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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

Dammit though, we need MORE ROCKETS! There's 3, and 1 doesn't like being in it that much.
A cloaked trainer walked back and forth impatiently at the foot of a large mountain range. The trees were surprisingly healthy here, despite Team Rocket having put so much pollution into the air that plants in many areas died of suffocation, excluding tough, prickly grasses and small, prickly bushes. The trainer then looked at his Pokegear

"Where is he? Ohayou said he would be here with the supplies! We need to hurry up if we are to get to the Volcano in time!" the trainer spoke softly to himself. He then smelled something and frowned. "Crap. Muk. I'm sure they have come here to claim this area as well..."

The trainer whipped out a Pokeball and hucked it. "Go! Spirit! Thunderwave those sludgey pests!" shouted out the trainer as the ball hit the ground, revealing a dark shadow. It grinned and charged energy, then fired it off, paralysing the Muk. The trainer grinned. "Now, get going, or I will have to get mean... And in case you don't think I am serious, well..."

Eric flipped down his hood, showing the Pokemon who he was. The Muk, afraid of being burnt to a crisp, fled, slowly, in the other direction as the paralysis began to take hold
Skye spotted Eric revealing himself to the Muk.

"I must avenge Patrick." she muttered.

She opened up a bottle of wine. She took a gulp of it, before placing it back in her bag.

She picked up the ball of Ketorp from its special compartment.

"He did say he would give it to me. All those years ago." she sighed.

(Dude, Skye, it's only been two years.)
A Rocket posing as a detective hovered across the air on his Latias. He was looking to avenge the death of his friend, and he had heard reports that he had just burned down a place next to a small town. He had just flown there on Glyde, his Latias, a few hours ago, looking for the Burning Trainer. He spotted a girl and a familiar face with a group of Muk quite a distance away.
"The Burning Trainer... Fu** him..." muttered Jason. "Glyde, down. Right there." He pointed at the spot next to Eric. Glyde came down, and dropped Jason off. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BURNING TRAINER! YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!"
((ETA: POST 3000 HERE :D))
Eric turned and saw Skye and the Detective. He frowned as he saw Skye take out a Pokeball. Is that Lakinay? Crap, I can't risk her sending out that Goddess now! Eric continue to frown as he though. He looked at a nearby tree that was in range of Skye.

"Hmm... Hey, Skye! Long time no see! And Detective, looks like you have cornered me... Too bad you won't catch me yet! Spirit, disappear!" he shouted, a slight swagger in his step. He then grinned and opened his cloak, covering his eyes. "Pikachu! Spirit! Plan Epsilon 69 Dash B! Go!" He ordered. Pikachu nodded and let loose a bright flash attack at the same time Spirit Shadow Clawed the tree, causing it to fall on Skye and trap her underneath its bow. He then began to run, Spirit right behind. He called Ohayou on his Pokegear as he weaved through the trees

"Change of plan! I have been spotted, and am on the run, trying to lose them! Meet me at the Ekans Inn! I will be hidden in my cloak in the northwest booth of the establishment! Over and out!"
As Jason saw Eric running, he ordered Glyde to chase after him. He got on her, yelled, "GO!", and started to run towards him at fast.
((Chase scene already? Damn...))
"Crud....a detective." Skye muttered.

She was in her Rocket Uniform too. When the tree fell on her, the ball rolled away and somehow opened, releasing Ketorp.

(GASP. Who would control him?)
A mysterious trainer was walking down the dirty, musty street of a small town near the volcano where a legendary Pokemon of flames resides. A citizen ran up to​
him. "Sir, he's striked again!" she shouted. "Out of my way." the trainer replied, annoyed.
"But he's striked again!"
"I don't care."
"It was the burning trainer, though!"​
The trainer stopped walking."What?"
"The burning trainer, he's striked again! Here, in this town! At the bar where there is only ashes remaining."
"I've heard of him...isn't he the one who goes and gets information, then burns the source to the ground?"
"Yes, he is!"​
Hmmm...What could he want here? The trainer thought, continuing to walk, this time towards the volcano. He glanced around for clues. When his eyes met the volcano, it hit him. He must be after the Pokemon of flames...
Eric growled as Glyde was catching up. "Damned Latias..." he muttered under his breath. He continued to run until Glyde could almost touch him, then stopped suddenly and ducked. He had practiced this with Ribbon before, figuring out that the Pokemon, when they are going fast, tend to go right over. Something to do with prey usually running and not stopping suddenly when they could be consumed or something
((You can, Flareth. YOU'VE GOT THE POWER! Anyways, Jason cusses a bit. So pardon it.))
"Fu** it, you can't get away!" Jason shouted, before he saw that Eric and his Pokemon ducked down all of a sudden. Glyde went too fast, and almost crashed into a tree before quickly breaking, making Jason stumble and fall.
"Damn you a$$ho**..." Jason said. "PATRICK! FLOP! COME ON OUT!" he shouted. A Riolu came out, along with a Ditto. "You're not getting away this time, oh no."
Casbah was perched on the back of his Dodrio. He raced along the road, outer heads looking back and forth.

