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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

((No fair! I was at KFC! >:( ))

Casbah's eyes widened.

"I went through all that work for NOTHING?" he shouted. Manectric immediately hopped into his Poke Ball.

Meanwhile, there was a wiggling at his belt. A large walrus popped out, icy skin shining in the firelight.

"What's all the noise for?"

Casbah sat down and looked at the ground.

"I failed."

When Walrein looked at Sinferno, she was intimidated a bit, but stood up tall.

"Is this monstrous thing the one who caused this?" she demanded.
(And once again I miss out =.= WAIT NEXT TIME

Since you people are always going insane while I'm gone I get to have the Pie Pokemon in my team next RP *pouts*)
((Nah, he legally changed his name to Joe again. But you better get that half pie I ate up made back, otherwise he has no full pie-ness powers.))
(((That's because Ica hasn't pushed the plot along, or started a new RP.
Don't start a new one yet though... bacon is good, therefore we can finish this one up a little bit better. Like at least landing first...)))
((Awww... No epic 10+ page chase scene D:
Next RP should be as long as the first one, methinks.))
(((Somehow breaking 32 pages in this one dosen't seem like a possibility...
The last one's lenth was in: The forest race; The desert; the battle; the chase scene; and the final battle. Seeing how this lacked a: race; a desert; a long battle; a long chase scene; and no final battle... It just dosen't compare...

Epic fail...)))
[Yeah, sorry about all that. The next one only has one terrain in it, but it will have more of a feel of the first one. AND SINFERNO INVADING THE BASE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE EPIC FINAL BATTLE! And the long chase scene was ruined by o_O dying >.>]
(((Damn you Oooohface!!! You made us fail!!!

And now for something completely different.

*Bows* Good night everyone! :3)))
Eric began to walk into the base, grinning evilly. He tripped an alarm by accident, and soon, millions of Rockets flooded in. Lakinay also soon arrived, dragging Skye along.

"Come on Skye! We can't let them beat us! We need to defeat them and save my brother from Eric!" Lakinay told her trainer as she flew into the loading dock designed for her

Back to Eric and company... Eric growled as he grabbed a Rocket. "Where is Giovanni!?" he demanded. They pointed in a general direction. As he was about to chase the leader down, however, the base locked down. Sinferno attempted to melt the door, but couldn't.

"Mirror-coated contraption... Fucking hell!" Sinferno yelled, pissed off

[There. Begin epic battle. Flareth, this depends on you finding your way down to the main battle area and taking me and Sinferno on, though! If you don't, then the fail is shifted onto you!

Also, I already have the last post ready :D >.> <.< Nope, I didn't use a time machine! Honest! *hides the time machine* :-"]
((Agreed. It was kinda disappointing, this one D:))
EDIT: Oooh my Pokemans find their way here somehow :D
All of Jason's Pokemon hid on the side of the now almost vacant building, planning an epic surprise attack.
((Um, hello? You completely ignored Casbah's Walrein's question.))

[That was because we had already taken off by the time you posted]

Rockets continued to flood in, and they began to send out Pokemon. Sinferno growled. "Sinferno, take them down with a flamethrower, now!" Eric ordered. The deity complied, taking out a group of Raticate. He, however, got a faceful of Flamethrower from a group of Wobbuffet using Mirror Coat. Eric growled

[Come on, guys! You're killing me here! This is my last rp-related post for tonight. Please, PLEASE help make this an epic end! Or else the pie gets it!]
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((Sorry, my computer was acting weird, so post came in late. Yeah.))
Glyde said in Pokemon, "Sneak attack on 3! 1... 2..."

Aria cried out, and looked at the ground. Tears flowed from her eyes like a waterfall. "I... failed... again..." She somberly strolled down the mountain, and sat down on Windfeather, who flew off.

I knew this would happen. I'm no good of a trainer. Her long pink hair flowed in the cold winds. I give up. I've been a trainer for six years and I still can't catch a stupid Pokémon...
"Windfeather, land in the forest."

The Staraptor was confused, but did as told.

Aria sent out all her Pokémon. "I... I'm sorry, guys. I can't do this."

Moonshadow tilted his head. "What are you saying?"

"Goodbye, everyone. I give up. I'm a dumb trainer." She dropped all their PokéBalls and slowly headed home.

"Wait!" Deadcloud cried, but she knew it would be no use chasing Aria.

Aria thought, First I lose the Lake Pokémon, then Onestar, and now this! It's too much...

It took a while, but she finally stepped into the door of her house. Her mother ignored her as she entered. When she climbed into her bed, there was one thought on her mind.

She could never be a trainer again.
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