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The silence game

Re: The silence game 7.0

*explains about underleveled Walrein*
*wants a Walrein*
*restarts PMD2 out of frustration*
*wonders if I restarted the right PMD2 (I have 2 copies)*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*says how I used this Wonder Mail S generator*
*asks if anyone has a Wonder Mail S password they would like to share*
*panics because I think I got the URL wrong*
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Re: The silence game 7.0

*says I have some wonder mail S passwords from online I would like to share*
*VMs LuckyLapras about it*
*goes away*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*recieves VM*
*says LuckyLaprs isn't all caps and I was shouting that like the ALMIGHTY... THE POWERFUL... MAGIKARPWN!!*
*continues to attempt to get shinies on Black*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*apologizes about LuckyLaprs*
*mentions a shiny dustox named Toxicated that's up for trade if I can get the wifi set up*
*replies to VM*
*laughs for no reason at all*
*continues reading and playing soulsilver*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Says that Walrein are quite marvellous, and that LL and AA should look out in 3..2..1*

*Makes his most dramatic entrence yet, while explaining that he wasn't scared away, he simply went to get some poinsonous tea*
*Offers tea to LL and AA*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*refuses tea*
*says to get some cod*
*makes Orion eat tea and drink cod*
*continues to pwn a Lv 9 Pidove with a Lv 1 Timburr*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*takes tea but puts it away for later*
*wonders how LL pwns lv 9 pidoves with lv 1 timburrs*
*asks for some cod*
*runs away*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*says Lv 1 Timburr fainted*
*pwns Lv 9 Pidove with Lv 1 Tynamo*
*says Timburr knows Rock Slide because Daddy Bob knew it*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Is silent about things other than what the other people are silent about*
*Wins, if only just by a little bit*
*Realizes he doesn't really win*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*wonders who Daddy Bob is*
*figures it out*
*helps Ike calm down*
*gives Ike a tissue box*
*shouts something about cassowaries*
*runs out of the room*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*runs after AA*
*tells AA that Daddy Bob is my Timburr's father*
*asks if anybody has any shinies they don't want because I don't wanna battle straight after Christmas*
*offers a Lv 70 Volcarona and a Lv 50 Eelektross*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Wonders if anyone has ever found a Shiny on LeafGreen/FireRed as I have never even seen one on there...*

*Mutters how I've seen them everywhere else...*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Tells LL about a shiny male Dustox found named Toxicated with a Brave nature*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells Yami there are shinies on FRLG*
*says my brother encountered a shiny Geodude and my other brother encountered a shiny Rattata at the start of the game*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells LL that his brothers are really lucky*
*mentions a shiny male Dustox still up for trade*
*walks off to do something somewhere*
*comes back with tea and cod*
*complains about no newbies*
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Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells AA to look at my preferred pronoun or my conversation with Ulqi-Chan or Mowtom*
*screen messes up*
*says I won't have Wi-Fi until Christmas*
*says to hold that trade offer for a few months*
*asks what game*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*rushes back to edit post*
*says I will be flying later today*
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