"The volcano's probably that way," said Casbah, pointing. Dodrio's middle head nodded, and he swiftly turned in the next intersection. The pair raced past a small group of trainers who seemed to be bickering about something.
Eric grinned and let out Pikachu. "You don't want to battle me... Trust me. It would be the BIGGEST mistake of your life..."
"Patrick...." Skye sighed.

Suddenly, ketorp came barreling towards Eric. He let out a HUGE Flamethrower.
"Hmm. Maybe I don't. Maybe I JUST WANT REVENGE!" he shouted.
4 Latias now... Crap.

Except my Latias was first :D

Flower glanced sadly at the ground.
"It's so... so..."
"Hot?" complained Shimmer.
"Barren," the Latias whispered. "This is nothing like the forest where I grew up.
"The sky makes me feel so small."
"But what about when we were in the desert? And the plains? And the mountains?" inquired Mist.
"That was different. I was still near home. We weren't in the desert long, and the plains and mountains had vegetation."
"I know it'll be hard for you," murmurred Grace. "But we all must face things we are uncomfortable with in life. When we do, we must just walk through it to the other side."
"What's that mean?" chimed Bell. "Does it involve food?"
Mist looked at the Chingling confusedly. "Why food, of all things?"
"I'm hungry."
"He's right, you know," mutterred Joy. "And we all know that he'll start crying if he doesn't get lunch."
"His stomach is too big to fit inside of him. Where does he keep it?" Mist asked.
"I have no idea," spoke up Lucidia. "But I guess we should settle down for lunch."
She pulled a blanket out of a pack she was carrying, along with a large basket.
"Nothing wrong with making it look like a picnic."
"Besides the fact that there's no trees."
"Oh well," she sighed. "We'll just have to settle without." With that, she began bringing out sandwiches, each to the personal favorite of those in question.
"A ham and cheese for Bell..."
He snatched it and gulped it down without chewing. "Do you have more?"
"Awwww. Can I have someone else's?"
"If they don't finish it."
She handed out five more sandwiches, then brought out a PB&J for herself. She sat down and munched on it, along with five of her Pokemon, excluding Bell.
Aria was flying on Windfeather. She sighed. Just like she used to, back when...
She began to remember. Back when she was striving for the Lake Pokémon.

She told herself that she would not fail again.
Spirit popped up and used Protect.

"GENGENGEN!" He laughed maniacally, his eyes wide. He ran up to the Entei, but instead of attacking, he reached into his mouth. He then pulled out a pie and splat it against Entei's face

"...I don't agree with your methods sometimes, but DAMN, do they ever work! Now Pikachu! Plan Omega 3 dash 9! Go!"

Pikachu zoomed up to the Riolu and Ditto, using Volt Tackle and Agility simultaneously. After slamming into them, she loosed a flash to blind the Detective. She then ran back to Eric, who let out Ribbon and hopped on. He grinned as he took out some small incendiary explosives. Spirit appeared on Ribbon's back, right behind Eric. As they flew off, Eric sneered at the two trainers below. "Better luck next time!" He shouted, throwing down the explosives and causing several fires that would keep them busy for awhile. "And don't forget, they don't call me the Burning Trainer for nothing!"

He zoomed off in the opposite direction, then, after getting several miles away, he carefully made his way to the meeting spot, raring to tell Ohayou about what Spirit did to the Entei
Dodrio continued dashing through the forest with Casbah on his back, nimbly dodging rocks and plants that were in his way. One of them turned out to be an Ivysaur, and the three-headed bird skidded to a halt. He turned around and let his Trainer off his back.

There were a few Ivysaur--five, maybe?-- that Dodrio would have to either take out or flee from.

"Drill Peck," said Casbah calmly, and Dodrio ran up to the Ivysaur, moving his three heads round so that his beaks moved like a drill. He struck two Ivysaur.

"Let's go now," said Casbah. "That should slow them down." He heaved himself onto Dodrio's back as his Pokemon fled the battle.
"AH SHIT! I CAN'T SEE!" Jason said. When he finally could again, He saw Patrick, Flip, and Glyde, along with Skye and Ketorp, all staring at him.
"WHERE DID THAT LIL' FUC*ER GO?" he shouted angrily.
((XD Like the pie thing))
Blade started running for the mountain in the distance. He let out Moon, Solon and Latias. He jumped on Latias's back and shouted "Jump on!" to the two Eeveelutions. They started flying towards the mountain at high speeds. Latias was enjoying the fly, Moon was too, but Solon could really care less."Why do you find this fun?" she asked. "Well, how do you fid this not fun?" Moon replied, and Solon had no answer. "Moon, I like you. You're so supportive." Latias said, and Moon replied, "Why thank you, Latias." They stopped somewhere about a tenth of the way there, in a dusty, dry, barren region, where you couldn't see the volcano any more because there were tall, unidentifiable, objects in the way, because Latias was tired of carrying herself, her trainer and his other Pokemon. They began to walk on foot, stepping over rocks, plants and the occasional Geodude.
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