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The silence game

Re: The silence game 7.0

*explains to Lapras that the Crawling Chaos is the same entity as that Dark Pharaoh guy*
*watches Yami, thinking of nightgaunts*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*peeks over PhaRaoH's shoulder*
*stares at drawing*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*asks the same question Yami Angel Christian asked*
*tells everyone to read my most recent "Grr" post*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*explains that nightgaunts are the faceless winged servants of a certain Elder God*
*realizes that Lovecraft was American*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*reads LL's Grrr post*
*screams: NO NO NOOOOO*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells everyone that all is not lost
*tells everyone that all is never lost*
*explains that I may not leave and if I do it definitely will not be permanent*
*congratulates myself for spelling stuff correctly*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*crosses fingers*
*thinks: I HATE it when people leave!*
*realizes that her statement is hypocritical because she took a 6-month-or-longer haitus*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*explains that I've had an amazing time here at TCoD and would never, ever permanently leave*
*takes 5 second hiatus*
*makes a Johnny Test reference*
*pulls an =P face, in an attempt to cheer everyone up*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*is glad you like it here*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*says the link dun work*
*screams in happiness anyways because she's pretty sure this means you're staying*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*fixes link*
*slaps face for getting the link wrong*
*blames keyboard*
*pulls an =D face*
*tells everyone to click the link once again*
*pulls an =P face*
*changes editor to that one with the acronym I can never remember*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*returns to consciousness*
*slaps Norm, explaining tha spongebob has no crew, and that killing The Yellow One is futile*
*Explains that he also has plans to take over the world, involving the creation of elves, moving the south pole and total knowledge of everything everyone does at all times*
*adds that there would be taxes for getting more kids than one*
*Gets starteled by ringing phone, throws it overboard in panic*

*The captain says that we're about 20 minutes from Hoenn*

(Orion Featherfoot a magical asassin/rouge, for any newcomers)
*appears suddenly in front of LL, then pulls a ._. face, only with more badass eyes*

(Gaeru, the "young" warrior of earth (is 25, which pretty much all of the characters included in my posts coincidentally are(ecxept for the captain), considered "young"?)

*meditates, lifting a couple of 2 tonne blocks of mud and dirt with magic*
*forms them into sculptures for the enjoyment of the crew*

*apologizes for the longest post ever*
*Looks at LL triumphantly*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*asks Nanab why he is looking at me triumphantly*
*asks for a response to the post*
*pulls an =D face*
*realises the events of that post are long-gone*
Last edited:
Re: The silence game 7.0

*is totally lost*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Didn't know how one could be silent in a thread*
*Now understands*
*Thinks you people are clever*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Runs away from "Ike"*
*wonders why he calls himself Ike because jaketiger1116 is a perfectly good name*
*gets it*
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