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The Sex Industry and Prostitution

prostitutes have been prostituting since forever
it's not like they're going to stop

if it was legalized, they could enforce STD tests and shit and it would be so much safer
i don't quite understand why it's illegal either. i mean... it's not something that's looked very highly upon, but it's their bodies. they should be able to do whatever they want with it.
i don't quite understand why it's illegal either. i mean... it's not something that's looked very highly upon, but it's their bodies. they should be able to do whatever they want with it.
The big problem is that most of them don't want to do it, it's a last resource. Or in horrible cases they're forced into it, like most of the Amsterdam whores.
I'm all for legalizing it though if only so it's recognized as a proper job and they get health benefits and such.
i don't quite understand why it's illegal either. i mean... it's not something that's looked very highly upon, but it's their bodies. they should be able to do whatever they want with it.
True, but if all you have to do is have sex with people (I know its more complicated than that, it can be a scary job, etc., but still.) to get paid, it wouldn't be fair to the people who don't do that and are married, chaste, dignified, asexual, people who aren't pretty enough, might make less than them.
Another thing I don't think is fair is the people who'd use prostitutes. Not only are they depriving themselves of relationships, they are depriving the prostitutes of real relationships with people. That, and those people are paying for something that should be personal, and proving that if you have enough money you can do anything. All parties are desperate, and desperation shouldn't be a reason for sex, because then it becomes a vice. And vices are very hard to get rid of. Not to mention that it leads to the objectifying and putting a price on people, not unlike slavery.
Then there is the people who make profit from porn and related things. Is it right that they're putting a price on sexual arousal? That they're taking money from desperate people. Its a very sleazy way of getting money...
Sex toys have a purpose, and some people who use them are a couple, I'm not exactly against them.
Outside of that, I don't believe sex or sexual arousal should be a commodity. Its absolutely despicable that someone is low enough to take money from people who are desperate enough to buy these things, and depressed enough to have no happiness outside of the few seconds of chemical induced happiness derived from their products.
I believe that people this desperate or depressed need help, not have their money taken from them.
You're talking like prostitutes wait for people to pass by and jump on them saying FUCK ME OR I'LL KILL YOU. The costumers aren't the victims! No one should be a victim, and if proper regulations are put in place, no one would be. No one is forcing a punter to buy sex, they do it for whatever reason (no relationship, relationship with chaste, dignified, asexual person, relationship with asexual person who is okay with them going whoring, weird fetish, closet gay, etc) and hey, it's their problem. The prostitue provides a service. Blaming them is like morbidly obese people who blame the fast food industry and not themselves, it's a stupid excuse.

And you can have a relationship and go to the red light district? I mean, it's not very common, but if you just don't have any sexual chemistry with someone but still love them then hey.

Seriously if you regulate and tax prostitution it'll be like any other job, it's just looked down upon because for some reason (*coughchurchcough*) people think sex is something shameful and perverted.
True, but if all you have to do is have sex with people (I know its more complicated than that, it can be a scary job, etc., but still.) to get paid

Do you have any idea what conditions most sex workers are subject to? How often violent crimes against them go completely ignored? I hate to say this, but until you've actually tried earning a living like that, shut the fuck up.

it wouldn't be fair to the people who don't do that and are married, chaste, dignified, asexual, people who aren't pretty enough, might make less than them.

I would like to correct an impression: sex workers don't make mountains of money. And even if they did, how exactly is it unfair? "Oh no, this person has decided for a career that I don't want/can't have, it's so unfair that they're making money :((". I guess you also think the amount surgeons get paid is unfair?
You're talking like prostitutes wait for people to pass by and jump on them saying FUCK ME OR I'LL KILL YOU. The costumers aren't the victims! No one should be a victim, and if proper regulations are put in place, no one would be. No one is forcing a punter to buy sex, they do it for whatever reason (no relationship, relationship with chaste, dignified, asexual person, relationship with asexual person who is okay with them going whoring, weird fetish, closet gay, etc) and hey, it's their problem. The prostitue provides a service. Blaming them is like morbidly obese people who blame the fast food industry and not themselves, it's a stupid excuse.
I'm not really sure what that has to do with my post or argument. Um.. can you explain how that has anything to do with what I said? I was condemning porn makers for taking advantage of desperate people, and how using something that I think should be special (is that old fashioned or weird to think sex should be between people who love each other?) like a drug, and how people who do business with prostitutes are using a person as a commodity, not unlike slavery. Umm... yeah.
Do you have any idea what conditions most sex workers are subject to? How often violent crimes against them go completely ignored? I hate to say this, but until you've actually tried earning a living like that, shut the fuck up.
I know its more complicated than that, it can be a scary job, etc.
Then why not, not do it? And if they have no other choice why not just illegalize it so as not put themselves in harm's way as the only way of getting money?
I would like to correct an impression: sex workers don't make mountains of money. And even if they did, how exactly is it unfair? "Oh no, this person has decided for a career that I don't want/can't have, it's so unfair that they're making money :((". I guess you also think the amount surgeons get paid is unfair?
I already know this already. I'm not sure if saving lives by surgery and having sex for money are similar concepts. Are they similar concepts? One requires many years of school, hand-eye coordination, many other things that comes with hard work. The other's top priority besides courage and practice is having a good body, something you get from being born. Even if we compare it to a low pay job like manual labor, you still have to work hard and have the right skill set. I think that unhealthy (STDs etc.), unsafe, dangerous of a job should not be legal and should not be the last option. I think manual labor or factory job or something else should be the last option for people. So instead of squabbling over whatever is above I'd like to ask you: With a job that people are often forced into that is unsafe and risky, why is it still legal?
And another thing, why did you ignore the rest of my post? There was more I said on the matter than that...
I think that unhealthy (STDs etc.), unsafe, dangerous of a job should not be legal and should not be the last option. I think manual labor or factory job or something else should be the last option for people. So instead of squabbling over whatever is above I'd like to ask you: With a job that people are often forced into that is unsafe and risky, why is it still legal?
~that's why you make it legal so it can be regulated~
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