocket", as he is a master at finding and capturing shiny Pokémon.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To take over the world... MWUAHAHAHAHA!! [Cough, cough]
-Name: Grovyle
-Species: Grovyle
-Item: Metal Coat
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Easier with an image.

-Personality: Grovyle is greedy. He luvs money, fame and women. (Also, EDIT, because of his left arm, Grovyle can use some steel attacks, like Steel Claw.)

-Name: Houndoom (Often called Doom by Jason)
-Species: Houndoom
-Item: BlackGlasses
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Houndoom wears the BlackGlasses.
-Personality: About the same as Jason's. And, he is Jason's hunting companion, in other words, Doom finds and hunts Shinies for him. He is the mate of Manectric.

-Name: Manectric
-Species: Manectric
-Item: Magnet
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Shiny.
-Personality: Manectric is the nicest of Jason's pokémon. She is caring, though fericious to enemies. Her mate his Houndoom.

-Name: Bakun
-Species: Typhlosion
-Item: Quick Claw
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Shineh. His flames are more purple.
-Personality: Bakun is Jason's favorite pokémon, as it was the first shiny he ever caught. Bakun is only loyal to Jason. Only. Also, he's never in his pokéball.

Err, my internet is /crap/ right now, so I'll finish tomorrow. Just start without me, I'll catch up.
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